太瘋狂了! 4月2日,埃及開羅,非洲俱樂部冠軍聯(lián)賽發(fā)生球迷騷亂,上千人混亂中持械涌入球場,安保人員以及警察拿出警棍追捕肇事者。 A man wielding a wooden plank chases after football fans after they stormed the field in cairo, egypt on April 2, 2011. 太尷尬了! 4月11日,美國華盛頓,市長文森特·格雷和數(shù)名市議會議員前往國會山,抗議民主、共和兩黨就2011財政年度預(yù)算案達(dá)成協(xié)議,警方以非法集會占道將其逮捕。 Mayor Vincent Gray is searched by Capitol Hill police after being arrested on Monday, April 11, 2011, in Washington. Gray and several members of the D.C. city council joined protesters blocking the street in front of a Senate Office building to protest restrictions placed upon the district as part of the federal budget deal. 太倒霉了! 4月14日,德國總統(tǒng)武爾夫訪問西部城市威斯巴登時遭遇居民扔雞蛋襲擊。 German President Christian Wulff shrugged off an egg attack by a lone assailant on April,14, saying it was the price of having the common touch. 太意外了! 3月30日,西班牙馬德里,英國王儲查爾斯夫婦參加歡迎儀式時,一名儀仗隊人員突然暈倒,臉朝下倒在地上,旁邊的同伴趕緊伸手幫忙將其扶起。 A soldier in the honour guard collapses in front of Prince Philipe and Princess Letizia as they walked past on March 30, 2011 at The Royal Palace of El Pardo in Madrid, Spain. 太神奇了! 4月1日,國際空間站和Terra衛(wèi)星從數(shù)百千米的高空拍攝下這張“麥田怪圈作品”。人類的耕作,將大地分割成了不同的幾何形狀。 From the rain forests of Brazil to the deserts of Egypt these incredible satellite pictures show how man has turned the geography of our planet into geometric modern art. 太不幸了! 攝影師亞當(dāng)·戈姆雷恰好拍到了一只可憐的小螞蟻,它不幸經(jīng)歷了一場突然而至的傾盆大雨,并被雨滴包裹住,無處可逃。 Trapped in a tiny perfect sphere of water, this unlucky ant is unable to escape. A sudden downpour gave it no time to take cover, and photographer Adam Gormley was there to snap the extraordinary image. 太可憐了! 一只面包圈套在了饑餓的鴿子脖子上,不過,這倒霉的家伙卻怎么也吃不到,只有干著急的份兒了。 A peckish pigeon got more than he bargained for when he swooped down to eat a large piece of bread and found himself wearing it instead. 太搞笑了! 4月12日,意大利米蘭,2011年第50屆米蘭國際家具展開幕。貓關(guān)在鳥籠里,而小鳥卻站在籠外。貓鳥對視的場景,賺足了觀眾的眼球。 The 50th International Salone del Mobile was held on April 12, 2011 in Milan, Italy.The Italian largest furniture show showcases all the best that domestic furnishing of every type has to offer, from stand-alone pieces to coordinates in all kinds of different styles from classic to design to modern. 2011年第4期速覽視界部分精選圖 真神奇 一位烏克蘭攝影師在喜馬拉雅山腳下守了數(shù)月,終于通過長時間的曝光拍攝下極為震撼的星星軌跡圖片。 Anton Jankovoy,a Ukrainian grapher, has captured the beauty of a Himalayan night sky after spending months at the foot of the highest mountain in the world. The 23-year-old, who dedicated three years to the project, has caught a series of stunning star trails on camera. 真倒霉 3月19日,埃及開羅就憲法修正案舉行全民公決。國際原子能機構(gòu)前總干事穆罕默德·穆斯塔法·巴拉迪在投票站現(xiàn)場遭到一些民眾潑水投石扔鞋等抗議。 Water is splashed on Egyptian opposition leader and former UN nuclear watchdog chief Mohamed ElBaradei on March 19, 2011 as hundreds of Islamists hurled stones and shoes at him as he went to cast his ballot in Cairo in a referendum. 真尷尬 3月8日,薩科齊在街頭想要親吻一個可愛的小女孩,卻遭到拒絕。小女孩嚇得哇哇大哭,讓總統(tǒng)先生很沒面子。 French President Nicolas Sarkozy (R) reacts as a little girl (L) he wanted to kiss, cries, in a street of the French western city of Josselin after a meeting with mayors of the Morbihan department, on March 8, 2011. 真“輕松” 3月19日,利比亞局勢巴黎會議在法國舉行。盡管形勢緊張,但美國國務(wù)卿希拉里卻滿面春風(fēng)。 U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrives before a crisis summit on Libya at Elysee Palace on March 19, 2011 in Paris, France. 真可憐 3月24日,比利時布魯塞爾,歐盟峰會期間,抗議者舉行游行示威,反對歐洲各國政府的財政緊縮措施和歐盟的經(jīng)濟改革計劃,警方用強力噴水器驅(qū)散人群,一名示威者向警察投擲后跌倒。 Anton Jankovoy,a Ukrainian grapher, has captured the beauty of A demonstrator falls after throwing a rock at police outside an EU summit in Brussels, March 24, 2011. 真詭異 3月9日,來自美國洛杉磯的藝術(shù)家拍攝了一系列裸體人像,然后花費數(shù)百小時用電腦拼制成了令人驚艷的花朵圖片。 Artist Cecelia Webber takes photos of naked people and edits them on her computer to make them look like flowers and plants. |