NO.400-【獵頭職位:上海需要一位 AI Compiler Architect】聯系人:Sophie-Song,郵箱,微信也可查詢職位了!打開手機微信,搜號碼“KTHR_COM”或查找微信公眾帳號“KT人才”或掃描以上二維碼即可添加,歡迎大家關注! 崗位職責: 1、Closely collaboratewith AI hardware team to understand current HW architect and propose futureimprovement. 2、Closely collaboratewith AI software team to accelerate AI applications such as NLP, Recommendsystem. 3、Development of AIcompiler framework, high performance kernel authoring and acceleration ontonext generation heterogeneous computing system. 4、Analyze deeplearning networks, develop and implement compiler optimization algorithms. 崗位要求: 1、MS/PhD in Computer Science or related fields. 2、Prior industry experience as a compiler developer. Experience inacceleration deep learning models or libraries on hardware architectures. 3、Exhibit a high degree of motivation and independence. 4、Strong communication skills, both written and verbal. 福利:五險一金 補充醫療保險 員工旅游 績效獎金 年終獎金 彈性工作 ![]() |