NO.400-【獵頭職位:上海需要多位 Digital Design Lead】聯系人:Sophie-Song,郵箱,微信也可查詢職位了!打開手機微信,搜號碼“KTHR_COM”或查找微信公眾帳號“KT人才”或掃描以上二維碼即可添加,歡迎大家關注! 崗位職責: 1、Write ArchitectureDefinition/IC Design Spec(digital block); 2、Write RTL coding forblock or top level; 3、Do synthesis /timing analysis / formality check / CDC check /Code coverage check; 4、Assist onVerification Engineer to complete module and top level simulation andverification; 5、Debug RTL/Gate Levelwaveform at module or top level; 6、Do Silicon debuggingof the related module functionalities and provide ECO solution accordingly; 7、Team build up andmanage 3-5 peoples digital design and verification team. 8、Lead 3 to 5 digitaldesigners and verification engineer to complete middle scale whole chip designand verification; 崗位要求: 1、MSEE with 5+ yearexperience of digital design experience; 2、Relevant experiencein I2C, MIPI, MCU, NVM(EEPROM, Flash) design experience is a plus; 3、Strong skills ofVerilog RTL coding, simulation debug and ECO; 5、Strong skills ofScript and be familiar with TCL, Perl, etc.; 6、Self-motivated, goodteam work spirit and good communication skills. 7、Relevant experiencein whole chip integration and tapeout. 8、Relevant experiencein 3-5 people team management skill and knowledge. 福利:五險一金 補充醫療保險 員工旅游 績效獎金 年終獎金 彈性工作 ![]() |