TI 公司的TPS92010具有高效率的PWM控制器,采用準諧振模式以降低EMI和開關損耗,起動電流小于25uA,可編程線路和負載過壓保護,并提供LED開路保護和超溫保護,主要用在A19 E12/E26/27, GU10, MR16, PAR30/38集成燈,結構和顯示照明以及走廊和頂燈照明.本文介紹了TPS9201主要特性,框圖, 典型應用電路圖以及230-VAC TRIAC調光6-W LED驅動器主要特性,電路圖,材料清單和布局圖. The TPS92010 is a PWM controller with advanced energy features to provide high efficiency driving for LED lighting applications. The TPS92010 incorporates frequency fold back and low power mode operation to reduce the operation frequency at light load and no load operations. The TPS92010 is offered in the 8-pin SOIC (D) package. Operating junction temperature range is –40℃ to 105℃. TPS9201主要特性: LED Lighting Current Driver Controller with Energy Saving Features Quasi-Resonant Mode Operation for Reduced EMI and Low Switching Losses (Low Voltage Switching) Low Standby Current for Deep Dimming Efficiency Power Consumption Low Startup Current: 25 µA Maximum Programmable Line and Load Overvoltage Protection Provides Open LED Protection Internal Overtemperature Protection Current Limit Protection Cycle-by-Cycle Power Limit Primary-Side Overcurrent Hiccup Restart Mode 1-A Sink TrueDrive, –0.75-A Source Gate Drive Output Programmable Soft-Start TPS9201應用: Residential LED Lighting Drivers for A19 E12/E26/27, GU10, MR16, PAR30/38 Integral Lamps Drivers for Wall Sconces, Pathway Lighting and Overhead Lighting Drivers for Wall Washing, Architectural and Display Lighting 圖1. TPS9201方框圖 圖2. TPS9201典型應用電路圖 A 230-VAC TRIAC調光6-W LED驅動器 The TPS92010EVM-631 is a fully assembled and tested circuit for demonstrating the TPS92010 Controller in a 230VAC light bulb replacement design that is TRIAC dimmable. The TPS92010EVM-631 includes an LED light engine to load the output and make it easy to see the dimming function when used with an external TRIAC based dimmer. TRIAC調光6-W LED驅動器主要特性: LED Lighting Current Driver Controller with Energy Saving Features Quasi-Resonant Mode Operation for Reduced EMI and Low Switching Losses (Low Voltage Switching) Low Standby Current for Deep Dimming Efficiency Power Consumption Low Startup Current: 25 µA Maximum Programmable Line and Load Overvoltage Protection Internal Overtemperature Protection Current Limit Protection 1-A Sink TrueDrive, –0.75-A Source Gate Drive Output Programmable Soft-Start 圖3.PSU電路圖 圖4.LED板電路圖 TRIAC調光6-W LED驅動器材料清單: 圖5. PSU PCB布局圖(頂層) 詳情請見: |