崗位名稱:功率分立器件測試工程師 Job Description - Characterization and test of Low and High Voltage Power Discrete Semicoductors (MOS, IGBT, Diodes etc). This includes I/V charcaterization test, AC tests, dynamic switching tests under various test condictions and temperatures, robust ness test (SOA, RBSOA, lachup, short circuit etc), capacity test, Gate charge. - Close co-work with product desingers to test newly developed Power Discrete Products. - Derive suitable test conditions to meet product's specification. - Test product's beyond design limits (destructive limits, ultimate performance) - Test and extract paramters for device moedelling. - Develop new test boards. - Perform wafer level characterization DC tests at high temperature. - Assess and purchase new test equipments. - Study test technology trends. Attand fairs. - Organize test floor, perform tester calibration and ensure savety standards are met (High Voltage). Qualifications Required -Bachelor degree above, majored in Microlectronis, Electrical Enginnering, Semiconductor Physics or similar; -Good knowledge in Power Discrete devices and device physics (IGBT, Diode, MOS) -Experienced in Power Discrete Device Testing. -Understand and can interprate I/V or I/V/t test curves. -Working knowledge on characterization test equipment’s (e.g HP, Agilent, UTC, Cascade...). -Hands on skills to adapt test circuits or to create new test circuit boards. -Working knowledge on thin wafer probing and mass production test equipment is an advantage but not mandatory. -Team player with excellent communication skill. |