中芯國際和Virage Logic拓展伙伴關系至40納米低漏電工藝 出自:美通社 編輯:Jessica Cao 備受半導體產業信賴的IP供應商Virage Logic公司 (NASDAQVIRL) 和中國最先進的半導體制造商中芯國際集成電路有限公司(中芯國際,紐約證券交易所交易代碼:SMI,香港聯交所交易代碼:0981.HK)日前宣布其長期合作伙伴關系擴展到40納米(nanometer)的低漏電(low-leakage)工藝技術。Virage Logic 公司和中芯國際從最初的130納米工藝合作起便為雙方共同的客戶提供具高度差異的 IP,涵蓋的工藝廣泛還包含90納米以及65納米。根據協議條款,系統級芯片(SoC)設計人員將能夠使用 Virage Logic 開發的,基于中芯國際40納米低漏電工藝的 SiWare? 存儲器編譯器,SiWare? 邏輯庫,SiPro? MIPI 硅知識產權 (IP) 和 Intelli? DDR IP。除此之外這方面的一個新協議的關鍵將提供中芯國際 Virage Logic 先進的 STAR? 記憶系統和 STAR? 量率加速器工具,以加速中芯國際關于40納米低漏電工藝記憶的技術開發,測試以及產量的提升。 “作為中國首屈一指的代工廠,我們與 Virage Logic 公司拓展合作伙伴關系將使中芯國際能夠提供更多業界領先的40納米低漏電工藝的半導體 IP,這不僅能滿足來自中國本地的系統級芯片開發人員的需要,亦將助益我們開發全球半導體市場,”中芯國際資深副總裁兼首席商務官季克非表示。“中芯國際正采取積極措施提升客戶更先進的技術。我們之前已經有客戶正積極利用中芯國際的65納米低漏電工藝及 Virage Logic 公司相關 IP 進行芯片項目的開發。與 Virage Logic 的合作關系可提供我們的客戶將來遷移到40納米的一個相對容易的途徑。因應中芯國際市場營銷的成長,我們期待著與 Virage Logic 長久的合作以滿足日益增長的市場需求。” “我們很高興與中芯國際擴大合作伙伴關系從最初的130納米工藝到現在的40納米低漏電工藝。Virage Logic 開發的業界領先的 IP 產品將能夠提供客戶更多的選擇使中芯國際能成為客戶首選的代工廠,” Virage Logic 公司市場和銷售執行副總裁 Brani Buric 表示。“這次聯合協議是 Virage Logic 公司透過業界領先的晶圓代工廠來拓展公司業務策略的延續,同時也更鞏固了中芯國際對其客戶提供完整 IP 解決方案的承諾。” SMIC extends Virage IP deal to 40-nm Peter Clarke 7/22/2010 11:55 AM EDT LONDON — Intellectual property licensor Virage Logic Corp. and foundry Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. have extended their partnerhip to include a 40-nm low-leakage process (LL) technology. In May the companies announced cooperation at 65-nm minimum geometry. Building on the successful partnership that was initially established on the 130-nm process technology, Virage Logic and SMIC have collaborated to provide customers with IP on a broad range of SMIC's process technologies including 90nm and 65nm. Under the terms of the latest agreement, system-on-chip (SoC) designers will have access to Virage Logic's SiWare Memory compilers, SiWare logic libraries, SiPro MIPI and Intelli DDR IP on SMIC's 40nm LL process. In addition, one key provision of the latest agreement provides SMIC access to Virage Logic's Star Memory System and Star Yield Accelerator tools to accelerate the development, testing and yield enhancement of SMIC's 40nm LL memory related technology. "As the premier foundry in China, our expanded partnership with Virage Logic will enable SMIC to offer the industry leading semiconductor IP on our 40nm LL process to meet the needs of not only the Chinese system-on-chip (SoC) developers but the global semiconductor market," said "Currently we have a number of customers with projects leveraging SMIC's 65nm LL node. The strategic IP agreement with Virage Logic will enable us to offer these customers an easy migration path to our 40nm LL process," said Chris Chi, senior vice president and chief business officer of SMIC, in a statement issued by Virage Logic. |