ADI公司的ADuC7060/ADuC7061均為完全集成的8 kSPS、24位數據采集系統,在單芯片上集成高性能多通道Σ-Δ型模數轉換器(ADC)、16位/32位ARM7TDMI® MCU和Flash/EE存儲器。器件的電源電壓為2.375 V至2.625 V,工作溫度范圍為−40°C至+125°C工業溫度范圍.主要用在工業自動化和過程控制,智能精密檢測系統和4 mA至20 mA環路智能傳感器.本文介紹了ADuC7060/ADuC7061主要特性, 功能方框圖, 模擬方框圖以及單/雙電源連接圖, 橋接口, RTD接口和熱電偶接口電路圖.同時還介紹了基于USB且帶冷結補償的熱電偶溫度監控器主要特性與電路圖,評估板電路圖和材料清單. ADuC7060/ADuC7061均為完全集成的8 kSPS、24位數據采集系統,在單芯片上集成高性能多通道Σ-Δ型模數轉換器(ADC)、16位/32位ARM7TDMI® MCU和Flash/EE存儲器。ADC包括一個5通道主ADC和一個最多8通道輔助ADC,可在單端或差分輸入模式下工作。片上提供一個單通道緩沖電壓輸出DAC,通過編程可將DAC輸出范圍設置為兩種電壓范圍之一。 這些器件通過一個片內振蕩器和鎖相環(PLL)產生最高達10.24 MHz的內部高頻時鐘信號。微控制器內核為ARM7TDMI,它是一個16位/32位RISC機器,峰值性能最高可達10 MIPS。片內集成有4 KB SRAM和32 KB非易失性Flash/EE存儲器。ARM7TDMI內核將所有存儲器和寄存器視為一個線性陣列。 ADuC7060/ADuC7061包含4個定時器。定時器1是喚醒定時器,能將器件從省電模式喚醒;定時器2可以配置為看門狗定時器。另外還提供一個具有6個輸出通道的16位PWM。ADuC7060/ADuC7061內置一個高級中斷控制器。該矢量中斷控制器(VIC)可以為每個中斷分配一個優先級。它還支持嵌套中斷,每個IRQ和FIQ最多允許8級嵌套。如果將IRQ和FIQ中斷源合并,則可以支持總計16級嵌套中斷。片內出廠固件支持通過UART串行接口端口進行在線連續下載,并且支持通過JTAG接口進行非介入仿真。 這些器件的電源電壓為2.375 V至2.625 V,工作溫度范圍為−40℃至+125℃工業溫度范圍。 The ADuC706x series are fully integrated, 8 kSPS, 24-bit data acqui-sition systems incorporating high performance multichannel sigma-delta (Σ-Δ) analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), 16-bit/ 32-bit ARM7TDMI® MCU, and Flash/EE memory on a single chip. The ADCs consist of a primary ADC with two differential pairs or four single-ended channels and an auxiliary ADC with up to seven channels. The ADCs operate in single-ended or differential input mode. A single-channel buffered voltage output DAC is available on chip. The DAC output range is programmable to one of four voltage ranges. The devices operate from an on-chip oscillator and a PLL gene-rating an internal high frequency clock up to 10.24 MHz. The microcontroller core is an ARM7TDMI, 16-bit/32-bit RISC machine offering up to 10 MIPS peak performance; 4 kB of SRAM and 32 kB of nonvolatile Flash/EE memory are provided on chip. The ARM7TDMI core views all memory and registers as a single linear array. The ADuC706x contains four timers. Timer1 is a wake-up timer with the ability to bring the part out of power saving mode. Timer2 is configurable as a watchdog timer. A 16-bit PWM with six output channels is also provided. The ADuC706x contains an advanced interrupt controller. The vectored interrupt controller (VIC) allows every interrupt to be assigned a priority level. It also supports nested interrupts to a maximum level of eight per IRQ and FIQ. When IRQ and FIQ interrupt sources are combined, a total of 16 nested interrupt levels is supported. On-chip factory firmware supports in-circuit serial download via the UART serial interface ports and nonintrusive emulation via the JTAG interface. The parts operate from 2.375 V to 2.625 V over an industrial temperature range of −40°C to +125°C. ADuC7060/ADuC7061主要特性: Analog input/output Dual (24-bit) ADCs Single-ended and differential inputs Programmable ADC output rate (4 Hz to 8 kHz) Programmable digital filters Built-in system calibration Low power operation mode Primary (24-bit) ADC channel 2 differential pairs or 4 single-ended channels PGA (1 to 512) input stage Selectable input range: ±2.34 mV to ±1.2 V 30 nV rms noise Auxiliary (24-bit) ADC: 4 differential pairs or 7 single-ended channels On-chip precision reference (±10 ppm/°C) Programmable sensor excitation current sources 200 μA to 2 mA current source range Single 14-bit voltage output DAC Microcontroller ARM7TDMI core, 16-/32-bit RISC architecture JTAG port supports code download and debug Multiple clocking options Memory 32 kB (16 kB × 16) Flash/EE memory, including 2 kB kernel 4 kB (1 kB × 32) SRAM Tools In-circuit download, JTAG based debug Low cost, QuickStart™ development system Communications interfaces SPI interface (5 Mbps) 4-byte receive and transmit FIFOs UART serial I/O and I2C (master/slave) On-chip peripherals 4× general-purpose (capture) timers including Wake-up timer Watchdog timer Vectored interrupt controller for FIQ and IRQ 8 priority levels for each interrupt type Interrupt on edge or level external pin inputs 16-bit, 6-channel PWM General-purpose inputs/outputs Up to 14 GPIO pins that are fully 3.3 V compliant Power AVDD/DVDD specified for 2.5 V (±5%) Active mode: 2.74 mA (@ 640 kHz, ADC0 active) 10 mA (@ 10.24 MHz, both ADCs active) Packages and temperature range Fully specified for −40℃ to +125℃ operation 32-lead LFCSP (5 mm × 5 mm) 48-lead LFCSP and LQFP Derivatives 32-lead LFCSP (ADuC7061) 48-lead LQFP and 48-lead LFCSP (ADuC7060) ADuC7060/ADuC7061應用: 工業自動化和過程控制 智能精密檢測系統,4 mA至20 mA環路智能傳感器 ![]() 圖1.ADuC7060/ADuC7061功能方框圖 ![]() 圖2.ADuC706x模擬方框圖 ![]() 圖3.ADuC706x外接雙電源連接圖 ![]() 圖4.ADuC706x外接單電源連接圖 ![]() 圖5.ADuC706x橋接口電路圖 ![]() 圖6.ADuC706x RTD接口電路圖 ![]() 圖7.ADuC706x熱電偶接口電路圖 利用精密模擬微控制器ADuC7060/ADuC7061構建 基于USB且帶冷結補償的熱電偶溫度監控器 本電路顯示如何在精密熱電偶溫度監控應用中使用精密模擬微控制器ADuC7060/ADuC7061。ADuC7060/ADuC7061集成雙通道24位Σ-Δ型ADC、雙通道可編程電流源、14位DAC、1.2 V內部基準電壓源、ARM7內核、32 kB閃存、4 kB SRAM以及各種數字外設,例如UART、定時器、SPI和I2C接口等。 在本電路中,ADuC7060/ADuC7061連接到一個熱電偶和一個100 Ω Pt RTD。RTD用于執行冷結補償。 在源代碼中,ADC采樣速率選擇100 Hz。當ADC輸入PGA的增益配置為32時,ADuC7060/ADuC7061的無噪聲分辨率大于18位。 ![]() 圖8.ADuC7060/ADuC7061用作溫度監控控制器與熱電偶接口電路 ![]() 圖9.本電路所用的EVAL-ADUC7061MKZ板外形圖 ![]() 圖10. EVAL-ADUC7061MKZ板電路圖(1) ![]() 圖11. EVAL-ADUC7061MKZ板電路圖(2) EVAL-ADUC7061MKZ板材料清單見: 詳情請見: ![]() ![]() |