AMD R-Series 嵌入式高效能的R系列“R-Series”整合式芯片組設計除了實現高畫質視覺體驗,而且尺寸更輕薄、耗電量和成本更低,面向數字廣告牌、x86機頂盒、IP電視、信息亭、POS中端、數字賭場應用等設備,甚至提款機等系統皆可因此獲得更高分辨率顯示效果,另對3D圖像呈現亦有實質提升效果。除整體顯示效果提升外,藉由AMD在Radeon HD7000繪圖芯片中所投入的軟件整合部份也可進一步提供影像編碼、譯碼的效能,應用在醫療或監視系統皆相對可提升實質應用成效。 規格: High performance integrated x86 cores. AMD RadeonTM HD7000G Series graphics integrated into the AMD R-Series APUs. Unified North Bridge. High-bandwidth, low-latency integrated memory controller. Low-latency platform interface. 技術優勢: Hardware Video Compression Engine enables efficient encoding and fast video conversion. Secure Asset Management Unit lowers power /CPU overhead when dealing with protected content. A wide range of parallel compute capabilities offered to suit the requirements of many embedded applications. 產品特色: Drive up to 4 displays from a single highly integrated processor. Drive multiple displays simultaneously as independent displays, or as a single large surface with AMD Eyefinity technology. Display resolutions of up to 4k x 2k @ 30 Hz utilizing a single display output. Drive up to10 independent displays by pairing an AMD R-Series. APU with an AMD RadeonTM Embedded 6000 Series discrete graphics processor or card. AMD G-Series SOC “G-Series SOC”延伸技術革命,將低耗電 CPU、進階 GPU 和 I/O 控制器結合到單一裝置中;贏MD新一代“Jaguar”CPU架構和AMD Radeon™ 8000系列圖形處理器的單芯片解決方案。與上一代AMD嵌入式APU相比,CPU性能提高了113%。AMD嵌入式G系列SOC在產品尺寸上也縮減了33%,且兼具低功耗及卓越性能。AMD嵌入式G系列SOC平臺允許OEM利用單板設計實現從入門級到高端產品的解決方案可擴展性,簡化OEM的產品開發業務,進而大幅降低成本。同時,AMD嵌入式G系列SOC的低功耗屬性也可實現無風扇設計,進一步降低系統成本,減少系統噪音。 基于AMD嵌入式G系列SOC解決方案開發的產品被廣泛應用于教育、醫療行業、政府辦公以及中小企業信息化等領域。AMD嵌入式G系列SOC平臺具備性能更優,功耗更低,體積更小,成本更低等多種優勢,是工業控制與自動化、多媒體數字電子廣告牌、IP電視、醫療和網絡設備、機頂盒等目標應用的理想平臺。 規格: The AMD Embedded G-Series SOC platform is a high-performance, low-power System-on-Chip (SOC) design, featured with enterprise- class error-correction code (ECC) memory support, dual and quad- core variants, integrated discrete-class GPU and I/O controller on the same die. The AMD G-Series SOC achieves superior performance per watt in the low-power x86 microprocessor class of products when running multiple industry standard benchmarks. This helps enable the delivery of an exceptional HD multimedia experience and provides a heterogeneous computing platform for parallel processing. The small-footprint, ECC- capable SOC sets the new foundation for a power-efficient platform for content-rich multimedia processing and workload processing that is well-suited for a broad variety of embedded applications. 技術優勢: Supporting ECC memory, AMD G-Series SOC platforms will help to penetrate markets previously inaccessible to x86 products in these power envelopes, at this price point. The AMD G-Series SOC helps achieve higher system quality, reliability, and energy efficiency, which contribute to overall lower TCO. Multiple performance levels offer upgrade paths to protect software and hardware ecosystem costs. AMD’s standard embedded 5 year availability and support (additional 2 years under contract possible) maximizes ROI. The AMD G-Series SOC platform is well-suited for low-power and high-performance designs in a broad range of markets including Industrial Control & Automation, Digital Signage, Thin Client, Electronic Gaming Machines, and SMB storage appliances. 產品特色: The SOC design offers 33% footprint reduction compared to AMD G-Series APU two-chip platform, simplifying design with fewer board layers and simplified power supply. AMD G-Series SOC enables fan-less design that further helps drive down system cost and enhance system reliability by eliminating moving parts. With an array of performance options, the AMD G-Series SOC platform allows OEMs to utilize a single board design to enable solutions from entry-level to high-end. The SOC design enables new levels of performance in small SBC (single board computer) and COMs (computer-on-modules) form factors. 本方案來自大聯大云端 |