

發布時間:2010-11-10 10:25    發布者:李寬
關鍵詞: 代工


但現在,有諸多跡象顯示英特爾重燃對晶圓代工業務的興趣,據業界消息指出,該公司新聘雇了一位副總裁執掌晶圓廠,也有不少公司向英特爾接洽代工事宜;與Achronix的合作可能是試金石,也可能是英特爾準備大動作開拓新業務的起步。市場傳言,另一家新創FPGA公司 SiliconBlue也已經與英特爾接洽代工業務。


EETimes 歐洲新聞總監Peter Clarke表示:“我認為英特爾會跨足晶圓代工市場,IDM廠商自給自足的時代已經結束了,如果你是一家芯片制造商,就會需要大量產能,而且現在還有一大群無晶圓廠IC業者需要制造產能。”他指出,三星已經“撩落去”,英特爾則是在試水溫。


Gartner分析師Dean Freeman則認為,英特爾有機會跨足無線芯片或是FPGA的晶圓代工業務;以該公司的財力,當然能投入晶圓代工市場,但問題是在成本上是否能與臺積電、聯電與GlobalFoundries等廠商競爭。

VLSI Research執行長G. Dan Hutcheson則表示,英特爾看來是在試水溫,一旦不成功就可以馬上收手;而宣布為新創FPGA公司提供22納米制程技術,意味著英特爾很在意成功與否,而且比以往都認真。他認為,英特爾涉足晶圓代工市場是合理的,因為一家公司想取得核心業務以外的成長,利用專長是最好的做法,而英特爾的強項就是處理器與制程技術。

EETimes美國版半導體市場編輯Mark LaPedus認為:“顯然,英特爾不會為AMD、Broadcon、Nvidia與Qualcomm等競爭對手代工芯片,但一些新創公司或是非競爭廠商,可能會有興趣與英特爾做生意,特別是基頻處理器與FPGA供貨商。”

LaPedus 指出,在其他晶圓代工業者據傳在40納米與28納米高階制程、以及high-k/metal-gate制程遭遇瓶頸時,英特爾已經成功量產兩代high- k制程;如果晶圓代工廠商無法及時突破障礙,說不定Altera與Xilinx等真的會與英特爾接洽。只不過,晶圓代工業務不只是生產組件而已,基本上是個服務業;英特爾是否能成功經營處理器專長以外的業務是個問題。

另一位EETimes美國版編輯Dylan McGrath認為,英特爾應該沒有成為晶圓代工大廠的企圖心;該公司有令人稱羨的制程技術,但都是為了供應內部所需。也許英特爾只是淺嘗晶圓代工業務,而且在市場需求暴增時,其客戶(如Achronix)的訂單可能就會被排在后面,就像其他也涉足晶圓代工市場的IDM廠做法。

McGrath指出,英特爾與Achronix的合作,也許有一部分動機是測試涉足晶圓代工市場的可能性,但更顯示該公司對可程序化邏輯技術的興趣,特別是Achronix的異步邏輯(asynchronous logic)技術。
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步從容 發表于 2010-11-10 11:12:42
Will Intel be a big foundry player?

11/5/2010 2:33 PM EDT
SAN JOSE, Calif. – As reported, Intel Corp. this week took a step into the foundry business. Intel will lend its semiconductor process technology muscle to build FPGAs for programmable logic startup Achronix Semiconductor Corp. at 22-nm and beyond under the terms of a strategic agreement between the two companies announced Monday (Nov. 1).  

Executives from Achronix (San Jose, Calif.) said the deal would not only help the company bring 22-nm FPGAs to market faster than programmable logic market leaders Xilinx Inc. and Altera Corp., but also give the startup a leg up in 15-nm and future technology nodes.  

For years, Intel has dabbled in the foundry and ASIC markets.  But the chip giant exited the ASIC business some years ago and has never been thought as a foundry player.

Now, there are signs that Intel is interested in the foundry business. It has reportedly hired a vice president in charge of foundry. Companies are approaching Intel about access to its fabs.  Perhaps Achronix is a guinea pig and the start of something big. Rumors are running rampant that FPGA startup SiliconBlue has approached Intel.

The question is will Intel become a foundry player or not? Will it challenge GlobalFoundries, Samsung, TSMC, UMC and others? Or will it just dabble in the arena?

Here’s some opinions from around the industry:

Peter Clarke, European news director at EE Times, said: "I think Intel will get involved in the foundry market. I think the days of the self-sufficient IDM are over. If you are a chip maker, you need volume—and there are plenty of fabless companies out there who will buy a piece of your manufacturing output. We see that Samsung has thrown its hat in the ring, and now Intel is dipping its toe. Intel of course will never be a pure-play foundry like TSMC, but it will be a chip maker that does foundry work like IBM, Samsung and others. TSMC will remain the leading pure-play foundry, but Intel can throw a wrench in the works by doing leading-edge processes for companies it see as strategic partners."

Dean Freeman, an analyst with Gartner Inc., said: ''Will Intel become a big foundry player? On the wireless or (FPGA) side, they have the potential of being a foundry player. Does Intel have the capital and manufacturing to be in the foundry business? Yes. But the question is can they compete at the same cost as TSMC, UMC and GlobalFoundries.’’

G. Dan Hutcheson, chief executive and chairman of VLSI Research Inc., said: ''Given the fact that Intel did not formally announce an entry into to foundry business, but instead disclosed as an arrangement with a fabless company, indicates that Intel is testing the waters, not plunging into them. Not formally announcing an entry into the foundry business means they can easily retreat if it doesn’t work. Intel is not a company that burns the ships when it arrives in a new world. So the risk is low and they will learn a lot. At the same time, releasing their 22-nm process to an outsider means Intel is very serious about winning – more serious than they have ever been. Does it make sense? The short answer is yes. Growth outside a core market is best done by utilizing core strengths. For Intel, this is processors and process. There is no reason to constrain themselves to PC processors. But this means they must move towards embedded processors. Pushing them in this direction is the fact that systems in embedded designs continue to look more like PCs, while applications for classical PCs are not outgrowing the market. Processors are integrating more, rather than just getting bigger, making them look more like an embedded device going forward.''

Mark LaPedus, semiconductor editor of EE Times, said: ''Clearly, Intel won’t fab parts for its competitors, such as AMD, Broadcom, Nvidia, Qualcomm and others. But there are some startups or non-competitive companies that may be interested in doing business at Intel, especially in baseband processors and FPGAs-and for good reason. The foundries, namely TSMC, fumbled the ball at the 40-nm node and struggled with the process. Wait until we get to the 28-nm node and beyond. I hear the foundries are struggling to ramp with good yields. And despite the denials, I hear the foundries are struggling with their high-k/metal-gate technologies. Intel has successfully put two generations of high-k in production.  Here’s one prediction: If the foundries fail to deliver high-k in time, watch out! Look for Altera, Xilinx and others to call on Intel. But there is more to the foundry business than just churning out parts. There is a service and IP mind-set. It’s really a service business, which is a whole new mind-set.  Intel’s focus is processors. Beyond processors, the chip giant has never really found much success. We see that Intel is re-entering the wireless chip space with the acquisition of Infineon’s wireless business. I see Intel flopping in wireless again. I see Intel making a strong push in the foundry business. I see modest success for them. But TSMC CEO Morris Chang must keep a close eye on GlobalFoundries, Samsung, and now Intel.''

Dylan McGrath, editor of EETimes.com, said: "I don't believe Intel has the willingness, desire or intention to become a significant foundry player. Intel's manufacturing technology is the envy at all, but it is dedicated to Intel. The company has the capacity it needs to build parts for its business, and it's not going to sacrifice its position there to dedicate its lines to other companies. Intel may be dabbling in foundry work, but in the face of a sharp upturn in business, foundry customers (including Achronix) will see their orders take a back seat to demand for Intel products, just as we have seen with other IDMs who dabbled in foundry in the past. This deal may be partly about Intel trying its hand in foundry and experimenting with the possibilities, but in my view it has more to do with getting its feet wet with programmable logic technology—specifically Achronix' asynchronous logic technology."

Bryan Lewis, an analyst with Gartner, said the foundry alliance between Intel and Achronix ''surprised me. Intel wants to experiment with FPGA products in the fab.’’

Rob Lineback, an analyst with IC Insights, said: ''My main thought is that returns on investment in the foundry business are no where close enough to Intel's profit margins to make much sense for the company to be pursuing contract wafer manufacturing.  Other IDMs are involved in foundry manufacturing, partly to fill wafer fabs, but that shouldn't be an issue at Intel.  The only thing that makes sense is that Intel would have something else at stake, such as wanting to gain access to technology or an investment in the company it's producing products for."   

Rick Merritt, editor-at-large for EE Times, said: ''This will be a big question for the company to wrestle with. On one hand, it has a very independent culture and an entrenched ‘copy exact’ methodology and little experience in chip-level customers. On the other hand, it is the single largest owner of fabs in an increasingly fabless and fab lite industry. And it has a long history of willingness to try new things. This would seem to set the stage for a great internal conflict within the soul of an industry bellwether.’’

Gus Richard, an analyst with Piper Jaffray & Co., said: ''We believe over the next couple of years a critical shortage of chips is going to develop. We are becoming increasingly aware of technology hurtles in leading edge logic, DRAM, and flash that will limit supply growth. We see evidence of OEMs striking long-term partnerships with chip makers and companies are approaching Intel for foundry services, not the other way around.’’
步從容 發表于 2010-11-10 11:15:54
Intel Dalian’s Fab started production in due form, the total investment is USD 2.5 B.

This fab was started construction from September of 2007, and at that time Intel announced this fab will use 90nm technology, but now the capability already upgraded to 65 nm. Recently more than 20 new venders put the site in Dalian for business. More than 80 enterprises located in Dalian became Intel’s providers.

英特爾大連工廠正式投產 投資額25億美元




步從容 發表于 2010-11-10 11:16:56

歷經三年的建設,英特爾26日宣布其在亞洲的第一個晶圓制造設施—英特爾大連芯片廠(Fab 68)正式投入運營。英特爾大連芯片廠總經理柯必杰表示,將來芯片廠希望都由本地員工管理運營。


柯必杰表示,晶圓廠是世界上最為復雜的工廠,大連芯片廠的建成歸功于1500名員工的大量付出,歸功于大連市政府等部門以及英特爾供應商的大力支持。初期大連芯片廠將首先采用65納米技術,這是一個相當重要的 技術,將在未來相當長的時間內采用這個技術。柯必杰表示,目前最主要的工作是投產運營。


柯必杰稱,目前大連芯片廠起步階段的員工數量是1500名,這些員工中絕大多數是本土員工,200多名是國外員工,這些國外員工是幫助建造工廠的,一些人已經回到美國,更多是本土員工來做,大連芯片廠的最終目標 是的運營和管理都是本地員工來完成。在這方面和以色列愛爾蘭的工廠一樣,都是有本地員工來完成,是有同樣的期待。
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