How To Remedy Your Career Regrets如何及時補救職業遺憾? 1. Choosing a job based on compensation alone 1. 僅根據薪水選工作 Remedy: Make a budget. If you don’t know how much money you need to live the lifestyle you feel comfortable with, you can’t accurately project whether switching jobs for a $10K pay bump is actually a good deal. Making a pros and cons list when comparing your current job with a new opportunity is also helpful. If the only advantage a job offers is a bigger pay check, you can weigh that against longer hours, a more onerous commute and increased reporting responsibilities. Keep in mind that research shows that increases in happiness based on earnings peak at about $75K. Incomes above this level don’t increase your feeling of well-being on a day-to-day basis. So, if you think a jump up to $85 or $90K will make you feel less morose when your alarm goes off, you might want to look at addressing some of the non-monetary factors in your life that are contributing to your dissatisfaction. 補救辦法: 做預算。 如果你不能估算需要多少錢才能過上令你感到舒適的生活,你就無法確切地知道為了1萬美元薪水而換工作是否真的劃算。在比較新、舊工作時,列出各自的優缺點,這會對你很有幫助。如果新工作只是薪水更高一點,那么你可以比較下這個工作是否要求更長的工作時間和完成更多的工作任務。請記住,調查表明:年收入在7.5萬美元以內,幸福感會隨著薪水的增加而增加,但是一旦薪水超過這個水平,幸福感的增加便不再明顯。因此,如果你認為薪水增加到8.5萬或9萬美元會使你更加快樂,這時你或許應該著手解決生活中那些與金錢無關而引起的不快樂。 2. Staying too long in a job that you want to leave 2. 在原來工作崗位上呆太久了 Remedy: The tricky aspect of this regret is that it’s typically rooted in hindsight. Only after you’ve left the job and have moved on to something better, do you start beating yourself up for not making the leap sooner, even if it hadn’t been practical or possible. What you can do is to identify the factors that kept you in your former position as red flags to be aware of in the future and work to line up supports that will allow you to more quickly capitalize on other opportunities as they may present themselves. This could include reviewing and updating your resume with new accomplishments on a monthly or quarterly basis, keeping your LinkedIn account current, building up a contingency fund to allow you to feel less tethered to your current pay check and staying in the loop on industry news and gossip to be aware of where your skills and experience could be of value. 補救辦法:這種遺憾的棘手之處在于,它通常是后知后覺的。只有在你已經離開這個崗位并找到了更好的工作之后,你才會開始后悔為什么沒有早點跳槽,即使這原本是不切實際的想法。你能做的就是找到使你留在這個崗位的理由,作為以后提醒自己的信號。另外,你還要通過各種途徑使自己可以在機遇出現的時候能夠快速抓住它,比如你可以按月或按季度重新審視自己并用新的成果來更新你的簡歷;同步更新在LinkedIn上的信息;準備應急資金以減輕你對當前工作的依賴;了解業內最新消息,以便知道自己可以在哪里大展拳腳。 3. Not starting your own business 3. 沒有開始創業 Remedy: While the idea of being your own boss is an attractive one, not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur. Being responsible for your own success, creating a legacy for your family and improving the lives of clients and customers certainly sounds romantic, but what about the long hours, the lack of leisure time, the risk of financial failure, the fact that you’re the boss, entry-level employee, marketer, accountant and janitor all rolled into one? If you value job stability, prefer a singular focus over multi-tasking, aren’t particularly comfortable with risk and can’t imagine yourself hustling for new business on a daily basis, the entrepreneurial lifestyle isn’t for you. 補救辦法:雖然自己當老板的想法很誘人,但并不是每個人都適合創業。創造屬于自己的事業,讓家人過上幸福生活,改善顧客的生活,這些聽起來肯定很浪漫,但漫長的工作時間、沒有閑暇時間、承擔資金風險,身兼老板、職員、營銷人員、會計和門衛等多個職位于一身,這些你能承受嗎?如果你喜歡穩定的工作和專注于某項具體任務而不是身兼多職,又或者你不喜歡冒險,你就無法想象整天為工作忙碌的生活。如果你屬于以上情況,那么創業并不適合你。 4. Slacking at school 4. 學業沒有學好 Remedy: This is another hindsight-based regret that you can’t cure without a time machine. The years, energy and dollars you spent on your degree are sunk costs. You can’t do anything about your past academic track record, but you can identify the areas in which you think you fell short in your college days and figure out how to augment those shortcomings in the present. For example, if you feel you didn’t do enough networking outside of the classroom, you might consider joining an alumni group or make a greater effort to participate in professional associations in your field. If you regret skipping your 8:00 AM managerial accounting class and mourn how useful those concepts would be to you now, check out the continuing ed options at your nearest community college. 補救辦法:這也是一個后知后覺的遺憾,沒有時間機器是無法解決的。你在學業上花費的時間、精力和金錢是既定成本。你無法改變以前的學業情況,但可以找出自己在大學期間沒有學好的課程,然后想辦法從現在開始彌補。例如,如果你覺得自己在課堂外的社交有所不足,你可以考慮加入校友協會,或者努力地融入到你所在領域的行業協會。如果你后悔錯過了早上八點鐘的管理會計課程,悲嘆這些知識現在對你多么重要,那么你可以看看附近社區大學的這類課程。 5. Lacking confidence in your career intuition 5. 對自己的職業直覺缺乏信心 Remedy: When we make a major decision such as accepting (or turning down) a job offer, we tend to exercise confirmation bias. If we think we made a good choice, we prioritize information that supports this view and if we fear we’ve made a mistake, we zero in on intel or impressions that reinforce this gut feeling. If you habitually doubt your competence when it comes to making career decisions, the issue is less about the subjective quality of your past choices and more about building confidence in your ability to guide your career in a satisfying direction and exert some degree of control over the outcomes of your choices. Addressing this could involve recalling the circumstances under which you made a particular choice and the priorities you held at the time and noting how they differ from the circumstances and priorities under which you’re evaluating those decisions. It could also involve working with a career coach to identify patterns in your decision-making and to help you bolster areas in which you’d like to increase your confidence – risk taking or negotiation, for example. 補救辦法:當我們在做出重大決定時,例如接受(或拒絕)工作邀請時,我們往往會受到信息性偏見的影響。如果我們認為自己做出了正確的選擇,就首先會想到那些支持這種想法的信息。但如果我們擔心自己犯了錯誤,我們的潛意識就會增強這種直覺。在做出工作的決定時,如果你習慣性地懷疑自己的能力,這個問題不在于你以前所做的職業選擇是否正確,而在于你需要建立自信,相信自己有能力選擇讓自己滿意的職業,并對結果有一定的把握。若要解決這個問題,需要回憶你在做出這個選擇時所處的環境和當時你所優先考慮的因素,然后看看現在所處的環境和優先考慮的因素是否發生了變化。此外還要與職業顧問合作,理清工作決策,幫助你增強進入新領域的信心、承擔風險和談判的能力。