TI公司的LM10504是三路降壓加LDO線性電源的電源管理單源,三路降壓穩壓器可編程配置,效率高達95%,反饋電壓精度±3%,2MHz開關頻率,通過SPI接口可編程輸出電壓,具有過壓保護和欠壓鎖住,帶開機重起的自動軟起動,主要用在固態驅動器.本文介紹了LM10504主要指標和特性,方框圖, 典型應用框圖以及評估板與固態驅動器解決方案框圖. The LM10504 is an advanced PMU containing three configurable, high-efficiency buck regulators for supplying variable voltages. The device is ideal for supporting ASIC and SOC designs for Solid-State and Flash drives. The LM10504 operates cooperatively with ASIC to optimize the supply voltage for low-power conditions and Power Saving modes via the SPI interface. It also supports a 250 mA LDO and a programmable Interrupt Comparator. LM10504主要指標: Programmable Buck Regulators: Buck 1: 1.1V to 3.6V; 1.6A Buck 2: 1.1V to 3.6V; 1A Buck 3: 0.7V to 1.335V; 1A ±3% feedback voltage accuracy Up to 95% efficient buck regulators 2MHz switching frequency for smaller inductor size 2.8 × 2.8 mm, 0.4 mm pitch 34-bump micro SMD package LM10504主要特性: Three highly efficient programmable buck regulators Integrated FETs with low RDSON Bucks operate with their phases shifted to reduce the input current ripple and capacitor size Programmable Output Voltage via the SPI interface Overvoltage and Undervoltage Lockout Automatic internal soft start with Power-on reset Current overload and thermal shutdown protection PFM mode for low-load, high-efficiency operation Power-down data protection enhances data integrity Bypass mode available on Bucks 1 and 2 Deep sleep mode to save power during idle times DEVSLP function Low-dropout LDO 3.0V, 250 mA SPI-programmable interrupt comparator (2.0V to 4.0V) Alternate Buck VOUTS selectable via VSELECT logic pins Customizable startup sequencing to support varied controller IC requirements RESET pin LM10504應用: Solid-State Drives 圖1. LM10504 PMIC方框圖 圖2. LM10504 PMIC降壓功能框圖 圖3. LM10504 PMIC典型應用框圖 圖4. LM10504 PMIC評估板外形圖 圖5. LM10504固態驅動器解決方案框圖 詳情請見: http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/snvs739/snvs739.pdf |