Mistral公司的CraneBoard開發板是基于TI公司AM3517 Sitara™ ARM® Cortex™-A8微處理器的低成本開源硬件開發平臺,提供強健的處理器性能如3D圖像加速和現有低成本開發板所沒有的外設如DDR2, CAN, EMAC和USB OTG PHY,非常適合工業控制應用.本文介紹了TI AM3517/05主要特性,方框圖,以及AM3517 CraneBoard開發板主要特性和功能,詳細電路圖,PCB元件布局圖和材料清單. AM3517/05 is a high-performance ARM Cortex-A8 microprocessor with speeds up to 600 MHz. The device offers 3D graphics acceleration while also supporting numerous peripherals, including DDR2, CAN, EMAC, and USB OTG PHY that are well suited for industrial apllications. The processor can support other applications, including: • Single Board Computers • Home and Industrial automation • Human Machine Interface The device supports high-level operating systems (OSs), such as: • Linux • Windows CE • Android™The following subsystems are part of the device: • Microprocessor unit (MPU) subsystem based on the ARM Cortex-A8 microprocessor • POWERVR SGX™ Graphics Accelerator (AM3517 Device only) Subsystem for 3D graphics acceleration to support display and gaming effects • Display subsystem with several features for multiple concurrent image manipulation, and a programmable interface supporting a wide variety of displays. The display subsystem also supports NTSC/PAL video out. • High performance interconnects provide high-bandwidth data transfers for multiple initiators to the internal and external memory controllers and to on-chip peripherals. The device also offers a comprehensive clock-management scheme. AM3517/05 devices are available in a 491-pin BGA package and a 484-pin PBGA package. AM3517/05主要特性: 圖1.AM3517/05功能方框圖 The AM3517 is much like the OMAP3530, but includes on-chip 3.3V I/Os, Ethernet, CAN, and USB PHY. These design materials include support for power-over-Ethernet. ARM Cortex™-A8-based open source development board supports broad range of differentiated peripherals, large software ecosystem and offers collaboration with BeagleBoard.org community. AM3517 CraneBoard開發板 The CraneBoard is a low-cost, open-source hardware development platform based on the AM3517 Sitara™ ARM® Cortex™-A8 microprocessor. The CraneBoard provides robust processor performance while delivering integrated peripherals not found on existing low-cost development boards. 圖2.AM3517 CraneBoard開發板外形圖 AM3517 CraneBoard開發板主要特性和功能: AM3517 Sitara ARM Cortex-A8 – 600MHz Integrated 3D Graphics Accelerator Support for on-chip peripherals: 10/100 EMAC USB OTG utilizing on-processor PHY 3.3V I/O CAN DDR2 Power over Ethernet and other power options including USB and DC Fully open-source four-layer PCB Fully Open Source Linux Board Support package (2.6.32) Based on existing AM3517 Sitara ARM evaluation module (EVM) software All software available via GIT Arago File System Flashing tool and board diagnostics Ethernet / Power Over Ethernet (POE) utilizing on-processor 10/100 EMAC DVI-D (HDMI Connector) RS-232 JTAG TV Out (CVBS) Expansion 圖3.AM3517 CraneBoard開發板電路圖(1) 圖4.AM3517 CraneBoard開發板電路圖(2) 圖5.AM3517 CraneBoard開發板電路圖(3) 圖6.AM3517 CraneBoard開發板電路圖(4) 圖7.AM3517 CraneBoard開發板電路圖(5) 圖8.AM3517 CraneBoard開發板電路圖(6) 圖9.AM3517 CraneBoard開發板電路圖(7) 圖10.AM3517 CraneBoard開發板電路圖(8) 圖11.AM3517 CraneBoard開發板電路圖(9) 圖12.AM3517 CraneBoard開發板電路圖(10) 圖13.AM3517 CraneBoard開發板電路圖(11) 圖14.AM3517 CraneBoard開發板電路圖(12) 圖15.AM3517 CraneBoard開發板PCB元件布局圖(頂層) 圖16.AM3517 CraneBoard開發板PCB元件布局圖(底層) AM3517 CraneBoard開發板材料清單見: 詳情請見: 來源:網絡 |