發布時間:2009-11-13 12:03
8051工作頻率為11.0592MHZ CPLD(EPM7128SLC15)的工作頻率為16.0000MHZ(有源晶振)
- library IEEE;
- use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
- use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
- entity cpldbus51 is
- port (
- Clk: in STD_LOGIC; --Clock 16MHZ
- Clr: in STD_LOGIC; --Clear high
- P0: inout STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); --8052 Port 0
- P2: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); --8052 Port 2
- ALE: in STD_LOGIC; --8052 ALE
- -- PSEN: in STD_LOGIC; --8052'Psen
- -- INT0:out STD_LOGIC; --8052 INT0
- Wr: in STD_LOGIC; --8052'Wr
- Rd: in STD_LOGIC; --8052'Rd
- ---------------------------
- Pina:out STD_LOGIC; ---output
- -----------------------
- nCS8255: out STD_LOGIC; --select 8255
- RamBank: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0);--Ram68128a bank switch A15 A16
- nCsFlashRam: out STD_LOGIC; --select Flash Rom CE
- FlashRomBank: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0) --Flash Rom switch A14 A15 A16
- );
- end cpldbus51;
- architecture cpldbus51 of cpldbus51 is
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- signal Addr: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --16bit address
- signal ALE_Sample:STD_LOGIC;
- signal RamBankReg: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0);--Ram bank switch reg, 4 banks, 4*32K=128k bytes
- signal FlashRomBankReg: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0);--Flash Rom bank switch reg, 8 banks, 8*16K=128k bytes
- --Rd Sample
- signal RdSample:std_logic; --for Rd Sample
- --WR Sample
- signal WrSample0:std_logic; --Wr for Sample
- signal WrSample1:std_logic;
- signal WrSample2:std_logic;
- signal WrSample3:std_logic;
- signal WrSample4:std_logic;
- signal WrSample5:std_logic;
- --Wr Sample output
- signal Wr_en:std_logic;
- --Clr Sample
- signal ClrSample0:std_logic; -- for Clr Sample
- signal ClrSample1:std_logic;
- signal ClrSample2:std_logic;
- signal ClrSample3:std_logic;
- signal ClrSample4:std_logic;
- signal ClrSample5:std_logic;
- signal ClrSample6:std_logic;
- signal ClrSample7:std_logic;
- signal ClrSample8:std_logic;
- signal ClrSample9:std_logic;
- --Clr Sample output
- signal Clr_en:std_logic;
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --output Reg
- signal PinaReg:std_logic;
- begin
- --------------------------------------------
- --Sample Clr signal
- ClrSample_p:process(Clk)
- begin
- if Clk'event and Clk='1' then
- ClrSample0<=Clr;
- ClrSample1<=ClrSample0;
- ClrSample2<=ClrSample1;
- ClrSample3<=ClrSample2;
- ClrSample4<=ClrSample3;
- ClrSample5<=ClrSample4;
- ClrSample6<=ClrSample5;
- ClrSample7<=ClrSample6;
- ClrSample8<=ClrSample7;
- ClrSample9<=ClrSample8;
- end if;
- end process;
- ---------------------------------------
- --Clr Enable Signal
- Clr_en_p:process(Clk)
- begin
- if Clk'event and Clk='1' then
- if ClrSample0='1' and ClrSample1='1'
- and ClrSample2='1' and ClrSample3='1'
- and ClrSample4='1' and ClrSample5='1'
- and ClrSample6='1' and ClrSample7='1'
- and ClrSample8='1' and ClrSample9='1' then
- Clr_en<='1';
- else
- Clr_en<='0';
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- ------------------------------------------------
- --sample ALE signal
- ALE_p:process(Clk)
- begin
- if Clk'event and Clk='1' then
- if Clr_en='1' then
- ALE_Sample<='0';
- else
- ALE_Sample<=ALE;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- -------------------------------------------------
- --Address Latch
- Address_p:process(Clk)
- begin
- if Clk'event and Clk='1' then
- if Clr_en='1' then
- Addr<="0000000000000000";
- elsif ALE_Sample='1' then
- Addr<=P2&P0;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- -------------------------------------
- --Sample Wr
- WrSample_p:process(Clk)
- begin
- if Clk'event and Clk='1' then
- if Clr_en='1' then
- WrSample0<='1';
- WrSample1<='1';
- WrSample2<='1';
- WrSample3<='1';
- WrSample4<='1';
- WrSample5<='1';
- else
- WrSample0<=Wr;
- WrSample1<=WrSample0;
- WrSample2<=WrSample1;
- WrSample3<=WrSample2;
- WrSample4<=WrSample3;
- WrSample5<=WrSample4;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- ---------------------------------------
- --internal Wr enable signal
- WrEn_p:process(WrSample0,WrSample1,WrSample2,WrSample3,WrSample4,WrSample5)
- begin
- if (WrSample0='0' and WrSample1='0'
- and WrSample2='0' and WrSample3='0'
- and WrSample4='1'and WrSample5='1')then
- Wr_en<='1';
- else
- Wr_en<='0';
- end if;
- end process;
- ----------------------------------------
- --Rd Sample
- RdSample_p:process(Clk)
- begin
- if Clk'event and Clk='1' then
- if Clr_en='1' then
- RdSample<='1';
- else
- RdSample<=Rd;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- -----------------------------------
- --Flash Rom Chip select signal
- CS_Flash_p:process(Addr)
- begin
- if Addr(15 downto 14)="10" then --Address:8000h--BFFFh
- nCsFlashRam<='0';
- else
- nCsFlashRam<='1';
- end if;
- end process;
- -----------------------------------
- -- 8255 Chip select signal
- cs8255_p:process(Addr)
- begin
- if Addr(15 downto 2)="11000000000000" then --C000h--C003h
- nCS8255<='0';
- else
- nCS8255<='1';
- end if;
- end process;
- -----------------------------------
- -----------------------------------
- -- Ram Bank Switch Reg
- Ram_bank_p:process(Clk)
- begin
- if Clk'event and Clk='1' then
- if Clr_en='1' then
- RamBankReg<="00";
- elsif Addr="1100000000000100" and Wr_en='1' then --Address:C004h
- RamBankReg<=P0(1 downto 0);
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- RamBank<=RamBankReg;
- ----------------------------------
- ----------------------------------
- --Flash Rom Switch Reg
- Flash_bank_p:process(Clk)
- begin
- if Clk'event and Clk='1' then
- if Clr_en='1' then
- FlashRomBankReg<="000";
- elsif Addr="1100000000000101" and Wr_en='1' then --Address:C005h
- FlashRomBankReg<=P0(2 downto 0);
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- FlashRomBank<=FlashRomBankReg;
- --------------------------------
- --------------------------------
- --Rd process
- -- now just two in-builde register
- Rd_p:process(RdSample,Addr,RamBankReg,FlashRomBankReg)
- begin
- if Addr="1100000000000100" and RdSample='0' then --C004h
- P0<="000000"&RamBankReg;
- elsif Addr="1100000000000101" and RdSample='0' then --C005h
- P0<="00000"&FlashRomBankReg;
- else
- end if;
- end process;
- -------------------------------
- Pina_p:process(Clk)
- begin
- if Clk'event and Clk='1' then
- if Clr_en='1' then
- PinaReg<='0';
- elsif Addr="1100000000000110" and Wr_en='1' then --C006h
- PinaReg<=P0(0);
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- Pina<=PinaReg;
- end cpldbus51;
復制代碼 |