發帖人 andrew_audova 開啟 2013-7-14 0:06:21 Some of the files under the WDIR (for example: user.cns) are not compatible with all versions of SDD (EE/BSXE/PADS/IND) Flow software, and in some cases can actually cause applications to crash. For this reason it is advisable to maintain a different WDIR location for each release. Here is a simple technique for doing so: Create a Configurator.ini file. Place this file in a folder of your choice, although C:\MentorGraphics\win32 is a good and simple to find location (same directory as the Configurator.exe). See below format, which will create a C:\WDIR\ All three lines must appear in order for the WDIR to get set correctly. Change the MGLS_LICENSE_FILE to the port@host (or local file path) for your licensing environment. [defaults] MGLS_LICENSE_FILE=1717@myServer WDIR=c:\WDIR\%SDD_VERSION%;%SDD_HOME%\standard Create a CFGR_INI environment variable and set it to the full location of the Configurator.ini file. For example: CFGR_INI = C:\MentorGraphics\win32\Configurator.ini How to set or edit an environment variable on Windows With this setup in place, every time you run the Configurator to switch versions the WDIR will change to the appropriate release-specific folder. For more details and other WDIR switching techniques, refer to pages 98-104 of the attached Managing Mentor Graphics Systems Software (EE7.9.5) manual. |