市場調研公司Kantar發布報告稱,購買蘋果iPhone 5C的用戶中,有近一半是其它品牌手機,尤其是三星和LG手機的老用戶。 蘋果(Apple)公司內部流傳著一個老笑話,那就是史蒂夫·喬布斯周圍是一片“現實扭曲力場”:你離他太近的話,就會相信他所說的話。蘋果的數百萬用戶中已經有不少成了該公司的“信徒”,而很多蘋果投資者也賺得盆滿缽滿。不過,Elmer-DeWitt認為,在報道蘋果公司時有點懷疑精神不是壞事。聽他的應該沒錯。要知道,他自從1982年就開始報道蘋果、觀察史蒂夫·喬布斯經營該公司。
Adventure to Tibet90后大學生的西藏窮游記 Seeing Yang Leiguang, you might never imagine that the skinny boy traveled independently to Tibet for one month. More surprisingly, the 21-year-old from Henan University of Science and Technology brought only 500 yuan with him and earned other funds for travel on the way. He thinks that, with this trip, he accomplished his dream because he experienced some of the most memorable moments of his life. 看著楊磊光,你可能怎么也不會想到正是這個清瘦的男生獨自在西藏旅行了一個月時間。而更令人意想不到的是,這名21歲的河南科技大學學生身上只揣了500元,剩下的路費都是邊走邊賺的。他認為通過這次旅行,自己經歷了人生中一些最難忘的時刻,從而實現了自己的夢想。 Most desirable destination 向往已久 Yang acquired his love for Tibet after watching a documentary about the holy place. “I remembered watching people kowtow in front of the Potala Palace. Their devoted faces and sincere emotions just touched me so much that I wanted to go there myself, ” he says. So he started to prepare for his long-awaited trip after he entered university and had more free time. 在觀看了一部講述西藏的紀錄片之后,他就愛上了這處圣地。他說:“我記得紀錄片里人們在布達拉宮前叩首的場景。他們臉上的虔誠觸動了我,因此我想自己去那里看看。”上大學后,有了更多的空閑時間,于是他便開始著手準備這次期待已久的旅程。 Most thrilling experience 興奮不已 Though Yang had been preparing for the Tibet trip for three years –doing exercise, learning hiking and wilderness survival skills, practicing photography and reading travel guides –he still met some unexpected challenges on the way. 楊磊光為這次西藏之行籌備了三年時間。期間,他堅持鍛煉、學習徒步旅行以及野外生存的技能、練習攝影并閱讀旅行指南。但在途中,他還是遇到了一些突發狀況。 “Since it was my first time in Tibet, I underestimated the cost. I had to use every means to live cheaply and make more money, ” he says. In one month’s time, he did several different jobs. He got paid to mark down the names of the people who reserved tickets to enter the Potala Palace; he handed out leaflets; and what he felt most thrilled about was selling souvenirs. 他說:“因為這是我第一次進藏,因此低估了此行的費用。我必須開源節流”在一個月的時間里,他打了幾份工:記錄預定布達拉宮門票的游客的名字、發傳單、還有最令他興奮不已的販賣紀念品生意。 “I learned from one of my fellow backpackers that he was making money from selling souvenirs, so I bought accessories from the open market and sold them in the city center just as he did, ” Yang explains. But that work was not risk-free. Like all the other vendors, Yang ran away whenever someone came to tell him to stop selling souvenirs. 他解釋道:“我從一位驢友那里得知他靠販賣紀念品掙錢,因此我就效仿他,從自由市場上采購了一些配飾,到市中心去賣。”但是這份工作并非零風險。和其他的小販一樣,一旦被人阻止,他就要倉皇而逃。 Most difficult moment 艱難時刻 For most of the trip, Yang handled situations properly, but there was one moment when he felt embarrassed and devastated. 盡管旅行中的大多數狀況他都可以應對自如,但是有一次尷尬經歷幾乎令他崩潰。 “That was at Nam Co, ” he says. “A girl and I wanted to go back to Lhasa, but we couldn’t get a free ride until 3 or 4 o’clock in the afternoon when a pickup truck came and agreed to take us”. But there was only one seat available. Yang is a gentleman, so he gave his seat to the girl, but he left all of his stuff on board. 他說:“在納木錯時,我和一個女孩想要回拉薩,但沒人愿意免費送我們一程。直到下午三四點時,一輛皮卡路過,答應捎上我們。”但車上只有一個空座。楊磊光發揚紳士風度,將座位讓給了那個女孩,但同時他也將全部行李都落在了車上。 When he realized his mistake, it was already too late. He couldn’t catch up with the vehicle, and he didn’t have a cell phone to call the police or the girl. He had to walk alone along the road. “I walked for hours on the road, and I even worried about the worst result –that I may die of thirst or freeze to death, ” he says. He was lucky enough to eventually catch a bus to Lhasa, where he met the girl again and got his stuff. 當他意識到自己的錯誤時,為時已晚。他追不上那輛車,沒有手機,既不能報警也無法聯系上那個女孩。他不得不沿著路走下去。他說:“我在路上走了好幾個小時,甚至還擔心過最壞的結果——被渴死或凍死。”幸運的是,他最終搭上了一輛開往拉薩的大巴,在拉薩他再次見到了那個女孩,拿回了行李。 The trip didn’t only bring Yang good memories and friends but also beautiful photos. He used these photos to make postcards and sell them on his campus. “I earned some money from this business, which will fund my next trip, ” Yang says. 這次旅行給他帶來的不僅僅只有美好回憶以及路上結交的好友,還有一張張漂亮的風景照。他將這些照片做成明信片,在校園里出售。他說:“我會用賺到的錢來作為下次旅行的費用。”
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蘋果做的較為完美,而Android系統毛病太多,只是便宜。兩者各有優缺點。 |
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