ZMDI公司的ZSSC1856是集成了嵌入式MCU的雙路高精度18位Sigma-Delta ADC,其中的一路輸入通過外接電阻測量電池電流IBAT(失調誤差小于10mA,分辨率優于1mA),另一路測量電池電壓VBAT(輸入范圍4-28.8V,精度+/-2mV)和溫度,而集成的閃存則用來計算電池的狀態.可編增益4-512,取樣速率1Hz到16kHz,主要用在汽車,工業和醫療領域.本文介紹了ZSSC1856主要特性和優勢,方框圖,基本應用電路和典型應用電路. The ZSSC1856 is a dual-channel ADC with an embedded microcontroller for battery sensing/management in automotive, industrial, and medical systems. One of the two input channels measures the battery current IBAT via the voltage drop at the external shunt resistor. The second channel measures the battery voltage VBAT and the temperature. An integrated flash memory is provided for customer-specific soft-ware; e.g., dedicated algorithms for calculating the battery state. During Sleep Mode (e.g., engine off), the system makes periodic measurements to monitor the dis-charge of the battery. Measurement cycles are controlled by the software and include various wake-up conditions. The ZSSC1856 is optimized for ultra-low power consumption and draws only 100μA or less in this mode. The ZSSC1856 consists of two silicon dies in one package. The dies are assembled as stacked dies in a PQFN32 5x5mm package. The System Basis Chip (SBC) contains the high voltage circuits, the analog input stage including peripheral blocks, the ΣΔ-ADCs, the digital filtering, and the LIN-transceiver. The microcontroller chip (MCU) contains the microcontroller core, memories, and some peripheral blocks. Communication between the MCU and the SBC is handled by an SPI interface. Internal nodes connecting the MCU and the SBC (i.e., TXD, RXD, IRQN, CSN, SPI_CLK, MOSI, MISO, MCU_CLK, MCU_RSTN, and RAM_PROTN) are controlled by firmware. Users can access the internal nodes via the LIN interface and/or external JTAG pins (i.e., TDO, TDI, TRSTN, TMS, and TCK). ZSSC1856主要特性: High-precision 18-bit sigma-delta ADC with on-chip voltage reference (5ppm/K) Current channel IBAT offset error: ≤ 10mA IBAT resolution: ≤ 1mA programmable gain: 4 to 512 Differential input stage input range: ± 300mV Sampling rate: 1Hz to 16kHz Voltage channel Input range: 4 to 28.8V Voltage accuracy: ± 2mV Temperature channel Internal temperature sensor: ± 2℃ External temperature sensor (NTC) On-chip precision oscillator (1%) On-chip low-power oscillator ARM® Cortex™-M0* microcontroller: 32-bit core, 10MHz to 20MHz 96kB Flash/EE Memory with ECC, 8kB SRAM LIN2.1 / SAE J2602-1 Transceiver Directly connected to 12V battery supply Current consumption Normal Mode: 10mA to 20mA Low-Power Mode: ≤ 100μA ZSSC1856優勢: Integrated, precision measurement solution for accurate prediction of battery state of health (SOH), state of charge (SOC) or state of function (SOF) Flexible wake-up modes allow minimum power consumption without sacrificing performance No temperature calibration or external trimming components required Optimized code density through small instruction set architecture Thumb®-2 * Robust POR concept for harsh automotive environments Industry’s smallest footprint allows minimal module size and cost AEC-Q100 qualified solution ZSSC1856應用: Intelligent battery sensing for automotive applications; e.g., start/stop systems, e-bikes, scooters, and e-carts Industrial and medical applica-tions requiring precise battery SOC, SOH and SOF monitoring; e.g., emergency lighting, uninter-ruptable power supplies, hospital equipment, alarm systems, and more ![]() 圖1.ZSSC1856方框圖 ![]() 圖2.ZSSC1856系統基本芯片(SBC)數字部分方框圖 ![]() 圖3.ZSSC1856 MCU部分方框圖 ![]() 圖4.ZSSC1856模擬測量子系統功能方框圖 ![]() 圖5.ZSSC1856基本應用電路圖 ![]() 圖6.ZSSC1856典型應用電路圖 詳情請見: |