鈺創(5351)董事長盧超群昨(16)日表示,目前訂單能見度可達3個月,首季利基型記憶體價格已有小幅調漲,第2季若標準型記憶體價格續漲,利基型記憶體價格也有機會上調。他并透露,鈺創已跨足邏輯IC領域,創造更多經驗導向產品。 全球半導體聯盟(GSA)昨日舉辦論壇,身兼GSA董事會主席的盧超群,針對整體半導體景氣指出,到上半年都很樂觀,但5、6月邏輯IC訂單情況,將是下半年產業景氣觀察指標。 盧超群說,以往半導體產業以產品為導向,但近年受到社群網站、iPhone、電子書等等應用,半導體領域已與人的使用習慣經驗連結,影響程度更大,未來產業市況趨穩后,將會創造更多附加價值。 展望今年半導體景氣,盧超群認為,到第2季整體產業景氣都很樂觀,目前預期記憶體價格至少可維持平穩到明年,但邏輯產品方面是否過度樂觀值得觀察。 針對記憶體市況,盧超群預期,未來仍「大有可為」,未來記憶體與邏輯IC將朝堆疊一起方向走,以創造更多具經驗價值產品。 他強調,半導體產業,將人類情感與喜怒哀樂連結,雖過去記憶體發展遭遇波折,但產品應用愈來愈多元,短期投資資金龐大,但長期對社會有幫助。盧超群進一步指出,人類使用經驗擴大后,現階段產業算是第二世代開始,將會產生很多價值。 他透露,鈺創除利基型記憶體IC,也跨足邏輯IC領域,且目前應用在中國網路攝影機產品已搶下5成以上市占率,另也投入高速傳輸相關產品。 |
Overall semiconductor supplier operating profitability rose to 21.4% in the fourth quarter of 2009, the highest level since fourth-quarter 2000 when it reached 24.7%, according to iSuppli. Industry profitability soared in 2009, rising throughout the year after falling to negative 5.3% in the first quarter due to the impact of the global economic downturn. "Chipmakers in 2009 reacted quickly and aggressively to meet the downturn by cutting costs and improving cash flow," said Derek Lidow, president and chief executive officer of iSuppli. "And as the market began to turn back up, the industry showed great restraint against adding production in order to avoid any overcapacity situations. This allowed the companies to recapture their pricing power to boost profitability." Beyond capacity management, the profitability rebound reflects a more fundamental shift in the competitive structure of the global semiconductor industry, iSuppli said. "The semiconductor industry has almost completely eschewed the broad-line model that once was the hallmark of the largest players in the business," Lidow said. "Instead, chipmakers now are concentrating on specific market segments, allowing them to focus on areas where they have pricing power and a competitive advantage. This has allowed them to improve profit margins and to cut overhead." Large chipmakers once attempted to compete in as many semiconductor segments as possible in order to garner maximum market share. While this approach achieved growth and revenue expansion during the era of rapid growth for the semiconductor industry, it has proven to be a losing strategy as the chip business has entered a stage of greater maturity. "Broad-line suppliers constantly must fend off hordes of smaller competitors nipping at their heels," Lidow noted. "With a more narrow focus, semiconductor suppliers can gain greater efficiency and profitability. This allows them to become more competitive and to concentrate on profitability, rather than on market share." Examples of companies taking such a strategy include Infineon Technologies, which has divested its operations in the memory and communications markets among other areas, allowing it to focus on its core business in offering semiconductors and system-level integrated circuits for automotive, industrial electronics, wireless and security applications. This shift away from the broad-line model and toward a narrower focus has boosted profitability throughout the semiconductor industry, iSuppli believes. This trend will continue in the coming years, as Japanese semiconductor supplier divest themselves from various product segments and embrace more narrowly focused product lines. Source: iSuppli, compiled by Digitimes, March 2010 |