Avago公司的 AEAT-6600-T16是業界最高分辨率的霍耳磁性編碼器,包括霍耳元件,模擬前端和數字信號處理,具有10-16位的分辨率,可精密測量360度旋轉的角度.器件的工作電壓5V或3.3V,3線或2線SSI接口模式的絕對值輸出,增量ABI或UVW以及PWM輸出模式,用戶可編程的零位置,指向和標志脈寬,主要用在工業自動化和機器人,替代分解器和電位計,無刷DC馬達的三相換向等.本文介紹了AEAT-6600-T16主要特性和指標, OTP可編模式電路圖, 對準模式電路圖, PCB級應用電路圖以及HEDS-8937編程器主要特性等. The Avago AEAT-6600 angular magnetic encoder IC is a contact less magnetic rotary encoder for accurate angular measurement over a full turn of 360 degrees. It is a system-on-chip, combining integrated Hall elements, analog front end and digital signal processing in a single device. To measure the angle, only a simple two-pole magnet, rotating over the center of the chip, is required. The magnet may be placed above or below the IC. The absolute angle measurement provides instant indication of the magnet’s angular position with a resolution of 0.005° = 65 536 positions per revolution. This digital data is available as a serial bit stream and as a PWM signal. An internal voltage regulator allows the AEAT-6600 to operate at either 3.3 V or 5 V supplies. The Avago AEAT-6600 angular magnetic encoder IC is a contact less magnetic rotary encoder for accurate angular measurement over a full turn of 360 degrees. It is a system-on-chip, combining integrated Hall elements, analog front end and digital signal processing in a single device. To measure the angle, only a simple two-pole magnet, rotating over the center of the chip, is required. The magnet may be placed above or below the IC. The absolute angle measurement provides instant indication of the magnet’s angular position with a resolution of 0.005° = 65 536 positions per revolution. This digital data is available as a serial bit stream and as a PWM signal. An internal voltage regulator allows the AEAT-6600 to operate at either 3.3 V or 5 V supplies. AEAT-6600-T16主要特性: 5 V or 3.3 V operation 3-wire or 2-wire SSI interface mode for absolute output Incremental ABI or UVW, and PWM output modes User-programmable zero position, direction & index pulse width Easy magnet alignment with magnetic field strength output and alignment mode ower-down mode to reduce current consumption TSSOP-16 IC package RoHS compliant AEAT-6600-T16指標: Absolute 10-bits to 16-bits resolution Incremental output resolutions 8 to 1024 CPR -40°C to 125°C operating temperature range AEAT-6600-T16應用: Industrial automation and robotics 3-phase commutation for brushless DC motor Resolver and potentiometer replacement Industrial Automation Applications, such as: Robotics - Stepper Motor - Valve Control - Textile Machinery - CNC Machines - Industrial Control Systems - Solar panels 圖1. 北極星方框圖 圖2. AEAT-6600-T16 OTP可編模式電路圖 圖3. AEAT-6600-T16 對準模式電路圖 圖4. AEAT-6600-T16 PCB級應用電路圖 Avago HEDS-8937編程器 This user manual describes the Avago HEDS-8937 programmer kit. The AEAT-6600-T16 magnetic encoder programming kit features real-time monitoring and programming of the 32-bit OTP memory within the AEAT-6600-T16 magnetic encoder IC. The HEDS-8937 kit includes the IC interface hardware that is supported by PC software. The IC interface hardware is a microcontroller system that links the AEAT-6600-T16 encoder to the PC through a USB cable. This user manual describes the hardware and PC software setup and gives instructions on PC software operation. Avago HEDS-8937編程器主要特性: Bus-powered USB device On-board 6.5 V programming voltage Auto-power off when the AEAT-6600-T16 is removed from the programming socket Read and write the 32-bit OTP memory Real-time monitoring of SSI, PWM, ABI or UVW outputs Real-time monitoring of MAG_HI and MAG_LOW Signals Avago HEDS-8937編程器包括: 1. USB cable 2. AEAT-6600-T16 magnetic encoder programmer 3. IC adapter socket 4. 16-pin ribbon cable 5. Installation CD 圖5.Avago HEDS-8937編程器外形圖 詳情請見: http://www.avagotech.com/docs/AV02-2792EN 和 http://www.avagotech.com/docs/AV02-2791EN |