Pediatricians Set Limits on Screen Time何時應限制兒童使用電子設備? Parents should ban electronic media during mealtimes and after bedtime as part of a comprehensive 'family media use plan, ' according to new recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics. 美國兒科學會(American Academy of Pediatrics)提出的新建議,作為一項綜合性的“家庭媒介使用計劃”的一部分,家長應該禁止孩子在就餐時和就寢后使用電子媒介。 The influential new guidelines are being spurred by a growing recognition of kids' nearly round-the-clock media consumption, which includes everything from television to texting and social media. 之所以會提出這些頗具影響的新建議,是因為人們越來越認識到孩子會連軸轉地使用電子媒介,包括從看電視到收發手機短信再到登陸社交媒體等各種活動。 'Excessive media use is associated with obesity, poor school performance, aggression and lack of sleep, ' said Marjorie Hogan, co-author of the new policy and a pediatrician. 上述新政策的作者之一、兒科醫生霍根(Marjorie Hogan)說,過度使用電子媒介通常與肥胖、學業不佳、具有攻擊性和睡眠不足有關。 Families should have a no-device rule during meals and after bedtime, the guidelines say. Parents should also set family rules covering the use of the Internet and social media and cellphones and texting, including, perhaps, which sites can be visited, who can be called and giving parental access to Facebook accounts. The policy also reiterated the AAP's existing recommendations: Kids should limit the amount of screen time for entertainment to less than two hours per day; children younger than 2 shouldn't have any TV or Internet exposure. Also, televisions and Internet-accessible devices should be kept out of kids' bedrooms. 上述建議說,家庭應該制定一個就餐時和就寢后不得使用電子媒介的規定。家長們還應該就互聯網、社交媒體和手機的使用以及收發短信等事項定下家庭規定,比如包括可以訪問哪些網站,可以給哪些人打電話,允許家長登陸孩子的Facebook賬戶。上述建議還重申了美國兒科學會現有的建議:孩子應該將使用電子設備進行娛樂的時間限制在每天兩小時以內;兩歲以下的兒童不應看電視或上網。此外,電視和可上網設備不應放在孩子的臥室里。 Doctors say parents need to abide by the family rules, too, to model healthy behavior. That, some say, may be the toughest part. 'If you go to any restaurant, Family 3.0 is Mom and Dad are on their devices and the kids are on theirs, ' says Donald L. Shifrin, a pediatrician in Bellevue, Wash., and an AAP spokesman. 'Who is talking to each other?' 醫生們說,家長也需要遵守這些家庭規定,以便為孩子樹立良好的榜樣。一些人說,身教可能是最困難的部分。華盛頓貝爾維的兒科醫生、美國兒科學會發言人希夫林(Donald L. Shifrin)說,如果你去任何一家餐館,都會發現家庭3.0版是爸媽和孩子在各自使用電子設備。有誰相互聊聊天嗎? Children ages 8 to 18 spent an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes a day consuming media for fun, including TV, music, videogames and other content in 2009, according to a 2010 report from the Kaiser Family Foundation. The report was based on a survey of 2, 002 third- through 12th-graders, 702 of whom completed a seven-day media use diary. That was up about an hour and 17 minutes a day from five years earlier. About two-thirds of 8- to 18-year-olds said they had no rules on the amount of time they spent watching TV, playing videogames or using the computer, the Kaiser report found. 據凱撒家庭基金會(Kaiser Family Foundation) 2010年發布的一份報告,2009年,八至18歲的兒童每天平均花在玩電子設備上的時間是七小時38分鐘,其中包括看電視、聽音樂、玩電子游戲和其他內容。該報告是根據一項對2,002名三到12年級的學生所進行的調查得出的,其中有702人完成了一項為期七天的媒介使用日記。上述時長較五年前多了約一小時17分鐘。凱撒家庭基金會的報告發現,八至18歲的受訪者中約有三分之二的人說,他們每天看電視、玩電子游戲和使用電腦的時間沒有規定。 Use of mobile devices by young kids has soared. A new report from Common Sense Media, a child-advocacy group based in San Francisco, found that 17% of children 8 and younger use mobile devices daily, up from 8% in 2011. 小孩子使用移動設備的情況激增。舊金山兒童維權組織常識媒體(Common Sense Media)的一項新出爐的報告顯示,八歲及以下的兒童中有17%每天使用移動設備,高于2011年的8%。
Who Got Rich This Week: Twitter Founders Hatch Big Gains一周財富沉浮錄:Twitter金蛋破殼 Each week at Forbes we scan our database of corporate insiders to see who got richer from the action in the stock market. 每周,我們都會對《福布斯》的企業人士數據庫進行檢索,以考察哪些人因為股市動向而變得更加富有。 Qualcomm didn’t help). On Friday, perhaps inspired by a strong jobs report, the market gained it all back, rising 23.5 points. With the Friday push, the index closed the week up 0.5%. But eclipsing the broader market was, of course, Twitter — the most ballyhooed IPO of the year. Unlike Facebook 上周四,標普500指數(S&P 500)收跌23.3點,跌幅1.3%,創下今年8月以來最大單日跌幅(全食超市與高通微弱的上漲對大盤于事無補)。周五,也許是受到強勁就業報告的刺激,標普收高23.5點,全數收復失地。拜周五的反彈所賜,標普500指數上周收高0.5%。但令大盤表現顯得黯然失色的自然還是Twitter——本年度聲勢最大的IPO。跟走在它前面的社交網絡同胞Facebook不同的是,Twitter股票的首次公開發行一帆風順,股價也節節攀升。但Twitter并不是本周唯一的贏家。 Twitter Leaves The Nest Twitter小鳥離巢 For the average retail investor, buying into Twitter right now is probably unwise. Derek Thompson at The Atlantic has a handy flowchart for deciding whether Twitter stock is right for you (Spoiler: It’s not). But for founders Evan Williams and Jack Dorsey, they essentially just hatched the nest of golden eggs they’d been sitting on. Despite Twitter not yet turning a profit, enthusiastic investors drove its price up 73% from a $26 per share open to a close of $44.90, appreciating Williams’ 10.4% stake to $2.6 billion and Dorsey’s 4.3% stake to $1 billion. Williams’ total net worth now tops out at $2.8 billion and Dorsey’s at $2.1 billion. As Ryan Mac pointed out, Twitter’s insiders maximized their holding by consenting to lockup agreements and declining to sell their shares, unlike many of Facebook’s earliest investors, who were criticized by some for not displaying confidence in their company. 對普通散戶投資者而言,眼下買入Twitter股票也許并非明智之舉。《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)的德里克•湯普森(Derek Thompson)設計了一個簡單的流程圖,可據此判斷Twitter是否適合你(提前告訴你吧:不適合)。但對于創始人埃文•威廉姆斯(Evan Williams)和杰克•多西(Jack Dorsey)而言,他們孵了許久的一窩金蛋終于破殼而出了。雖然Twitter仍未實現盈利,但熱情的投資者將股價炒高了73%,從26美元的發行價一路飆升至近44.90美元。這使威廉姆斯10.4%的持股升值到26億美元,多西4.3%的持股也升值到10億美元。如今,威廉姆斯凈資產達到28億美元,多西則為21億美元。正如福布斯記者瑞恩•馬克(Ryan Mac)所指出的,通過達成禁售協議并拒絕出售股票,Twitter內部人士實現了收益最大化,而不像是Facebook的許多早期投資者,因沒有展現出對Facebook的信心而備受指摘。 U-Hauling In The Dough 盆滿缽滿的搬家貨車租賃公司:U-Haul With the housing market still on the rise, realtors, banks and home builders aren’t the only ones benefiting. After all, somebody has to move all those boxes and furniture around when people move, right? AMERCO, parent company of U-Haul, just posted a gaudy earnings report and saw its stock rise 9.4% during the week as a result. Net income increased to $138 million from $109 million last year, a 27% boost. U-Haul was founded by the Shoen family in 1945, and its two biggest stockholders are brothers Edward Shoen, chairman and president of AMERCO, with 3.5 million shares and Mark Shoen, a vice president with U-Haul, with 3.8 million shares. The brothers, who took over the company in 1986, gained a combined $139 million during the week with the stock climbing from $202 to $221 per share by Thursday’s close. 隨著房地產市場的持續升溫,受益的不僅僅是房產中介、銀行和住宅建筑商。畢竟,人們要搬家,總得有人來搬運那些大包小包和家具吧。近期,U-Haul母公司AMERCO就發布了一份光彩奪目的盈利報告,股價也隨之在一周內上漲了9.4%。公司凈利潤從去年的1.09億美元上升至今年1.38億美元,增幅達27%。U-Haul于1945年由舒恩家族創建,其兩名最大的股東是兩兄弟:AMERCO董事長兼總裁愛德華•舒恩(Edward Shoen),持有350萬股;還有擔任U-Haul副總裁的馬克•舒恩(Mark Shoen),持有380萬股。兄弟倆于1986年接管公司。本周,隨著公司股價從每股202美元攀升至周四收盤時的221美元,兩人凈資產合計升值1.39億美元。 The Really Rich In Real Time 實時億萬富豪 With the S&P 500 dropping 1.3% Thursday, the uber wealthy were posting more impressive losses than gains. Three billionaires — Amancio Ortega, Carl Icahn and Jeff Bezos — lost more than $1 billion on the day, with casino king Sheldon Adelson and oil tycoon Harold Hamm not far behind. But with the rally on Friday, most of those guys gained some of it back. Icahn was the biggest dollar gainer of the day, posting a $967 million turnaround. Hamm ($603 million), Bezos ($601 million) and Adelson ($578 million) also rebounded. Ortega, owner of retail clothing conglomerate Inditex, wasn’t so fortunate. He was Thursday’s biggest loser with a $1.85 billion tumble and he dropped another $344 million on Friday. Inditex lost 2.3% during the week. 周四,由于標普500指數收跌1.3%,超級富豪們輸多贏少。有三位億萬富豪——阿曼西奧•奧特加(Amancio Ortega)、卡爾•伊坎(Carl Icahn)和杰夫•貝索斯(Jeff Bezos)——的財富一天內蒸發10億美元,賭場之王謝爾登•阿德爾森(SHeldon Adelson)和石油大亨哈羅德•哈姆(Harold Hamm)的損失緊隨其后。但隨著周五的反彈,上述大多數富豪都收復了部分失地。當天反彈最大的是伊坎,扳回了9.67億美元。哈姆(6.03億美元)、貝索斯(6.01億美元)和阿德爾森(5.78億美元)也都實現了一定程度的逆轉。服飾零售企業集團Inditex的老板奧特加就沒那么幸運了。他是上周四最大的輸家,18.5億美元打了水漂,周五又繼續損失了3.44億美元。Inditex在上周累計下跌2.3%。 Click here to see who got rich last week. 譯 丁盈幸 校 徐笑音 Thanks to Scott DeCarlo for building and maintaining our insider database screen. 本文為福布斯中文網版權所有,未經允許不得轉載。如需轉載請聯系editor@forbeschina.
我得到過的最佳建議 智慧的養成不僅需要時間,還需要人和人之間互動關系。這篇文章中的真知灼見就來自幾對有影響力的二人組合:他們有的是商業伙伴、政府領導人、基金會的領導、導師、學生,還有的是更出色的人物。他們都擁有一種意愿,希望相互學習、一起變得更聰明。