Renesas公司的V850E/Ix4是32位單片微控制器,包括V850E/IG4和V850E/IH,采用V850E1 CPU內核,并集成了ROM/RAM以及各種外設功能如DMA控制器,定時器/計數器,看門狗定時器,串行接口,ADC以及片上調試功能.主要用在消費類電子如空調逆變器,洗衣機,干燥機和冰箱等,以及工業設備如馬達控制,通用逆變器等.本文介紹了V850E/IG4和V850E/IH4主要特,方框圖, 電網和單相三線逆變器的連接圖, 帶變壓器的電網和三相逆變器的連接圖以及兩片太陽能逆變器解決方案和采用V850E/Ix4的單片太陽能逆變器解決方案. V850E/IG4和V850E/IH4: 32-bit Single-Chip Microcontrollers The V850E/IG4 and V850E/IH4 are 32-bit single-chip microcontrollers that use the V850E1 CPU core and incorporate ROM/RAM and various peripheral functions such as DMA controller, timer/counter, watchdog timer, serial interfaces, A/D converter, and on-chip debug function. In addition to high real-time response characteristics and 1-clock-pitch basic instructions, the V850E/IG4 and V850E/IH4 feature instructions such as multiply instructions realized by a hardware multiplier, saturated operation instructions, and bit manipulation instructions, as optimum instructions for digital servo control applications. Moreover,as a real-time control system, the V850E/IG4 and V850E/IH4 enable an extremely high cost-performance for applications such as motor inverter control. V850E/IG4和V850E/IH4主要特性: Minimum instruction execution time: 10 ns (at internal 100 MHz operation) General-purpose registers: 32 bits × 32 CPU features: Signed multiplication (16 bits × 16 bits → 32 bits or 32 bits × 32 bits → 64 bits):1 to 2 clocks Saturated operation instructions (with overflow/underflow detection function) 32-bit shift instructions: 1 clock Bit manipulation instructions Load/store instructions with long/short format Signed load instructions Internal memory: RAM: 24 KB (See Table 1-1) Flash memory: 256/384/480 KB (See Table 1-1) On-chip debug function: Supports MINICUBE®, MINICUBE2. Interrupts/exceptions: Non-maskable interrupts: 1 source (external: none, internal: 1) Maskable interrupts: 103 sources (external: 22, internal: 81) Software exceptions: 32 sources Exception traps: 2 sources DMA controller: 7 channels Transfer unit: 8 bits/16 bits/32 bits Maximum transfer count: 4096 (212) Transfer type: 2-cycle Transfer modes: Single/single step Transfer targets: On-chip peripheral I/O ↔ Internal RAM Transfer request: On-chip peripheral I/O/software Next address setting function I/O lines: V850E/IG4: Total: 67 (Input ports: 12, I/O ports: 55) V850E/IH4: Total: 80 (Input ports: 12, I/O ports: 68) Timer/counter function: 16-bit interval timer M (TMM): 4 channels 16-bit timer/event counter AA (TAA): 3 channels 16-bit timer/event counter AB (TAB): 2 channels 16-bit timer/event counter T (TMT): 4 channels Motor control function (uses timer TAB: 2 channels (TAB0, TAB1), TAA: 2 channels(TAA0, TAA1)) 16-bit accuracy 6-phase PWM function with deadtime: 2 channels High-impedance output control function A/D trigger generation by timer tuning operation function Arbitrary cycle setting function Arbitrary deadtime setting function Watchdog timer: 1 channel Serial interfaces: Asynchronous serial interface A (UARTA) Asynchronous serial interface B (UARTB) Clocked serial interface F (CSIF) I2C bus interface (I2C) UARTA0/CSIF0: 1 channel UARTA1/I2C: 1 channel UARTA2/CSIF1: 1 channel UARTB/CSIF2: 1 channel A/D converter: • 12-bit resolution A/D converters (A/D converters 0 and 1) V850E/IG4: 4 channels + 3 channels (2 units) V850E/IH4: 4 channels + 4 channels (2 units) The three A/D converter 0 channels and three A/D converter 1 channels are provided with an operational amplifier for input level amplification and a comparator for overvoltage detection. • 10-bit resolution A/D converter (A/D converter 2): 12 channels (1 unit) Clock generator: 10 to 12.5 MHz resonator connectable (external clock input prohibited) Multiplication function by PLL clock synthesizer (fixed to multiplication by eight, fXX =80 to 100 MHz) CPU clock division function (fXX, fXX/2, fXX/4, fXX/8) Power-save function: HALT/IDLE/STOP mode Power-on-clear function Low-voltage detection function Package: • V850E/IG4: 100-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (14 × 14) 100-pin plastic LQFP (14 × 20) • V850E/IH4: 128-pin plastic LQFP (fine pitch) (14 × 20) O Operating supply voltage: When any A/D converter from 0 to 2 is operating VDD0 = VDD1 = VDD2 = VDD3 (V850E/IH4 only) = 1.35 to 1.65 V FVDD (V850E/IH4 only) = 4.0 to 5.5 V EVDD0 = EVDD1 = EVDD2 = EVDD3 (V850E/IH4 only) = AVDD0 = AVDD1 = AVDD2 = 4.0 to 5.5 V When no A/D converter from 0 to 2 is operating VDD0 = VDD1 = VDD2 = VDD3 (V850E/IH4 only) = 1.35 to 1.65 V FVDD (V850E/IH4 only) = 4.0 to 5.5 V EVDD0 = EVDD1 = EVDD2 = EVDD3 (V850E/IH4 only) = AVDD0 = AVDD1 = AVDD2 = 3.5 to 5.5 V V850E/IG4和V850E/IH4應用: • Consumer equipment (such as inverter air conditioners, washing machines, driers, refrigerators, etc.) • Industrial equipment (such as motor control, general-purpose inverters, etc.) ![]() 圖1.V850E/Ix4 MCU框圖 ![]() 圖2.V850E/IG4方框圖 ![]() 圖3.V850E/IH4方框圖 Solar power is truly a free source of energy which requires only the means of capturing, storing and smart distribution without the pollution associated with conventional sources such as burning fossil fuels, or the potential hazards of nuclear power. It is estimated that up to 30% of the conventional energy produced in the world is lost during power transmission over long distance, power conversion and oversupply. The use of locally distributed systems such as solar or wind can overcome most of these losses. It is estimated that the energy delivered to the earth by the sun every day can power our homes and businesses for almost 30 years. Although the energy is free, the technology to capture it and make it available for everyone comes at a cost that is becoming more and more competitive. Funded by private or public money, small start-ups and large energy providers and distributors work effortlessly to develop new materials and more efficient ways to bring down the cost and make it available to a larger customer base. Scalability from small to big, from simple to complex makes solar power one of the most attractive sources of alternative energy. Not only large energy companies but also home owners can benefit from this fast growing industry. Solar power can be harvested in two ways: Produce electrical power directly from the sun light using photovoltaic solar panels as DC or AC source voltage, or use the heat produced by the sun to heat up steam to drive a turbine to produce electricity. The subject of this application note is focused on the first of the two which we will call for convenience the photovoltaic method. One of the most important aspects of energy production from the sun is the availability of steady sun light throughout the day and year. Location of the plant is also very important as not all areas of the globe have enough sun light to justify the expense. Places in the USA like: California, Nevada and Arizona where the sun shines between 250 to 300 days a year, are ideal sites to set-up solar energy production. Even though there is plenty of sun light in these areas, to maintain a steady flow of electrical energy is a challenge. Although on darker days there is still some sun light, the electrical output is quite diminished. At night obviously there is no sun light at all. The first problem can be easily dealt with by storing the energy produced when the sun shines to compensate for darker days. For the second problem there is no solution. But since the peak demands are during the day to maximize energy production when sun light is available is crucial to justify the investment. For the above reasons obviously solar power can’t be a standalone source of energy, it has to be combined with other forms of production. On the other hand since it is considered free and the cleanest off all, the more we use it the less we need other forms that are polluting the environment and are becoming less and less available as well as more expensive to provide. Solar energy production is clearly the way of the future. We just need to make it cheaper and available to a larger consumer base. ![]() 圖4.太陽能發電示意圖 ![]() 圖5.電網和單相三線逆變器的連接圖 ![]() 圖6.帶變壓器的電網和三相逆變器的連接圖 ![]() 圖7.逆變器定時器方框圖 ![]() 圖8.兩片太陽能逆變器解決方案 ![]() 圖9.采用V850E/Ix4的單片太陽能逆變器解決方案 詳情請見: 和 |
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