今天手工做了自己第一張思維導圖,需要進一步完善,在這里先曬一下。同時也需要介紹一下這篇文章《Application of System Safety Engineering Processes to Advanced Battery Safety》by Galen Ressler。 摘要為: The battery system in the Chevrolet Volt is very complex and must balance a variety of performance criteria, including the safety of vehicle occupants and other users. In order to assure a thorough approach to battery system safety, a system safety engineering process was applied and found to provide a useful framework. This methodical approach began with the preliminary hazard analysis and continued through requirements definition, design development and, finally, validation. Potentially hazardous conditions related directly to functional safety (for example, charge control) and primary physical safety (for example, short circuit conditions) can all be addressed in this manner. Typical battery abuse testing, as well as newly defined limit testing, supported the effort. Extensive documentation, traceability and peer reviews helped to verify that all issues were addressed. A description of the process which was followed, specific examples of its application and recommendations for future refinement of the approach are provided. 簡評: 這篇文章從電池安全概念開始講起,主要區分了電池系統的危害的幾個分類:功能安全條件、非功能安全條件,首要危害。并提出了一套與ISO2626與汽車系統/子系統開發流程兼容的安全流程,并在每一步打入子系統/部件的開發過程之中。其中對于初步危害分析、安全需求兩部分著重進行了敘述。這兩部分,同時可參考ISO26262-2和ISO26262-3。 系統安全在大規模量產部件中的應用,其實是真正一個比較難攻克的問題,這篇文章提出了一種思路。至少在我看得懂的論文里面(日本汽車產業的日文類和德國汽車產業德文的我一直很感興趣,可是語言的障礙還是太大,靠那些車企在北美分部寫的文章,實在是杯水車薪)。 |