基本介紹: 安森美不斷推出多種電源的解決方案。NCP1027是屬于安森美NPC10XX系列的產品。擁有 65 kHz脈寬調制(PWM)控制器集成700 V MOSFET:可調節斜坡補償特性支持深度CCM工作,優化滿載能效。跳周期模式工作優化輕載能效。 基本性能: 內含700V功率的MOSFET,典型RSDON為5.8歐 采用電流控制型工作,振蕩頻率內不固定在65KHZ 最大峰值電流800mA。 軟模式的跨越式工作,峰值電流較低 內部含高壓啟動電流源,設置了清潔無損耗的啟動程序。 輸出保護電路,短路撤消后自動恢復 輔助源自動過壓保護 可調的布朗輸出保護 可調的過功率保護 常設的輸入至鎖死保護電路 內部頻率抖動,降低EM信號尖刺 占空比最大拓展到80% 空載待機功耗在AC265V時小于85mW 500mW負載在AC230下小于715mW。 方案簡介; This reference document describes a built−and−tested,GreenPoint[1] solution for an xDSL modem ac−dc adapter.This power supply reference design is intended for lowpower, off−line applications where a regulated outputvoltage is required. Applications would also includemodems, printers, routers, hubs and/or similar consumeraudio and video products that require a single output voltagein the 10 to 20 W range. 方案特點: The power supply design is based aroundON Semiconductor’s NCP10xx family of monolithiccontrollers with an integrated 700 V MOSFET. In thisparticular design an NCP1027 is utilized in a 12 V, 1.3 Aoutput supply with a surge capability of over 1.6 A. This design can be tailored for any output voltage fromseveral volts up to 28 V (or higher) with power outputs toapproximately 20 W (depending on the AC inputrequirement) by merely reconfiguring the transformer turnsratio and the voltage reference zener. The power supply willmeettypical safety agency isolation and leakage currentstandards and comply with FCC Part 15 Level B conductedEMI requirements and has an average efficiency of greaterthan 75%. 方案原理圖: 方案pcb圖: 詳情請參見: 來源:網絡 |