China's Second-Generation Entrepreneurs A Different Breed中國私營企業轉型要看富二代 A big part of China's private economy will change hands in the next decade, from first-generation entrepreneurs to their children, many of whom are foreign-educated and have a very different view about running a business than their parents do. 在下一個10年,大部分中國私營企業將會被第一代企業家傳到他們的子女手里。下一代接班人基本上都是在國外接受的教育,他們對經營企業的看法與他們父母這一輩有很大差別。 'I believe the government needs to face our generation, ' the daughter of China's second-richest man was quoted as saying in Guangzhou's Time Weekly. 'Our generation can never be like my father's generation.' Ms. Zong, who attended high school and college in California, declined to comment directly but acknowledged she made the comments to the Time Weekly. 杭州娃哈哈集團董事長宗慶后的女兒宗馥莉就公開表示,并不贊同父親親歷親為的管理風格,她也對企業為政府馬首是瞻的行為方式不以為然。廣州《時代周報》援引宗馥莉的話說:“我覺得政府需要面對我們這一代,我們這一代人永遠不可能像我老爸這一代一樣。”宗馥莉是在美國加州讀的中學和大學。她雖然沒有回復記者希望她發表評論的郵件,但也沒有在后續的其他采訪中否認上述言論。 Ms. Zong may be particularly outspoken, but the children of China's most successful entrepreneurs in general have little patience for the endless wining and dining of government officials that is necessary to do business in China. And they are not the nuts-and-bolts, get-their-hands-dirty managers that their parents are. 宗馥莉屬于較為直言不諱的一類,她的說法其實也反映了中國不少成功企業家子女的心聲。對于在中國做生意過程中必不可少的與政府官員們的吃喝應酬,以及揣摩官員的言外之音,他們中的大多數人并不耐煩,而這些可能被他們的父母當成是商業機會。此外,他們也不再像他們父母那輩人一樣喜歡腳踏實地做企業,而會更傾向于做投資、金融和服務業。他們父母積累的財富,也給了他們一個很高的起點。 But many are shifting their parents' businesses into service industries in sectors such as health care and finance that are important areas in China's economic overhaul. Others are following their parent's entrepreneurial spirit. Either way, the government faces the question of how to embrace this homegrown resource even if this generation doesn't follow standard Chinese business practices. 很多富二代正將他們父母的企業向醫療保健和金融等服務業轉型,這是他們自己的興趣所在,也是中國經濟未來主要發展的方向。也有另一些富二代繼承了他們父輩的創業精神,打造自己的企業。盡管這些富二代并不遵循在中國從商的傳統套路,但中國政府需要善待他們這群本土資源,因為這批人很大程度上決定了中國私營企業的未來。 'It is harder to be an entrepreneur in China compared to in the West, but there are also more opportunities here, ' said Duan Liuwen, who heads up an organization for second-generation wealthy called Relay China that has about 200 members. 'The good thing is the government is changing, too; even in the government there are more overseas returnees.' 中國富二代組織“接力中國”(Relay China)的負責人段劉文表示,與西方相比,在中國做一個企業家更難,但中國的機會也更多。而好的一面是,政府也在改變,即使在政府內部,海歸的人數也增加了。 Mr. Duan, 32 years old, has a relatively unusual background. His father, Duan Yongji, one of China's most successful technology entrepreneurs and former chairman for Sina Corp., was worried that his son might get spoiled, so he sent him to a military college in Chongqing to study to be a doctor. 現年32歲的段劉文是中關村之父、原新浪董事長段永基之子。段永基曾擔心兒子會被慣壞,所以就把兒子送入重慶第三軍醫大學去學醫。 Mr. Duan tried a few times to escape the school by scaling its walls, but ultimately graduated and went on to the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He later returned to China to set up Halation Photonics Corp., a display-technology company. Mr. Duan sees no benefit to working for his father. 'When I worked at Sina, no one would give me any real work, but the credit all came to me when it was done, ' he said. 段劉文在校期間曾數次企圖翻過學校的圍墻逃出軍校,但最終順利畢業,之后去了賓西法尼亞大學的沃頓商學院深造。他回國后,創建了一家顯示技術公司漢朗光電,產品運用在電子書和超市顯示牌等方面。段劉文不喜歡在他父親手下工作。他表示,在新浪工作期間,沒有人會給他壓力,或安排他做任何實際的工作,但在工作完成之后,成果卻都歸到他的名下。 Karen Chen's parents built a profitable property business around Shanghai, but with the government trying to rein in real-estate prices, the business is struggling to grow. Ms. Chen is now building senior-citizen homes, which is encouraged by China as the population ages. 陳星言的父母在上海附近建立了一家盈利不錯的房地產企業,但在政府擔心房價泡沫化的情況下,地產屬于被遏制的行業。陳星言現在正在建設養老院,這是在日趨老齡化的中國社會被政策鼓勵的行業。 Armed with an economics degree from a Canadian University, she also started a micro-financing business, to help women in small businesses. And she is working with a co-founder of peer-to-peer finance company to build a similar company in China. 在加拿大某大學拿到經濟學學位的陳星言創立了一家小微企業融資公司,專門幫助女性經營的小企業。她也正在與美國企業互助融資公司Lendingclub.com的一位創始人合作,準備在中國創建一家類似的公司。 'I have to change the business model and do the right things to keep the business alive, ' said the 29-year-old Ms. Chen. 'My education abroad has helped us to look at the long term and think about ways to combine businesses with social responsibility.' 今年29歲的陳星言表示,本地企業需要轉型才能生存。她在國外的教育幫助她考慮問題更長遠,同時會尋找將企業發展與社會責任結合起來的模式。 Similarly, Yoyo Yao is adding modern management style and ideas that fit with China's long-term development goals to her family's property business. She is trying to build a plastic-surgery center in Hebei province, after seeing a lot of Chinese going to Korea for such services. The development, about three hours north of Beijing, covers an area about 10 times the size of Monaco. 姚亞晨的情況也有些類似。她正在把符合中國長期發展目標的理念和現代管理風格,融入她們家族的房地產企業中去。在看到很多中國人去韓國做整形手術之后,姚亞晨正在河北省打造一個美容城。地塊有10個摩洛哥那么大,離北京大概三個小時車程。 'When I was little, I didn't want to go into properties, thinking it's not very elegant for ladies, ' said Ms. Yao. 'My father says, now you have finally started to pay attention.' 姚亞晨表示,她小時候不想進入房地產行業,因為覺得和民工、政府以及包工頭打交道,不夠優雅。爸爸聽了她美容城的主意,高興地說,你終于開始想事情了。 Some second-generation wealthy Chinese have chosen to stay abroad, because they are pessimistic about the Chinese economy. Carl Meng, who got a master's from Cambridge University, is one of them. 'It will be difficult for me to adjust to the Chinese way of doing things, ' said Mr. Meng, who now works for an investment bank in London. 'The Chinese economy looks like a dead end and my parents don't mind me staying abroad either.' 有一些中國的富二代則選擇留在國外,因為他們對中國經濟持悲觀看法。從劍橋大學獲得碩士學位的Carl Meng就是其中的一位。他目前在倫敦的一家投資銀行工作,并認為自己很難適應國內的做事方式。他說中國經濟似乎已經走進了死胡同,他父母也不介意他留在國外。 'I'm quite optimistic about China's second generation, ' said Rupert Hoogewerf, founder of Hurun China Rich list. 'They have good education, broad experiences, and a lot of DNA close to their parents, who have succeeded against all odds.' 但也有很多富二代雄心勃勃,希望在國內建立自己的事業。胡潤百富榜的創始人胡潤表示:“我很看好中國的富二代,他們擁有良好的教育背景和海外經驗。何況他們身上還繼承了很多與他們父母一樣能夠百折不撓獲得成功的基因。”