Fairchild 公司的FAN6756是采用創新mWSaver™技術的綠色模式PWM控制器,能大大地降低待機和無負載功耗,滿足世界范圍的待機模式效率指引.在230VAC時待機和無負載功耗為30mW(包括EMI濾波器功耗),具有多種保護如過載/開路保護(OLP),UVLO,VDD OVP,超溫保護(OTP)和電流檢測短路保護(SSCP),主要用于筆記本電腦,打引機,LCD監視器,游戲機控制臺.本文介紹了FAN6756主要特性,方框圖,典型應用電路以及FAN6765MR評估板指標,電路圖,材料清單和PCB元件布局圖. The FAN6756 is a next-generation Green Mode PWM controller with innovative mWSaver™ technology, which dramatically reduces standby and no-load power consumption, enabling conformance to worldwide Standby Mode efficiency guidelines. An innovative AX-CAP™ method minimizes losses in the EMI filter stage by eliminating the X-cap discharge resistors while meeting IEC61010-1 safety requirements. Standby Mode clamps feedback voltage and modulates feedback impedance with an impedance modulator during Burst Mode operation, which forces the system to operate in a “deep” Burst Mode with minimum switching losses. Protections ensure safe operation of power system in various abnormal conditions. Proprietary frequencyhopping function decreases EMI emission and built-in synchronized slope compensation allows more stable Peak-Current-Mode control over wide range of input voltage and load conditions. The proprietary internal line compensation ensures constant output power limit over entire universal line voltage range. Requiring a minimum number of external components, FAN6756 provides a basic platform that is well suited for cost-effective flyback converter designs that require extremely low standby power consumption. FAN6756主要特性: Single-Ended Topologies, such as Flyback and Forward Converters mWSaver™ Technology - Achieves Low No-Load Power Consumption: Less than 30mW at 230VAC (EMI Filter Loss Included) - Eliminates X Capacitor Discharge Resistor Loss with AX-CAP™ Technology - Linearly Decreases Switching Frequency to 23KHz - Burst Mode Operation at Light-Load Condition - Impedance Modulation in Standby Mode for “Deep” Burst Mode Operation - Low Operating Current (450μA) in Standby Mode - 500V High-Voltage JFET Startup Circuit to Eliminate Startup Resistor Loss Highly Integrated with Rich Features - Proprietary Frequency Hopping to Reduce EMI - High-Voltage Sampling to Detect Input Voltage - Peak-Current-Mode Control with Slope Compensation - Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limiting with Line Compensation - Leading Edge Blanking (LEB) - Built-In 8ms Soft-Start Advanced Protections - Brown-In/Brownout Recovery - Internal Overload/Open-Loop Protection (OLP) - VDD Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO) - VDD Over-Voltage Protection (VDD OVP) - Over-Temperature Protection (OTP) - Current-Sense Short-Circuit Protection (SSCP) FAN6756應用: Flyback power supplies that demand extremely low standby power consumption, such as: Adapters for Notebooks, Printers, Game Consoles, etc. Open-Frame SMPS for LCD TV, LCD Monitors, Printer Power, etc. 圖1.FAN6756方框圖 圖2.FAN6756典型應用電路圖 圖3.FAN6756 65W筆記本電腦電源電路圖 FAN6765MR評估板 This user guide supports the evaluation kit for the FAN6765MR.This document describes a 65W power supply using FAN6756MR. The FAN6756MR mWSaver™ controller targets power adapters that demand extremely low standby power consumption. With innovative mWSaver™ technology, FAN6756MR dramatically reduces standby and no-load power consumption. The AX-CAP™ technology minimizes losses in the EMI filter stage by eliminating the X-cap discharge resistors while meeting IEC61010-1 safety requirements. Standby Mode switches feedback impedance during Burst Mode operation, which forces the system to operate in a “Deep” Burst Mode with minimum switching losses. Proprietary asynchronous jitter decreases EMI emission and built-in synchronized slope compensation allows more stable Peak-Current-Mode control over a wide range of input voltage and load conditions. FAN6765MR評估板指標: FAN6765MR評估板主要特性: Single-Ended Topologies, such as Flyback and Forward Converters mWSaver™ Technology - Achieves Low No-Load Power Consumption: Less than 30mW at 230VAC (EMI Filter Loss Included) - Eliminates X Capacitor Discharge Resistor Loss with AX-CAP™ Technology - Linearly Decreases Switching Frequency to 23KHz - Burst Mode Operation at Light-Load Condition - Impedance Modulation in Standby Mode for “Deep” Burst Mode Operation - Low Operating Current (450μA) in Standby Mode - 500V High-Voltage JFET Startup Circuit to Eliminate Startup Resistor Loss Highly Integrated with Rich Features - Proprietary Asynchronous-Jitter to Reduce EMI - High-Voltage Sampling to Detect Input Voltage - Peak-Current-Mode Control with Slope Compensation - Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limiting with Line Compensation - Leading Edge Blanking (LEB) - Built-In 8ms Soft-Start Advanced Protections - Brown-In/Brownout Recovery - Internal Overload/Open-Loop Protection (OLP) - VDD Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO) - VDD Over-Voltage Protection (VDD OVP) - Over-Temperature Protection (OTP) - Current-Sense Short-Circuit Protection (SSCP) 圖4.FAN6765MR評估板外形圖 圖5.FAN6765MR評估板電路圖 FAN6765MR評估板材料清單(BOM): 圖6.FAN6765MR評估板變壓器電路和指標圖 圖7.FAN6765MR評估板元件布局圖(頂層) 圖8.FAN6765MR評估板元件布局圖(底層) 詳情請見: 來源:網絡 |