MathWorks has brought together our most popular examples in one mixed-signal library. The library contains blocks, examples, and tutorials—all with full help—to enable you to build and verify your mixed-signal systems in Simulink. The latest version of the library (version 3.2) provides some minor bug fixes from previous versions. What you can do with the mixed-signal library Build SERDES, ADC, PLL, digital predistortion, and switched-mode power supply models Easily combine analog and digital blocks in the same Simulink model to rapidly simulate mixed-signal systems Build fast behavioral models and evolve them to circuit simulations Link the mixed-signal library to SPICE modeling tools from Cadence and other vendors What's in the library 52 blocks for use with Simulink, including clock recovery, loop filter, VCO, jitter measurement, op-amp, and Ebers-Moll 39 examples, featuring SERDES, ADC, digital predistortion, PLL, signal integrity, switched-mode power supply, and more Behavioral and circuit modeling blocks and examples Tutorials covering ADC, PLL, and digital predistortion Help for every block, including guides for getting started, tutorials, mixed-signal resources, and next steps To make the mixed-signal library easy to use, it fully integrates with Simulink. The blocks and examples appear in the Simulink Library Browser—just the same as any blockset or system toolbox. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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