Linear公司的LTC2991是八路I2C串口的系統電壓,電流和溫度監測器,溫度測量精度為0.7度C,分辨率為0.06度C,PWM溫度輸出,采用14位ADC來測量電壓/電流,工作電壓3V到5.5V,內部有10ppm/℃的基準電壓,主要用在溫度測量,電源監測,電流測量,遙控數據采集和環境監測.本文介紹了LTC2991主要特性,方框圖,以及包括馬達保護和調整電路, 計算機電壓和溫度監測電路與電池監測電路在內的多種應用電路. LTC2991: Octal I2C Voltage, Current, and Temperature Monitor The LTC.2991 is used to monitor system temperatures, voltages and currents. Through the I2C serial interface, the eight monitors can individually measure supply voltages and can be paired for differential measurements of current sense resistors or temperature sensing transistors. Additional measurements include internal temperature and internal VCC. The internal 10ppm reference minimizes the number of supporting components and area required.Selectable address and configurable functionality give the LTC2991 flexibility to be incorporated in various systems needing temperature, voltage or current data. The LTC2991 fits well in systems needing submillivolt voltage resolution, 1% current measurement and 1℃ temperature accuracy or any combination of the three. LTC2991主要特性: Measures Voltage, Current, Temperature Measures Four Remote Diode Temperatures 0.7℃ (Typ) Accuracy, 0.06℃ Resolution 1℃ (Typ) Internal Temperature Sensor Series Resistance Cancellation 14-Bit ADC Measures Voltage/Current PWM Temperature Output 3V to 5.5V Supply Operating Voltage Eight Selectable Addresses Internal 10ppm/℃ Voltage Reference V1 to V8 Inputs ESD Rated to 6kV HBM 16-Lead MSOP Package LTC2991應用: Temperature Measurement Supply Voltage Monitoring Current Measurement Remote Data Acquisition Environmental Monitoring 圖1.LTC2991方框圖 圖2.LTC2991典型應用電路圖 圖3.LTC2991高電壓/電流和溫度監測電路圖 圖4.LTC2991計算機電壓和溫度監測電路圖 圖5.LTC2991馬達保護和調整電路圖 圖6.LTC2991大型馬達保護和調整電路圖 圖7.LTC2991風扇/空氣過濾器/溫度告警電路圖 圖8.LTC2991電池監測電路圖 圖9.干濕球濕度計電路 圖10.風向標電路 圖11.帶電源監視的烤箱控制電路 圖12.帶擴展ESD性能的溫度遙測電路 圖13.采用LTC2991一路和雙線對的四路溫度遙測電路 詳情請見: |