Avnet公司的Spartan-6 FPGA馬達控制FMC模塊是和Xilinx Spartan-6 LX75T FPGA基板一起使用的,具有低引腳數,能直接插入Avnet 或Xilinx的FMC平臺,能驅動步進馬達,有刷DC馬達(BDC),無刷DC馬達(BLDC)和永磁同步馬達(PMSM),集成了TI公司的馬達驅動器和高精度檢測的Delta-Sigma ADC,主要用于工業自動化,消費類電子,醫療診斷和機器人.本文介紹了馬達控制模塊主要特性,方框圖,電路圖和材料清單. High demands are being placed on motors used for industrial automation, consumer electronics, medical diagnostics and robotics. Xilinx FPGAs deliver the performance and integration required to execute complex motor control algorithms, increased efficiency, integration and custom safety features, often outside of the capabilities of traditional MCUs. As a companion to the Xilinx Spartan-6 LX75T FPGA base board, Avnet’s Motor Control FMC Module features the Low Pin Count (LPC) form factor, enabling attachment to any Avnet or Xilinx FMC-enabled platform. Each Avnet Motor Control FMC can drive one Stepper, two Brushed DC (BDC), two Brushless DC (BLDC) or two Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM). The Avnet Spartan®-6 FPGA Motor Control Development Kit is an ideal platform for designers seeking to experiment with proven reference designs and develop custom control integrated with flexible peripheral functions like Ethernet, PowerLink and PCI Express. The Motor FMC module implements Texas Instruments integrated motor drivers and high precision Delta-Sigma modulators for voltage and current sense. Designers also have the option to use the Xilinx XADC integrated 12-bit data converter available in new 7 Series devices for the ultimate integrated design. A prototyping area for experimenting with alternate front end circuitry is also provided. Stepper, Brushed DC (BDC), Brushless DC (BLDC), and Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM) can be driven by the FMC module, under control of the Spartan-6 LX75T FPGA on the baseboard. The included reference designs provide great demonstrations and starting points for your own design. 圖1.馬達控制模塊外形圖 馬達控制模塊主要特性: Low Pin Count (LPC) form factor Plugs into any Avnet or Xilinx FMC-enabled platform Drive Stepper, Brushed DC (BDC), Brushless DC (BLDC) and Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM) Spin two motors (12-24V) simultaneously under FPGA control Texas Instruments Integrated Motor Drivers Texas Instruments Delta-Sigma ADCs for high precision sensing Xilinx XADC header enables low-cost 7 Series FPGA integration Hall Sensor/Encoder and GPIO ports User prototyping area Powered from FPGA baseboard or external source Includes 1 Portescap BLDC and 1 Stepper motor 圖2.馬達控制模塊方框圖 圖3.馬達控制模塊電路圖(1) 圖4.馬達控制模塊電路圖(2) 圖5.馬達控制模塊電路圖(3) 圖6.馬達控制模塊電路圖(4) 圖7.馬達控制模塊電路圖(5) 圖8.馬達控制模塊電路圖(6) 圖9.馬達控制模塊電路圖(7) 圖10.馬達控制模塊電路圖(8) 圖11.馬達控制模塊電路圖(9) 馬達控制模塊材料清單(BOM): 詳情請見: https://www.em.avnet.com/Support%20And%20Downloads/FMC_MC1_RevB_Schematic.PDF 和 https://www.em.avnet.com/Support%20And%20Downloads/FMC_MC1_BOM_RevB-06.pdf 來源:網絡 |