Mentor Graphics MGCLD License KeyGen V11.4
?2011 by Team EFA (Eda For All).
usage: MentorKG [licensefile(s)] [-options]
licensefile(s) is(are) the file(s) to recrypt
-i infile , defines the INPUT file.
-o outfile , defines the OUTPUT file.
-e errfile , defines the ERROR file otherwise goes to stdout.
-h HostID , default is one of your Network Cards
-hn , uses the NETWORK CARD as HostID
-hd , uses the DISK_SERIAL_NUM as HostID
-h7 , uses the FlexID=7-xxxxxxxx as HostID
-h6 , uses the FlexID=6-xxxxxxxx as HostID
-n , forces the license to be Nodelocked (Default).
-f , forces the license to be FLOATING.
-f[aecs] , uses (a)tomic,(e)xtended and (c)omposite features
in any combination: -fa, -fac, -fec, -faec, etc.
The (s)trip option cleans all unnecessary features.
Using only -f will render license to FLOATING.
Default is -fs.
-u , number of users in case of floating Defaults to 99.
-sn , serial number to be used in license
-all , uses ALL known features
-chk , Disables feature checkout
-perm , makes a PERMANENT license
-exp mm/yyyy, license expiration date, default is 4 years (30 max)
-notice str , Changes NOTICE= to str, if null clears or "st ri ng"
-issuer str , Changes ISSUER= to str, same as notice
-ck , Enables checksum of license
-none , Disables NOTICE,ISSUER and ck
-maxlen n , limits line length for continuation, -1 for unlimited.
-patch [folder] , checks all the required files in [folder].
if not given will try the default Mentor installation.
-dll folder , which folder\mgls.dll to use.
-pkg folder , which folder\mgc.pkginfo to use.
If no arguments, generates LICENSE.TXT on temporary folder
and opens it in Notepad so you can edit or save it to a known place.
MentorKG -o TEST.DAT ; Makes a default TEST.DAT
MentorKG License.dat -maxlen -1 ; Recrypts License.dat no warp lines |