【程序87】 題目:回答結果(結構體變量傳遞) 1.程序分析: 2.程序源代碼: #include "stdio.h" struct student { int x; char c; } a; main() {a.x=3; a.c='a'; f(a); printf("%d,%c",a.x,a.c); } f(struct student b) { b.x=20; b.c='y'; } ============================================================== 【程序88嵌入式信盈達企鵝要妖氣嗚嗚吧久零紀要】 題目:讀取7個數(1—50)的整數值,每讀取一個值,程序打印出該值個數的*。 1.程序分析: 2.程序源代碼: main() {int i,a,n=1; while(n<=7) { do { scanf("%d",&a); }while(a<1||a>50); for(i=1;i<=a;i++) printf("*"); printf("\n"); n++;} getch(); } ============================================================== 【程序89】 題目:某個公司采用公用電話傳遞數據,數據是四位的整數,在傳遞過程中是加密的,加密規則如下: 每位數字都加上5,然后用和除以10的余數代替該數字,再將第一位和第四位交換,第二位和第三位交換。 1.程序分析: 2.程序源代碼: main() {int a,i,aa[4],t; scanf("%d",&a); aa[0]=a ; aa[1]=a 0/10; aa[2]=a 00/100; aa[3]=a/1000; for(i=0;i<=3;i++) {aa+=5; aa%=10; } for(i=0;i<=3/2;i++) {t=aa; aa=aa[3-i]; aa[3-i]=t; } for(i=3;i>=0;i--) printf("%d",aa); } ============================================================== 【程序90】 題目:專升本一題,讀結果。 1.程序分析: 2.程序源代碼: #include "stdio.h" #define M 5 main() {int a[M]={1,2,3,4,5}; int i,j,t; i=0;j=M-1; while(i {t=*(a+i); *(a+i)=*(a+j); *(a+j)=t; i++;j--; } for(i=0;i printf("%d",*(a+i)); } 【程序91】 題目:時間函數舉例1 1.程序分析: 2.程序源代碼: #include "stdio.h" #include "time.h" void main() { time_t lt; /*define a longint time varible*/ lt=time(NULL);/*system time and date*/ printf(ctime(<)); /*english format output*/ printf(asctime(localtime(<)));/*tranfer to tm*/ printf(asctime(gmtime(<))); /*tranfer to Greenwich time*/ } ============================================================== 【程序92】 題目:時間函數舉例2 1.程序分析: 2.程序源代碼: /*calculate time*/ #include "time.h" #include "stdio.h" main() { time_t start,end; int i; start=time(NULL); for(i=0;i<3000;i++) { printf("\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\n");} end=time(NULL); printf("\1: The different is %6.3f\n",difftime(end,start)); } ============================================================== 【程序93】 題目:時間函數舉例3 1.程序分析: 2.程序源代碼: /*calculate time*/ #include "time.h" #include "stdio.h" main() { clock_t start,end; int i; double var; start=clock(); for(i=0;i<10000;i++) { printf("\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\n");} end=clock(); printf("\1: The different is %6.3f\n",(double)(end-start)); } ============================================================== 【程序94】 題目:時間函數舉例4,一個猜數游戲,判斷一個人反應快慢。(版主初學時編的) 1.程序分析: 2.程序源代碼: #include "time.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "stdio.h" main() {char c; clock_t start,end; time_t a,b; double var; int i,guess; srand(time(NULL)); printf("do you want to play it.('y' or 'n') \n"); loop: while((c=getchar())=='y') { i=rand() 0; printf("\nplease input number you guess:\n"); start=clock(); a=time(NULL); scanf("%d",&guess); while(guess!=i) {if(guess>i) {printf("please input a little smaller.\n"); scanf("%d",&guess);} else {printf("please input a little bigger.\n"); scanf("%d",&guess);} } end=clock(); b=time(NULL); printf("\1: It took you %6.3f seconds\n",var=(double)(end-start)/18.2); printf("\1: it took you %6.3f seconds\n\n",difftime(b,a)); if(var<15) printf("\1\1 You are very clever! \1\1\n\n"); else if(var<25) printf("\1\1 you are normal! \1\1\n\n"); else printf("\1\1 you are stupid! \1\1\n\n"); printf("\1\1 Congradulations \1\1\n\n"); printf("The number you guess is %d",i); } printf("\ndo you want to try it again?(\"yy\".or.\"n\")\n"); if((c=getch())=='y') goto loop; } |