Freescale公司的 MC34844/A 是集成了電源的10路LED背光驅動器,工作電壓7.0-28V,能驅動160個10路并聯的LED串。每串的電流匹配在±2%內,可通過I2C/SM總線接口進行編程。LED亮度調光256級,可編程到65,000:1 (256:1 PWM, 256:1 電流 DAC),集成的DC/DC轉換器效率為90%,MC34844每路LED電流多達50mA,MC34844A每路LED電流多達80mA,主要用在寬達43吋HDTV,筆記本電腦,GPS屏等。本文介紹了MC34844/A主要特性,方框圖,多種應用電路以及KIT34844AEPEVBE評估板主要特性,電路圖和材料清單。 10 Channel LED Backlight Driver with Integrated Power Supply The 34844/A is a high efficiency, LED driver for use in backlighting LCD displays from 10" to 20"+. Operating from supplies of 7.0 to 28 V, the MC34844/A is capable of driving up to 160 LEDs in 10 parallel strings. Current in the 10 strings is matched to within ±2%, and can be programmed via the I2C/SM Bus interface. The 34844/A also includes a Pulse Width Monitor (PWM) generator for LED dimming. The LEDs can be dimmed to one of 256 levels, programmed through the I2C/SM Bus interface. Up to 65,000:1 (256:1 PWM, 256:1 Current DAC) dimming ratio. The integrated boost converter generates the minimum output voltage required to keep all LEDs illuminated with the selected current, providing the highest efficiency possible. The 34844 has an integrated boost self-clocks at a default frequency of 600 kHz, but may be programmed via I2C to 150/300/600/1200 kHz. The PWM frequency can be set from 100 Hz to 25 kHz, or can be synchronized to an external input. If not synchronized to another source, the internal PWM rate outputs on the CK pin. This enables multiple devices to be synchronized together. The 34844A has a default boost frequency of 320 kHz, but may be programmed via I2C to 160/320/650/1300 kHz. The PWM frequency can be set from 110 Hz to 27 kHz, or can be synchronized to an external input. If not synchronized to another source, the internal PWM rate outputs on the CK pin. This enables multiple devices to be synchronized together. The 34844/A also supports optical/temperature closed loop operation and also features LED over-temperature protection, LED short protection, and LED open circuit protection. The IC also includes over-voltage protection, over-current protection, and under-voltage lockout. MC34844主要特性: •Input voltage of 7.0 to 28 V •2.5 A integrated boost FET •Up to 50 mA on the 34844 LED current per channel •Up to 80 mA on the 34844A LED current per channel •90% efficiency (DC: DC) •I2C/SM Bus interface •10 channel current mirror with ±2% current matching •Boost output voltage up to 60V, with Dynamic Headroom Control (DHC) •pWM frequency programmable or synchronizable from 100 to 25,000 Hz for the 34844 •pWM frequency programmable or synchronizable from 110 to 27,000 Hz for the 34844A •32-Ld 5x5x1.0mm TQFN Package MC34844應用: •Monitors and HDTV - up to 42 inch •personal Computer Notebooks •GPS Screens •Small screen Televisions 圖1。MC34844簡化方框圖 圖2。MC34844簡化應用框圖(SM總線模式) 圖3。MC34844A簡化應用框圖(人工模式) 圖4。MC34844人工模式應用電路圖(單線控制) 圖5。MC34844人工模式應用電路圖(兩線控制) 圖6。MC34844 SM總線模式應用電路圖 圖7。MC34844 SM主-從連接電路圖 圖8。MC34844A高輸出應用電路(人工模式):條件:VIN = 60-72V, VOUT = 120 V, 負載= 40S8P, ILED = 60 mA, OVP = 125 V, fSW = 300 KIT34844AEPEVBE評估板 The KIT34844AEPEVBE Evaluation board supports the 34844/A, which is a high efficiency, LED driver for use in backlighting LCD displays from 10" to 20"+. Operating from supplies of 7.0 to 28V, the MC34844/A is capable of driving up to 160 LEDs in 10 parallel strings. Current in the 10 strings is matched to within ±2%, and can be programmed via the I2C/SM Bus interface. The 34844/A also includes a Pulse Width Monitor (PWM) generator for LED dimming. The LEDs can be dimmed to one of 256 levels, programmed through the I2C/SM Bus interface. Up to 65,000:1 (256:1 PWM, 256:1 Current DAC) dimming ratio. The integrated boost converter generates the minimum output voltage required to keep all LEDs illuminated with the selected current, providing the highest efficiency possible. 圖9。KIT34844AEPEVBE評估板外形圖 KIT34844AEPEVBE評估板主要特性: Input voltage of 7.0 to 28V 2.5A integrated boost FET Up to 50 mA on the 34844 LED current per channel Up to 80 mA on the 34844A LED current per channel 90% efficiency (DC: DC) I2C/SM Bus interface 10 channel current mirror with ±2% current matching Boost output voltage up to 60V, with Dynamic Headroom Control (DHC) pWM frequency programmable or synchronizable from 100 to 25,000 Hz for the 34844 pWM frequency programmable or synchronizable from 110 to 27,000 Hz for the 34844A 32-Ld 5x5x1.0mm TQFN Package KIT34844AEPEVBE評估板工作參數: •Input Voltage (Vin) = 24V +/- 10% •LED Load = 16 Leds x 10 Channels •Expected Output Voltage (Vout) = around 47V •Duty Cycle = All range. •pWM Minimum Pulse Width = 400ns •LED Current = 60mA •HW OVP = 53V •Boost Frequency = 330KHz (Typ) •pWM Freq= 200 Hz to 25KHz (5V), or 100% Duty Cycle •Master Mode 圖10。KIT34844AEPEVBE評估板電路圖 KIT34844AEPEVBE評估板材料清單: 詳情請見: 來源:網絡 |