2016 年 8 月 25 日 - 安森美 半導體(ONSemiconductor,美國納斯達克上市代號: ON),今日美國時間宣布美國聯邦貿易委員會(英文簡稱“FTC”)已接受建議征求公眾意見的同意令,并已終止適用于安森美半導體建議收購 Fairchild Semiconductor International,Inc. (美國納斯達克上市代號:FCS) (“Fairchild”)的羅迪諾反托拉斯改進法案(Hart-Scott-Rodino)之等待期。根據建議的同意令,和為了滿足FTC對仍需處理問題的要求,在完成收購Fairchild之前,FTC要求安森美半導體解決平面絕緣柵雙極型晶體管(“點火 IGBT”)業務,該業務在2015年財政年度的收入少于2500萬美元。為滿足這要求,安森美半導體今日宣布,已就關于出售點火IGBT業務給Littelfuse, Inc. (美國納斯達克上市代號:LFUS) (“Littelfuse”)另行達成最終協議,出售其瞬態 電壓抑制(“TVS”) 二極管和開關型晶閘管產品線,售價共1.04億美元現金。關于出售點火IGBT業務或出售TVS和晶閘管業務,安森美半導體將沒有轉讓制造資產。這兩項資產出售預計將于美國時間2016年8月29日完成。 安森美半導體早前宣布的以每股20.00美元現金收購Fairchild所有普通股的流通股的收購要約(“要約”)的完成仍須待日期為2015年12月4日經修訂的購買要約(“購買要約”)所載的若干習慣性條款及條件達成,及辦妥藉以作出要約的其他相關材料后,方告完成。 要約條件已符合關于終止或需等待期屆滿的HSR法案。建議的FTC同意令仍需征求公眾意見30天,并需FTC的最終批準,但這不會影響在所有其他成交條件已達成時有關公司的交易達成。 關于安森美半導體
安森美半導體(ON Semiconductor,美國納斯達克上市代號:ON)致力于推動高能效 電子的創新,使客戶能夠減少全球的能源使用。安森美半導體領先于供應基于半導體的方案,提供全面的高能效 電源管理、模擬、 傳感器、邏輯、時序、互通互聯、分立、系統級芯片( SoC)及定制器件陣容。公司的產品幫助工程師解決他們在汽車、通信、計算機、消費電子、工業、醫療、航空及國防應用的獨特設計挑戰。公司運營敏銳、可靠、世界一流的供應鏈及品質項目,一套強有力的守法和道德規范計劃,及在北美、歐洲和亞太地區之關鍵市場運營包括制造廠、銷售辦事處及設計中心在內的業務網絡。 • 請關注官方微信。請搜微信號onsemi-china或掃描二維碼 file://localhost/Users/merrym/Library/Group%20Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/msoclip1/01/clip_image002.gif # # # 安森美半導體和安森美半導體圖標是 Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC的注冊商標。所有本文中出現的其它品牌和產品名稱分別為其相應持有人的注冊商標或商標。雖然公司在本新聞稿提及其網站,但此稿并不包含其網站中有關的信息。 Cautionsregarding Forward-Looking Statements This document contains forward-looking statements.These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statementsrelated to the disposition of ON Semiconductor’s Ignition IGBT and TVS andthyristor businesses and the expiration of the Offer. These forward-lookingstatements are based on information available to us as of the date of thisrelease and current expectations, forecasts and assumptions and involve a numberof risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materiallyfrom those anticipated by these forward-looking statements. Such risks anduncertainties include a variety of factors, some of which are beyond ourcontrol. In particular, such risks and uncertainties include, but are notlimited to: the risk that one or more closing conditions to the Offer may notbe satisfied or waived, on a timely basis or otherwise; the unsuccessfulcompletion of the Offer; the risk that the transaction with Fairchild does notclose when anticipated, or at all, including the risk that the requisiteregulatory approvals may not be obtained; matters arising in connection with ONSemiconductor’s and Fairchild’s efforts to comply with and satisfy applicableregulatory approvals and closing conditions relating to the Offer; there may bea material adverse change of us or Fairchild or our respective businesses maysuffer as a result of uncertainty surrounding the transaction; the transactionmay involve unexpected costs, liabilities or delays; difficulties encounteredin integrating Fairchild, including the potentially accretive benefits andsynergies; failure to achieve the anticipated results of the transactions; andrisks involving environmental or other governmental regulation. Informationconcerning additional factors that could cause results to differ materiallyfrom those projected in the forward-looking statements is contained in ONSemiconductor’s Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q,Current Reports on Form 8-K and other of ON Semiconductor’s filings with theSecurities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). These forward-lookingstatements are as of the date hereof and should not be relied upon asrepresenting our views as of any subsequent date, and we do not undertake anyobligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect events orcircumstances after the date they were made. For additional information, visitON Semiconductor’s corporate website, www.onsemi.com, or for official filingsvisit the SEC website, www.sec.gov. Notice to Investors This press releaseis for informational purposes only, and it does not constitute an offer topurchase or a solicitation of an offer to sell any securities. The Offer isbeing made pursuant to a Tender Offer Statement on Schedule TO filed by ONSemiconductor with the SEC on December 4, 2015. Fairchild filed aSolicitation/Recommendation Statement on Schedule 14D-9 with the SEC withrespect to the Offer on December 4, 2015. THETENDER OFFER MATERIALS (INCLUDING THE OFFER TO PURCHASE, THE RELATED LETTER OF TRANSMITTALAND CERTAIN OTHER TENDER OFFER DOCUMENTS) AND THE SOLICITATION / RECOMMENDATIONSTATEMENT, INCLUDING IN EACH CASE ANY AMENDMENTS OR SUPPLEMENTS THERETO,CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION. HOLDERS OF SHARES OF FAIRCHILD COMMON STOCK AREURGED TO READ THESE DOCUMENTS CAREFULLY BECAUSE THEY CONTAIN IMPORTANTINFORMATION THAT HOLDERS OF SHARES OF FAIRCHILD COMMON STOCK SHOULD CONSIDERBEFORE MAKING ANY DECISION REGARDING TENDERING THEIR SHARES. The Offer toPurchase, the related Letter of Transmittal and certain other tender offerdocuments, as well as the Solicitation/Recommendation Statement, are being madeavailable to all holders of shares of Fairchild common stock at no expense tothem. The tender offer materials and the Solicitation/Recommendation Statementare available at no charge on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. # # # 媒體聯系: 沈美娟 亞太區傳訊 安森美半導體