富威集團代理產線Realtek整合最適用于桌面計算機之Codec/WiFi/Lan方案,可同時滿足客戶于桌面計算機設計上多項需求。 Codec: ALC892-GR/ALC892-CG/ALC892-DTS-GR高性能多聲道高保真音頻編譯碼器 WiFi: 8188cus/8192cu-新一代WLAN USB dongle Lan: RTL8111F-超高速乙太網絡單芯片 Codec:ALC892-GR/ALC892-CG/ALC892-DTS-GR高性能多聲道高保真音頻編譯碼器 ALC892-GR/ALC892-GR/ALC892-DTS-CG是一個高性能的多聲道高保真音頻編譯碼器,具有content protection功能,讓Enduser享受高分辨率的藍光DVD的音源。 ALC892提供10個DAC通道,能同時支持7.1聲音回放,加上2個通道的獨立立體聲輸出(multiple streaming)通過前面板立體聲輸出。2個立體聲ADC和一個立體聲數字麥克風轉換器集成和可支持麥克風數組(BF),回聲消除(AEC)和噪聲抑制(NS)的技術。瑞昱的ALC892采用專有技術,DAC可以實現96dB信號噪音比(SNR),ADC信噪比質量達到90dB。所有仿真訊號I / O具有輸入和輸出能力,且有內建的amplifier for HP-OUT,LINE-OUT,MIC2。 ALC892支持16/20/24-bit SPDIF輸入和輸出,且采樣率高達192kHz,可輕松連接個人計算機和消費電子產品,如數字譯碼器和揚聲器。ALC892還具有第二組SPDIF輸出,用來連接HDMI device。 音頻支持英特爾、AMD…等芯片組,并可以和其他HDA的音頻控制器兼容。 Hardware Features DACs with 96dB SNR (A-weighting), ADCs with 90dB SNR (A-weighting) Ten DAC channels support 16/20/24-bit PCM format for 7.1 channel sound playback, plus 2 channels of concurrent independent stereo sound output (multiple streaming) through the front panel output Two stereo ADCs support 16/20/24-bit PCM format, multiple stereo recording All DACs supports 44.1k/48k/96k/192kHz sample rate All ADCs supports 44.1k/48k/96k/192kHz sample rate Primary 16/20/24-bit SPDIF-OUT supports 32k/44.1k/48k/88.2k/96k/192kHz sample rate Secondary 16/20/24-bit SPDIF-OUT supports 32k/44.1k/48k/88.2k/96k/192kHz sample rate 16/20/24-bit SPDIF-IN supports 44.1k/48k/96k/192kHz sample rate All analog jacks (port-A to port-G) are stereo input and output re-tasking Port-D/E/F built-in headphone amplifiers Port-B/C/E/F with software selectable boost gain (+10/+20/+30dB) for analog microphone input High-quality analog differential CD input Supports external PCBEEP input and built-in digital BEEP generator Software selectable 2.5V/3.2V/4.0V VREFOUT Up to four channels of microphone array input are supported for AEC/BF applications Two jack detection pins each designed to detect up to 4 jacks Supports legacy analog mixer architecture Up to two GPIOs (General Purpose Input and Output) for customized applications. GPIO0 and GPIO1 share pin with DMIC-CLK and DMIC-DATA Supports mono and stereo digital microphone interface (pins shared with GPIO0 and GPIO1) Supports anti-pop mode when analog power LDO-IN is on and digital power is off Content Protection for Full Rate lossless DVD Audio, Blu-ray DVD, and HD-DVD audio content playback (with selected versions of WinDVD/PowerDVD/TMT) 1dB per step output volume and input volume control Supports 3.3V digital core power, 1.5V or 3.3V digital I/O power for HD Audio link, and 5.0V analog power Intel low power ECR compliant and power status control for each analog/digital converter and pin widget 48-pin LQFP ‘Green’package Software Features Meets Microsoft WLP 3.x and future WLP audio requirements Wave RT-based audio function driver for Windows Vista and Windows 7 Direct Sound 3D™compatible I3DL2 compatible 7.1+2 channel multi-streaming enables concurrent gaming/VoIP Emulation of 26 sound environments to enhance gaming experience Multiband software equalizer and tools provided Voice Cancellation and Key Shifting effect Dynamic range control (expander, compressor, and limiter) with adjustable parameters Intuitive Configuration Panel (Realtek Audio Manager) to enhance user experience Microphone Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC), Noise Suppression (NS), and Beam Forming (BF) technology for voice applications Smart multiple streaming operation HDMI audio driver for AMD platform Optional Dolby PCEE program, SRS TruSurround HD, SRS Premium Sound, Fortemedia SAM, Creative Host Audio, Synopsys Sonic Focus, DTS Surround Sensation | UltraPC, and DTS Connect licenses WiFi: 8188cus/8192cu-新一代WLAN USB dongle Realtek推出最新一代的WLAN USB dongle解決方案,8188cus和8192cu。將MAC,PHY,ADC/DAC、EEPROM、Tansceiver、PA等單元完全集成在一個IC里。由于是高集成度IC,所以產品可以做成很小的size,同時因為能耗很小,極其省電,也為其在便攜設備的應用提供可能。 產品特性: CMOS MAC, Baseband MIMO PHY and RF in a Single Chip ,including EEPROM,PA,RF switch,RF filter,ADC,DAC, etc. 1x1/2x2 MIMO technology for extended reception robustness and exceptional throughput 150Mbps receive PHY rate and 75Mbps transmit PHY rate using 20MHz bandwidth 300Mbps receive PHY rate and 150Mbps transmit PHY rate using 40MHz bandwidth Backward compatible with 802.11b/g devices while operating at 802.11n data rates Complies with USB 2.0(8188cus/8192cu); Complies with PCI Express Base Specification Revision 1.1 (8191CE) Multiple BSSID feature allows the RTL8192CU-GR to assume multiple MAC identities when used as a wireless bridge Supports Wake-On-WLAN via Magic Packet and Wake-up frame Configurable Bluetooth coexistence Interface. Maximum data rate 54Mbps in 802.11g, and 300Mbps in 802.11n 主要應用: 普通USB dongle 無線網卡/mini USB/在MID、STB等嵌入式應用的wifi module Lan: RTL8111F-超高速乙太網絡單芯片 Realtek RTL8111F超高速乙太網絡單芯片,是全球首顆應用IEEE 802.3az 節能標準(Energy Efficient Ethernet: EEE) 所設計出高效能、低功耗的超高速乙太網絡單芯片,支持PCI Express 1.1總線接口,并符合IEEE 802.3u技術為10/100Mbps乙太網和IEEE 802.3ab規格的千兆乙太網絡芯片,并嵌入一次性可編程(OTP)存儲器,以取代外部EEPROM(93C46/93C56/93C66)。 RTL8111F完全符合微軟NDIS5,NDIS6(IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP)的校驗和分割任務的卸除(Large send and Giant send)功能,并支持IEEE 802的IP層的優先級編碼和IEEE 802.1Q Virtual bridged Local Area Network(VLAN)。上述特點有助于降低CPU的利用率。 EEE針對乙太網絡鏈接中沒有數據流量時制定了新的機制,而RTL8111F能在此時進入低耗電模式,將不需用到的傳送或接收端的電路關閉,直到有需要傳送或接收封包時才再度開啟,回到正常傳收模式。此新機制可以省掉不必要的耗電,讓能源能更有效的被利用。當乙太網絡鏈接中沒有數據流量時,RTL8111F隨即進入EEE的低耗電模式,耗電量立刻減少達80%(僅約66mW,平常約為410mW),而目前市面上一般的網絡單芯片,皆未具備此EEE低耗電模式功能。 以技術領先的優異條件,讓瑞昱不斷設計和開發出更具競爭力的產品,同時具備高性能并符合環保及節能需求的趨勢。由于產品的功能完善、效能優異以及節能省電的環保特色,使得瑞昱成為超高速乙太網絡芯片解決方案中,最值得信賴的選擇。 RTL8111F產品特性 Integrated 10/100/1000 transceiver Auto-Negotiation with Next Page capability Supports PCI Express 1.1 Supports pair swap/polarity/skew correction Crossover Detection & Auto-Correction Wake-on-LAN and remote wake-up support Microsoft NDIS5, NDIS6 Checksum Offload (IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP) and Segmentation Task-offload (Large send v1 and Large send v2) support Supports Full Duplex flow control (IEEE 802.3x) Supports jumbo frame to 9K bytes Fully compliant with IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.3u, IEEE 802.3ab Supports IEEE 802.1P Layer 2 Priority Encoding Supports IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagging Supports IEEE 802.3az Draft 3.0 (EEE) Embedded OTP memory can replace the external EEPROM Serial EEPROM Transmit/Receive on-chip buffer support Supports power down/link down power saving Built-in switching regulator Supports PCI MSI (Message Signaled Interrupt) and MSI-X Supports quad core Receive-Side Scaling (RSS) Supports Alert Standard Format 2.0 (ASF2.0) Supports Protocol Offload (ARP & NS) Supports Customized LEDs Supports 1-Lane 2.5Gbps PCI Express Bus Supports hardware ECC (Error Correction Code) function Supports hardware CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) function 48-pin QFN ‘Green’ package 欲知更多代理產線產品信息歡迎前往富威集團網站: http://www.rich-power.com.tw/ 我要聯絡 富威集團 中國 Realtek 產品線人員 關于大聯大集團: 大聯大投資控股股份有限公司(臺灣證券交易所掛牌上市,股票代號: 3702)正式成立于2005年11月,集團總部位于臺北,結合世平集團、品佳集團、富威集團、凱悌集團、詮鼎集團及友尚集團等亞太區半導體通路領導品牌,員工人數逾6,000人,代理產品線逾280條,服務網遍布亞洲四十三個據點;2010年營業額近81.7億美金,是亞洲區市場份額最高之半導體零件通路商。大聯大持續強化技術支持的專業形象,滿足客戶需求創造(Demand Creation),提供完整解決方案 (Turnkey Solution)。連年獲得天下雜志、商業周刊、今周刊等評選為「IC通路產業No.1」;2010年并再度蟬聯專業網站EETimes評選為「亞洲最大最佳之IC通路代理商」,穩踞全球第三大電子零件通路商。 大聯大集團積極導入ROWC(Return on Working Capital; 營運資產報酬率)指標,期能兼顧「營收」與「績效」,藉以改善營運及盈余質量。在平臺整合及合并效益的陸續發揮下,大聯大的年化股東權益報酬率(ROE)及營運資產報酬率(ROWC),成長至2010年達18.4%與20.1%,EPS NT$4.48。2010年5月獲彭博商業周刊科技百強評選為第十一名(評比標準包括:市值、營收、股東權益報酬率及員工人數成長率等)。大聯大以「產業首選‧通路標竿」為愿景,全面推行「團隊、誠信、專業、效能」之核心價值觀,凝聚團隊共識,創造供貨商、客戶與股東共贏。 |