ADI公司的ADXL362是微功耗三軸MEMS加速度計,數字輸出,加速度范圍為±2/±4/±8 g, 工作電壓1.8V-3.3V,電源電壓2V和100Hz輸出數據速率時的功耗為2μA,運動觸發叫醒模式的功耗為300nA,器件提供12位輸出分辨率,8位格式的數據,在±2 g范圍的分辨率為1 mg/LSB,主要用在助聽器,家庭保健設備,運動使能電源開關,無線傳感器和運動使能計量設備.本文介紹了ADXL362主要特性, ADXL362功能方框圖以及評估板EVAL-ADXL362Z主要特性和電路圖. ADXL362器件不同于其他加速度計,使用功率負載循環以實現低功耗,ADXL362器件并不通過低采樣來混淆輸入信號,它對傳感器的全帶寬,所有的數據速率進行采樣。 ADXL362一直提供12位的輸出分辨率,當較低的分辨率足夠時,ADXL362還提供8位格式的數據用于更有效的單字節傳輸。其測量范圍為±2g,±4 g,±8g,其±2 g范圍內的分辨率為1 mg/LSB。 在噪音要求低于ADXL362的正常550μg/7Hz時,可以任意選擇一個低噪音模式(低于175μg/7Hz典型),其電源電流增加小。 除了其超低的功耗,ADXL362還具有許多功能,使其系統級功耗降低。 該器件包括了多模輸出FIFO,一個內置的微功率溫度傳感器,和幾個活動檢測模式,包括,可調閾值睡眠和喚醒操作,可以在300 nA ,6Hz(近似)測量速率運行。如果需要,它的一個引腳輸可直接控制外部開關。此外,DXL362還具有采樣時間或外部時鐘的外部控制。 ![]() 圖1 ADXL362功能方框圖 ![]() 圖2 評估板EVAL-ADXL362Z電路圖 ADXL362具有寬電源電壓范圍,1.6 V~3.6 V。如有必要,可以接口連接一個單獨的,更低的電源電壓。 ADXL362為3mm×3.25mm×1.06mm封裝。 ADXL362主要特性 •超低功耗 •電力可以來自紐扣電池 • 1.8μA,100Hz ODR,2.0V供電 • 3.0μA,400Hz ODR,2.0V供電 • 300nA運動激活喚醒模式 • 10nA的待機電流 •系統級內置省電功能 –運動激活可調閾值睡眠/喚醒模式 –自治中斷處理,而不需要微控制器的干預,使系統其余部分完全關閉 –深嵌入式FIFO減少主機處理器的負載 •最低噪音175 μg/Hz •寬電源電壓和I/O電壓范圍:1.6 V~3.6 V •可用1.8V~3.3V電源軌 •通過外部觸發,加速采樣同步 •片上溫度傳感器 • SPI數字接口 •通過SPI命令選擇測量范圍 •小而薄的3mm×3.25mm×1.06mm封裝 ADXL362應用 •助聽器 •家庭醫療保健設備 •運動啟動的節電開關 •無線傳感器 •運動啟動的計量裝置 ![]() 圖3 評估板EVAL-ADXL362Z衛星板電路圖 評估板EVAL-ADXL362Z EVAL-ADXL362Z是一個簡單的接口板,可以將ADXL362微功率,3軸,數字輸出MEMS加速度計,輕松連接到現有的系統。由于其體積小,EVAL-ADXL362Z對系統的性能和加速度計的影響很小,因此,它是現有的系統ADXL362評估的理想選擇。需要注意,ADXL362必須通過SPI進行數字通信。EVAL-ADXL362Z沒有處理器,外部固件必須由用戶提供。 EVAL-ADXL362Z-MLP是一個完整的系統,用于ADXL362微功率,3軸,數字輸出MEMS加速度計的實時評價。該系統具有圖形用戶界面(GUI),便于評價參數,如功耗,溫度系數,噪聲等。該系統包括一個主板和一個衛星板。傳感器被安置在衛星板上的插座上,使得一個評估體系可以進行多個部件的評估。 如要完整的系統,請訂購EVAL-ADXL362Z-MLP。此套件包括主板,衛星電路板,加速度計和電纜。使用零件編號EVAL-ADXL362Z-S,可以訂購衛星電路板套件。衛星套件訂單包括衛星電路板和加速度計。 ADXL362: Micropower 3-Axis MEMS Accelerometer: Digital Output, ±2/±4/±8 g Range The ADXL362 is an ultra-low power 3-axis MEMS accelerometer that consumes less than 2 μA at a 100 Hz output data rate, and 300 nA in motion-triggered Wake-Up Mode. Unlike accelerometers that use power duty cycling to achieve low power consumption, the ADXL362 does not alias input signals by undersampling; it samples the sensor’s full bandwidth at all data rates. The ADXL362 always provides 12-bit output resolution; 8-bit formatted data is also provided for more efficient single-byte transfers when a lower resolution is sufficient. Measurement ranges of ±2 g, ±4 g, and ±8 g are available, with a resolution of 1 mg/LSB on the ±2 g range. For applications where a noise level lower than the ADXL362’s normal 550 μg/7Hz is desired, either of two lower noise modes (down to 175 μg/7Hz typ) may be selected at minimal increase in supply current. In addition to its ultra-low power consumption, the ADXL362 has many features to enable true system-level power reduction. It includes a deep multimode output FIFO, a built-in micropower temperature sensor, and several activity detection modes including adjustable-threshold sleep and wakeup operation that can run as low as 300 nA at a 6 Hz (approximate) measurement rate. A pin output is provided to directly control an external switch when activity is detected if desired. In addition, the ADXL362 has provisions for external control of sampling time and/or an external clock. The ADXL362 operates on a wide 1.6 V to 3.6 V supply range, and can interface, if necessary, to a host operating on a separate, lower supply voltage. The ADXL362 is available in a 3 mm × 3.25 mm × 1.06 mm package. ADXL362主要特性: Ultra low power Power can be derived from coin cell battery 1.8 μA @ 100 Hz ODR, 2.0V supply 3.0 μA @ 400 Hz ODR, 2.0V supply 300 nA motion-activated Wake-up Mode 10nA Standby Current Built-in features for system-level power savings: Adjustable-threshold sleep/wake modes for motion activation Autonomous interrupt processing without need for microcontroller intervention, so the rest of the system can be turned off completely Deep embedded FIFO minimizes host processor load Awake state output enables implementation of standalone motion-activated switch High resolution of 1 mg/LSB Low noise down to 175 μg/@Hz Wide supply and I/O voltage ranges: 1.6 V to 3.6 V Operates off 1.8V to 3.3V rails Acceleration sample synchronization via external trigger On-chip temperature sensor SPI digital interface Measurement ranges selectable via SPI command Small and thin 3 mm × 3.25 mm × 1.06 mm package ADXL362應用: Hearing aids Home healthcare devices Motion-enabled power save switch Wireless sensors Motion-enabled metering devices ![]() 圖1. ADXL362功能方框圖 ADXL362評估板EVAL-ADXL362Z The EVAL-ADXL362Z is a simple breakout board that enables easy connection of an ADXL362 micropower, 3-axis, digital-output MEMS accelerometer into an existing system. Due to its small size, the EVAL-ADXL362Z has minimal effect on performance of the system and of the accelerometer, and thus it is ideal for evaluation of the ADXL362 in an existing system. Note that the ADXL362 must be communicated with digitally via SPI. No processor is included with the EVAL-ADXL362Z; firmware must be supplied externally by the user. Some sample firmware is available at the link below: The EVAL-ADXL362Z-MLP is a complete system for real-time evaluation of the ADXL362 micropower, 3-axis, digital-ouptut MEMS accelerometer. This system is accompanied by a graphical user interface (GUI) that facilitates evaluation of parameters such as power consumption, temperature coefficient, noise, and more. The system consists of a motherboard and a satellite board. The sensor is housed in a socket on the satellite board, enabling evaluation of multiple parts using one evaluation system. To order the complete system, order the EVAL-ADXL362Z-MLP. This kit includes a motherboard, satellite board, accelerometer, and cables. Additional satellite board kits can be ordered using the part number EVAL-ADXL362Z-S. Satellite kit orders include a satellite board and an accelerometer. ![]() 圖2. 評估板EVAL-ADXL362Z外形圖 ![]() 圖3.評估板EVAL-ADXL362Z電路圖 ![]() 圖4.評估板EVAL-ADXL362Z衛星板電路圖 詳情請見: ![]() ![]() ![]() 來源;網絡 |