NXP 公司的TEA1713集成了PFC控制器和半橋諧振轉換器(HBC),通用火線輸入電壓70 V到276 V (AC),具有過流保護(OCP),過壓保護(OVP)和去磁傳感,保證在所有條件下安全工作。HBC控制器集成了高壓電壓轉移器,半橋開關頻率最大為500kHz,自適應的非重疊時間和突發模式開關,主要用在LCD TV,等離子電視和適配器。本文介紹了TEA1713主要特性,方框圖,應用框圖和250W LCD TV與70W 筆記本電腦適配器電源電路圖,以及采用TEA1713和TEA1795 150W一體化PC適配器電路圖,材料清單。 TEA1713 and TEA1795 demo board for 150 W all-in-one PC adapter The TEA1713 integrates a Power Factor Corrector (PFC) controller and a controller for a Half-Bridge resonant Converter (HBC) in a multi-chip IC. It provides the drive function for the discrete MOSFET in an up-converter and for the two discrete power MOSFETs in a resonant half-bridge configuration. The efficient operation of the PFC is achieved by implementing functions such as quasi-resonant operation at high power levels and quasi-resonant operation with valley skipping at lower power levels. OverCurrent Protection (OCP), OverVoltage Protection (OVP), and demagnetization sensing ensure safe operation under all conditions. The HBC module is a is a high-voltage controller for a zero-voltage switching LLC resonant converter. It contains a high-voltage level shift circuit and several protection circuits including OCP, open-loop protection, capacitive mode protection and a general purpose latched protection input. The high-voltage chip is fabricated using a proprietary high-voltage Bipolar-CMOS-DMOS power logic process that enables efficient direct start-up from the rectified universal mains voltage. The low-voltage Silicon On Insulator (SOI) chip is used for accurate, high-speed protection functions and control. The topology of a PFC circuit and a resonant converter controlled by the TEA1713 is very flexible, enabling it to be used in a broad range of applications with a wide mains voltage range. Combining PFC and HBC controllers in a single IC makes the TEA1713 ideal for controlling power supplies in LCD and plasma televisions. Highly efficient and reliable power supplies providing over 100 W can be designed easily using the TEA1713, with a minimum of external components. TEA1713主要特性: 1. General features Integrated PFC and HBC controllers Universal mains supply operation (70 V to 276 V (AC)) High level of integration resulting in a low external component count and a cost effective design Enable input (enable only PFC or both PFC and HBC controllers) On-chip high-voltage start-up source Stand-alone operation or IC supplied from external DC source 2.PFC controller features Boundary mode operation with on-time control Valley/zero voltage switching for minimum switching losses Frequency limiting to reduce switching losses Accurate boost voltage regulation Burst mode switching with soft start and soft stop 3.HBC controller features Integrated high-voltage level shifter Adjustable minimum and maximum frequency Maximum 500 kHz half-bridge switching frequency Adaptive non-overlap time Burst mode switching 4. Protection features Safe restart mode for system fault conditions General latched protection input for output overvoltage protection or external temperature protection Protection timer for time-out and restart Overtemperature protection Soft (re)start for both controllers Undervoltage protection for mains (brownout), boost, IC supply and output voltage Overcurrent regulation and protection for both controllers Accurate overvoltage protection for boost voltage Capacitive mode protection for HBC controller TEA1713應用: LCD television Plasma television Adapters 圖1。TEA1713方框圖 圖2。TEA1713內部電源框圖 圖3。TEA1713應用框圖 圖4。TEA1713 250W LCD TV電源電路圖(1) 圖5。TEA1713 250W LCD TV電源電路圖(2) 圖6。TEA1713 250W LCD TV電源電路圖(3) 圖7。TEA1713 70W 筆記本電腦適配器電源電路圖(1) 圖8。TEA1713 70W 筆記本電腦適配器電源電路圖(2) 采用TEA1713和TEA1795 150W一體化PC適配器 The purpose of the demo board is to demonstrate the operation of the TEA1713T and TEA1795T in a single output supply including burst mode operation. The performance is according today’s general standards and can be used as a starting point for further development. 圖9。150W一體化PC適配器外形圖 圖10。150W一體化PC適配器外形圖(PFC部分) 圖11。150W一體化PC適配器外形圖(HBC部分) 圖12。150W一體化PC適配器PCB布局圖(頂層) 150W一體化PC適配器材料清單 詳情請見: |