這篇文章已經是第三次以文章的形式來提起這個IWC(Infrastructure Working Council)和它的相關材料,有以下的幾個原因: 1.最近看來,網上掛的材料都是有有限期的,所以一定要盡早把鏈接做好,然后推薦能下就下,否則過段時間就沒有了。2008年的已經都沒有具體材料了,所以還是將三年的材料都做好鏈接庫要好一些。 2.好多的電動汽車的示范和測試項目的報告,都在這里有集中的展示,而且這些材料難得一見的集中都有存放。 3.看看IWC的歷史和它對SAE、NEC625、UL等法規的影響程度,還是需要一而再再而三的進行提示。下文來自《Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Design and Health and Safety Codes》 In 1991, a national consortium of automakers, equipment manufacturers, building officials, utilities and government officials began addressing issues facing electric vehicle (EV) charging. Called the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Working Council (IWC), the consortium began parallel efforts to develop vehicle and charging equipment using a systems approach. The outcome of their efforts was equipment and safety standards that result in equipment which uses technology to handle shock hazards and battery hydrogen off-gassing. IWC recommended these standards to the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the American National Standards Institute, the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), and Underwriters Laboratories (UL). More specifically, the SAE developed equipment standards that detail operational and architectural specifications for charger and vehicle components. UL developed safety standards for listing of charging equipment. The NFPA adopted safety standards in the form of the 1996 NEC. In 1994, the California Energy Commission (Energy Commission) began working with IWC,California Building Officials and the State Fire Marshal to modify the 1996 NEC Article 625 to accommodate California specific issues and adopt it prior to California’s normal triennial adoption schedule. In June 1996, a modified version of the 1996 NEC Article 625 became effective as the California Electrical Code's new Article 625. 4.最近看到的這張圖,其實真的是有原因的。專利的地域和認可性,都必須了解其他地域和法規的前提的。設計產品,如果少了必要的法規支持,連上市的許可都難的。 附錄: 2009年(所有Presentation列表) 1.會議材料: 2010年(所有Presentation列表) 1.會議材料: 2010年(所有Presentation列表,12月已經更新) 1.會議材料: |