NO.620-【獵頭職位:上海、長沙、北京、杭州需要多位 DDR Verification Leader】聯系人:Sophie-Song,郵箱,微信也可查詢職位了!打開手機微信,搜號碼“KTHR_COM”或查找微信公眾帳號“KT人才”或掃描以上二維碼即可添加,歡迎大家關注! 崗位職責: 1、Define the DDR verification strategy at subsystem and SoC level; 2、Responsible for developing the subsystem and SoC verification testplan, test strategy, checking methodology, etc; 3、Develop and maintain re-usable DDR DV test bench; 4、Mentor and train junior engineers in the DDR related verification work ; 5、Responsible for delivery of a fully verified and bug free DDR subsystem and successful integration at SoC level. 崗位要求: 1、Extensive knowledge and hands on experience verifying DDR Controller and/or DDR-IO verification experience; 2、Proficiency in SV/UVM, constrained random and coverage driven verification methodology; 3、Experience in developing test bench components, testplan for DDR verification at IP and Integration level; 4、DDR System performance and bringup experience is a big plus. 福利:五險一金 年終獎金 帶薪年假 團隊聚餐 餐費補貼![]() |