最近沒有時間看一些技術文檔,就把以前關注的東西寫下來,并把上一篇文章ORNL關于無線充電的材料補完,等自己也有些時間靜下心來把電動汽車與智能電網交互的故事寫寫清楚。 這個最初的構思是從2007年的《AdvAnced Power electronics And electric MAchinery ProgrAM》的年報之中的《Utilizing the Traction Drive Power Electronics System to Provide Plug-in Capability for HEVs》開始的,2008年《Using the Traction Drive Power Electronics System to Provide Plug-in Capability for Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs)》和2009《Using the Traction Drive Power Electronics System to Provide Plug-In Capability for Hybrid Electric Vehicles》年均有這個項目的文章存在。 更有趣的是在前面文章中介紹過的文章《Converter Topologies for Wired and Wireless Battery Chargers》之中有著3年的計劃。 FY11 objectives Complete the circuit simulation study of converter candidates for an integrated wired charger Produce a conceptual design for a 5 kW prototype by incorporating the simulation results on component requirements and performance data FY12 objectives Finalize design, build, and test a 5 kW integrated wired charger prototype FY13 objectives Refine the integrated wired charger design to improve power density by developing custom switch modules and high density converter packaging technologies FY14 objectives Refine the wireless charger prototype design to further performance improvements by incorporating advanced packaging technologies 如果把07,08和09也進行羅列的話: Objectives for FY 2007 — prove the concepts by circuit simulation studies — develop battery charging and mobile power generation control strategies, and — develop a conceptual design of a 55-kW prototype traction drive with charging and generation functions. Objectives for FY 2008 effort – Design, fabricate, and test an HEV power electronics system prototype comprised of a 55 kW motor inverter and a 30 kW generator inverter to evaluate its battery charging capability. – Characterize charging performance in terms of efficiency, power factor, and grid current harmonic distortion factor. Objectives for FY 2009 effort —Modify and test the hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) power electronics system prototype consisting of a 55 kW motor inverter and a 30 kW generator inverter to evaluate its mobile power generation capability. —Characterize mobile power generation efficiency performance. 這個項目的總體構思是非常有意思的,在傳統的HEV和PHEV系統之中,都是有一個引擎帶動的發電機存在的,將電網的交流電導入該馬達之中,可以盡可能的復用這個系統,比起增加一個單一的車載充電機而言,這無疑將直接降低成本和降低系統的復雜度: 這個項目在09年的測試效果非常有意思,以下是其發電效率曲線(一開始沒看明白,作為一個充電機,這玩意首要完成的任務是把AC變成DC,這里測試出來的竟然是輸出AC,把我驚到了),以當前90%的要求來看,將來是可以運用在停電場合的。 仔細翻了08年的,才發現08年已經將充電的效率整理出來了: 這樣一個一體式的玩意,既完成AC=》DC,也同時可以實現DC=》AC,真的非常牛,也非常有趣。 |