NO.626-【獵頭職位:上海、南京需要多位 SOC 后端工程師】聯系人:Lincy-Cao,郵箱,微信也可查詢職位了!打開手機微信,搜號碼“KTHR_COM”或查找微信公眾帳號“KT人才”或掃描以上二維碼即可添加,歡迎大家關注! 崗位職責: 1、Responsible for the RTL synthesis, SDC/UPF(CPF) analysis, Formal check, including: 2、RTL synthesis for BLK and chip level; 3、SDC analysis/check with FE engineer; 4、Low power architecture analysis and check with UPF or CPF; 5、Formal check for RTL to netlist and netlist to netlist of PR different stage; 6、STA and timing fix with PR engineer for BLK or chip level timing closure; 崗位要求: 1、5+ years of experience and minimum of BS in EE or equivalent; MS a plus. Experienced in one of the major SYN/STA/Lowpower tool suites (Cadence, Synopsys). 2、Experience with mainstream SOC architecture (ARM based, GPU, VPU, DDR …). 3、Scripting expertise (Perl, Tcl) a strong plus. 4、Actual complex SOC tapeout experience on a recent technology node (28nm or below) a strong plus. 福利:五險一金 績效獎金 股票期權 ![]() |