NXP公司的SSL21084 是GreenChip LED照明驅動器,輸入電壓230VAC,效率高達95%,驅動器集成了600V功率MOSFET,具有欠壓保護(UVLO),前沿消隱(LEB),過流保護(OCP),繞組短路保護(SWP)以及超溫保護(OTP),主要用在LED照明.本文介紹了SSL2108X系列主要特性格和優勢,方框圖, 基本應用電路圖, 降壓轉換器配置圖以及SSL21084參考板主要指標,電路圖,材料清單和PCB布局圖. The SSL2108X is a range of high-voltage Integrated Circuits (ICs), intended to drive LED lamps in general lighting applications. The main benefits of the product family are: •Small Printed-Circuit Board (PCB) footprint, and compact solution •High efficiency (up to 95 %) •Ease of integration •Low electronic Bill Of Material (BOM) The product family is made of ICs with a range of internal HV switches for easy power scaling. The ICs work as boundary conduction mode converters, typically in buck configuration. The IC range has been designed to start up directly from the HV supply by an internal high-voltage current source. Thereafter, the dV/dt supply is used with capacitive coupling from the drain, or any other auxiliary supply. This functionality provides full flexibility in the application design. The IC consumes 1.3 mA of supply current with an internal clamp limiting the supply voltage. The ICs provide accurate output current control with LED current accuracy within 5%. The ICs can be operated using Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) dimming and has many protection features including easy LED temperature feedback. SSL2108X系列主要特性格和優勢: LED driver IC family driving strings of LEDs from a rectified mains supply High-efficiency switch mode buck driver product family: Drivers with integrated 300 V (SSL21081 and SSL21082) or 600 V (SSL21083 and SSL21084) power switches Controller with power-efficient boundary conduction mode of operation with: No reverse recovery losses in freewheel diode Zero Current Switching (ZCS) for turn-on of switch Zero voltage or valley switching for turn-on of switch Minimal required inductance value and size Direct PWM dimming possible Fast transient response through cycle-by-cycle current control: Negligible AC mains ripple at LED current and minimal total capacitor value No over or undershoots in the LED current No binning on LED forward voltage required Internal Protections: UnderVoltage LockOut (UVLO) Leading-Edge Blanking (LEB) OverCurrent Protection (OCP) Short-Winding Protection (SWP) Internal OverTemperature Protection (OTP) Brownout protection Output Short Protection (OSP) Low component count (see Figure 4) LED driver solution: No Schottky diode required due to ZCS No dim switch and high-side driver required for PWM dimming Easy external temperature protection with a single NTC resistor Option for soft-start function Compatible with wall switches with built-in indication light during standby1 IC lifetime easily matches or surpasses LED lamp lifetime SSL2108X系列應用: SSL2108X products are intended for compact LED lighting applications with accurate fixed current output for single mains input voltages. Mains input voltages include 100 V, 120 V and 230 V (AC). The output signal can be modulated using a PWM signal. 圖1.SSL2108X系列方框圖 圖2.SSL2108X系列基本應用電路圖 圖3.SSL21082/4降壓轉換器配置圖 SSL21084參考板 This document describes the performance, technical data and the connection of the SSL21084 reference board. The SSL2108 series is an NXP Semiconductors driver IC intended to provide a low cost, small form factor LED driver. This board is intended to operate at 230 V (AC), using an output voltage of 30 V or more. The board is optimized for a 230 V (AC, 50 Hz) mains supply. In addition to the mains voltage optimization, the board is designed to work with multiple LEDs or an LED module with a high forward voltage. Mains connection of this reference board is different from other general evaluation/demo boards. Connect the mains to the screw connector J6. 圖4.SSL21084參考板外形圖 SSL21084參考板主要指標: 圖5.SSL21084參考板電路圖 SSL21084參考板材料清單: 圖6.SSL21084參考板PCB布局圖:左,底層;右,頂層 詳情請見: |