文字符號 | 中文 | English |
IF(AV) | 正向平均電流(整流管) | mean foreard current (of diode) |
IT(AV) | 通態平均電流 | mean on-state current |
VRSM | 反向不重復峰值電壓 | non-reetitive peak reverse voltage |
VRRM | 反向重復峰值電壓 | repetitive peak reverse voltage |
VDSM | 斷態不重復峰值電壓 | non-repetitive peak off-state voltage |
VDRM | 斷態重復峰值電壓 | repetitive peak off-state voltage |
VFM | 正向峰值電壓(整流管) | peak forward voltage (of diode) |
VTM | 通態峰值電壓 | peak on-state voltage |
Tjm | 最高等效結溫 | maximum virtual junction temperature |
F | 緊固力 | mounting force |
IRRM | 反向重復峰值電流 | repetitive peak reverse current |
IDRM | 斷態重復峰值電流 | repetitive peak of-state current |
VGT | 門極觸發電壓 | gate trigger voltage |
IGT | 門極觸發電流 | gate trigger current |
Rjc | 結殼熱阻 | junction-case thermal resistance |
Qrr | 反向恢復電荷 | reverse recovery charge |
ITM | 通態峰值電流 | peak on-state current |
IFM | 正向峰值電流(整流管) | peak forward current (of diode) |
ITSM | 通態浪涌電流 | surge on-state current |
dv/dt | 斷態電壓臨界上升率 | critical rate of rise of off-state voltage |
di/dt | 通態電流臨界上升率 | critical rate of rise of on-state current |
tgt | 門極控制開通時間 | gate controlled turn-on time |
tq | 電路換向關斷時間 | cricuit commutated turn-off time |
IRMS | 通態方均根電流 | R.M.S. on-state current |
(dv/dt)c | 換向電壓臨界上升率(雙向晶閘管) | critical rate of rise of commutating voltage(of bi-directional thyristor) |
trr | 反向恢復時間(二極管的) | reverse recovery time (of diode) |
ton | 開通時間 | turn on time |
ts | 存儲時間 | storage time |
tf | 下降時間 | fall time |