我下載了LP Wizard10.5,我在XP系統32位機和WIN7系統的64位機上均無法成功破解,出現下面找不到license文件的錯誤提示,試了多次都是這樣,真的好著急,哪位高手能幫忙盡快給提供下XP系統32位機和WIN7系統的64位機成功破解的有效方法,感激不盡!
LP Wizard10.5許可證安裝出錯截圖
點擊"Details"按鈕出現的內容: The following FLEXlm errors were found: ServerF:\LP Wizard\LP Wizard 10.5 Crack\license.txt: Invalid (inconsistent) licensekey. The licensekey and data for the feature do not match. This usuallyhappens when a license file has been altered. Feature: lpeallegro License path: F:\LP Wizard\LP Wizard 10.5 Crack\license.txt; FLEXnet Licensing error:-8,523 For further information, refer to the FLEXnetLicensing documentation, available at "www.flexerasoftware.com". ServerF:\LP Wizard\LP Wizard 10.5 Crack\license.txt: Invalid (inconsistent) licensekey. The licensekey and data for the feature do not match. This usuallyhappens when a license file has been altered. Feature: lpeallegro License path: F:\LP Wizard\LP Wizard 10.5 Crack\license.txt; FLEXnet Licensing error:-8,523 For further information, refer to the FLEXnetLicensing documentation, available at "www.flexerasoftware.com". ServerF:\LP Wizard\LP Wizard 10.5 Crack\LP Wizard 10.5破解文件\license.txt: Cannot findlicense file. The licensefiles (or license server system network addresses) attempted are listed below. Use LM_LICENSE_FILE to use a different license file, or contactyour software provider for a license file. Feature: lpeallegro Filename: C:\flexlm\license.dat License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat; FLEXnet Licensing error:-1,359. System Error: 2 "No such file ordirectory" For further information, refer to the FLEXnetLicensing documentation, available at "www.flexerasoftware.com". ServerC:\flexlm\license.dat: Cannot find license file. The licensefiles (or license server system network addresses) attempted are listed below. Use LM_LICENSE_FILE to use a different license file, or contactyour software provider for a license file. Feature: lpeallegro Filename: C:\flexlm\license.dat License path: C:\flexlm\license.dat; FLEXnet Licensing error:-1,359. System Error: 2 "No such file ordirectory" For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensingdocumentation, available at "www.flexerasoftware.com".