

發布時間:2013-11-28 08:06    發布者:1770309616
關鍵詞: 專業 , 失業
Majors college alumni recommend least這些專業畢業即失業:坑爹專業盤點
Buyer’s remorse is never fun, but it’s particularly painful when it comes with the time and cost of getting a college education.

To help you avoid this stinging regret, PayScale has ranked the majors college alumni recommend least. If you have your heart set on one of these, you don’t necessarily have to change course -- just do your research on job prospects so your dreams aren’t dashed after graduation day.

1. Anthropology

According to PayScale’s data, 35 percent of anthropology majors wouldn’t recommend it to current students.

“People typically regret majoring in anthropology because they have a preconceived notion that there is a direct and specific job title perfectly correlating to it, ” says training and development consultant Farrah Parker. “Instead of recognizing the broad spectrum of careers that they can pursue, they focus on their inability to find a career with an exact reference to their major.”
培訓及發展顧問Farrah Parker稱:“大多數人后悔選了人類學,因為大家原先覺得會肯定有與之對口的職業。學生們只想找一個和專業關系密切的職位,卻不想在更寬泛的領域內找工作!

Anthropology majors could consider work in community organizations or government, for example, or combine the major with others to make themselves more marketable.

2. History

This major is recommended by only 33 percent of its graduates. Many history majors go on to work in academia, or may find jobs with government agencies, libraries or organizations dedicated to the period they studied.

Parker says it’s important for graduates to keep their options open after graduation. “People with narrow definitions of career paths find themselves regretting majors, ” she says. “However, those who recognize that the workforce is full of positions that require expertise outside of what may be formally listed in a course catalog find themselves in a perfect position to brand their college major in whatever manner they see fit.”

3. Visual Communication

Only 29 percent of visual communication majors would recommend this to students. Majoring in visual communication may involve creating artwork, learning about ad design and public relations, and studying layout. Graduates may go on to work in media, advertising, public relations or other fields.

4. Social Science

PayScale found 28 percent of social science majors would recommend the major to students.

“I am a former social science major who has since advised against it, ” says recruiting consultant Sarah Merrill at Atrium Staffing. “I won’t say that you don’t learn anything from a social science major, but you certainly don’t learn practical knowledge that can be applied to a wide range of jobs.”
招聘顧問Saral Merill“我以前是一個社會關系專業學生,此后專注黑它三十年。也不是說你從這個專業中什么都學不到,但是沒有能夠應用在更廣泛的工作領域內的實用知識!

“When I talk to students now I advise them to think about what they can actually use in the future -- courses on personal finance, marketing, business, ” she explains. “There was a course offered at my university on business writing that I have heard was the hands-down most useful course ever taken because of a whole section on email etiquette.”

5. Journalism

Only 27 percent of journalism graduates would recommend the major. Difficulties facing print media and the time it takes to break out of entry-level positions can be downers for grads. People with journalism degrees can also end up in marketing, sales, academia or other jobs if they decide to leave the newsgathering business.

  • journalism['dʒə:nəlizəm]video
    n. 新聞業,新聞工作;報章雜志
  • anthropology[,ænθrə'pɔlədʒi]video
    n. 人類學
  • spectrum['spektrəm]video
    n. 光譜;頻譜;范圍;余象
  • prospect['prɔspekt]video
    n. 前途;預期;景色vi. 勘探,找礦vt. 勘探,勘察
  • recruit[ri'kru:t]video
    n. 招聘;新兵;新成員vt. 補充;聘用;征募;使…恢復健康vi. 復原;征募新兵;得到補充;恢復健康
  • pursue[pə'sju:, -'su:]video
    vt. 繼續;從事;追趕;糾纏vi. 追趕;繼續進行
  • expertise[,ekspə:'ti:z]video
    n. 專門知識;專門技術;專家的意見
  • formally['fɔ:məli]video
    adv. 正式地;形式上
  • typically['tipikəli]video
    adv. 代表性地;作為特色地
  • grad[ɡræd]video
    n. 畢業生;校友

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1770309616 發表于 2013-11-28 08:10:59



    因此,有些同事就干脆采取消極進攻的方法,故意惹惱他,這就意味著,他對整個團隊施加的壓力更大。我可以舉幾個讓你毛骨悚然的例子,但重點是,目前的情況快把我們給逼瘋了。我們可以采取什么措施來改變他的行為嗎?又或者我們只能咬咬牙,堅持到下一位老板上任?——咬牙切齒(Gritting My Teeth)。

    親愛的GMT:呃,控制狂的老板。我們可能都曾遇到過這樣的老板。艾伯特•J.伯恩斯坦(Albert J.Bernstein)博士(www.albernstein.com)從事臨床心理學已有35年,最近出版了一本非常不錯的新書,名為《我是辦公室里唯一的正常人?——101個妙招攻克辦公室心理病》(Am I The Only Sane One Working Here?: 101 Solutions for Surviving Office Insanity)(麥克勞希爾出版社(McGraw-Hill),16.95美元)。他說:“控制欲過強的領導是讓員工造反的主要管理人類型之一!




    1. 不要顯露出你的不快。伯恩斯坦說:“把某人叫做控制狂,或者他一靠近你就明顯地表現出惱火,只會讓他覺得他要對你更加小心提防!


    Dear Annie:We used to have a great team here, until our boss was replaced by a manager brought in from another part of the company who is now trying to control our every move. He insists on telling everyone what to do and how to do it in minute detail (even though we've all been excelling at our jobs for years). No detail is too ridiculously tiny to escape his scrutiny, and he's constantly issuing new rules and guidelines, some of which contradict each other.

    As a result, some of us are just taking the passive-aggressive approach and ignoring him, which means he bears down harder on the whole group. I could give you examples that would curl your hair, but the point is, it's driving us nuts. Is there anything we can do to change his behavior, or do we just grin and bear it until the next boss comes along?-Gritting My Teeth

    Dear GMT:Ah, the control-freak boss. We've all had one, at one time or other. "Overly controlling managers are one of the main types who make employees rebel," says Albert J. Bernstein, Ph.D. (www.albernstein.com), a clinical psychologist for 35 years and author of a terrific new book called Am I The Only Sane One Working Here?: 101 Solutions for Surviving Office Insanity (McGraw-Hill, $16.95).

    A big chunk of Bernstein's consulting practice comes from senior managers, urged by teams like yours to get rid of a control freak, who just don't know whom to believe. So they call Bernstein in to sort out the situation. "Even the worst micromanagers usually don't realize they're overly controlling," he says. "They think they're just controlling enough."

    The cause of their delusion? "These are very frightened people. They are terrified of making a mistake, or of having someone else's mistake reflect badly on them," says Bernstein. "Consciously or not, how they view the world is, 'If I don't control every little thing, something terrible is going to happen.' "

    Recognizing that fear is the key to taming it, Bernstein says. He recommends that you and your colleagues try these steps:

    1. Don't let your annoyance show."Calling someone a control freak, or getting visibly irritated when he leans on you, will only make him think he needs to keep an even closer eye on you," Bernstein says.

    And don't even think about trying to discuss the problem: "Forget trying to talk a micromanager out of being one. Even seasoned therapists have trouble convincing the control-obsessed that their behavior might be causing more problems than it's solving."

1770309616 發表于 2013-11-28 08:12:03


    3. 在他未要求前主動給出進度報告。伯恩斯坦說:“最能緩解控制狂的擔憂情緒的莫過于日常報告以外額外的信息。這可以提醒他,你和他一樣認真地對待這個項目!

    4. 當你老板試圖控制你的工作時,問他是否意味著最終目標已經修改。這時你就可以突然拿出在項目啟動會議上做的記錄了。伯恩斯坦說:“你可以把控制項目進程的試圖當作是修改最終目標的要求。如果終極目標沒有受到影響的話,為什么要改變進程呢?”




    2. Use reassurance, not recrimination.Take the time before a project begins to get a clear and concrete outline of what your boss wants, when he wants it, and how he wants it done. "Take copious notes," Bernstein says. "There are two reasons for doing this. First, if you look as if you're taking his instructions seriously, he'll worry less about you making 'mistakes.' " And second, if you establish - in writing - a specific, measurable result to be delivered at a specific time, it will come in handy later on when your boss tries to control the process - which of course he will.

    3. Give progress reports before he asks for them."Nothing allays a control freak's fears like excess information," says Bernstein. "Remind him that you are taking the project as seriously as he does."

    4. When your boss tries to control your work, ask if this means the end product has changed.This is where you whip out your notes from that initial meeting. "Treat attempts to control the process as requests to change the end product," says Bernstein. "If the ultimate goal isn't affected, why change the process?"

    "Needless to say, for this strategy to be effective, you need some history of delivering the goods," he adds. You and your teammates have such a history, right?

    5. Keep up the good work.According to Bernstein, if you follow these steps several times - once is not enough - and actually do what you say you're going to do when you say you will do it, your boss will become less worried about your performance and go off to fuss over somebody less responsible.

    Meantime, try not to overreact to your wacky boss, Bernstein cautions. "People often respond so viscerally to an over-controlling boss because of their own inner teenager - you know, that voice inside that reacts to overbearing authority with, 'You're not the boss of me,' " he observes. "It's a sort of knee-jerk resistance to arbitrary or unreasonable control." That voice is louder in some folks than in others, he notes, but "I always counsel people not to let their inner teenager make career decisions for them." Noted.

1770309616 發表于 2013-11-28 08:13:50




    暢銷書《關鍵對話:高效溝通的技巧》(Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High)一書的作者約瑟夫•格雷尼指出,爭取更好的待遇或者津貼不應該威脅到一個人的工作,但前提是你要采用正確的方法——特別是在得到賞識的時候。
















'I want a raise'

    Before asking for a raise -- even if you need and deserve it -- it's easy to let self-doubt take over: What if your boss doesn't think you're worth the extra money? What if your boss hasn't had a pay bump for a while, either, and labels you a complainer?

    Lobbying for a better salary or perks shouldn't jeopardize your career, though, if you do it the right way -- especially if you're a valued employee, says Joseph Grenny, who wrote the bestselling Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High.

    The key to getting what you want? Stick to the facts, Grenny advises.

    "First, research salary data online to find out what other people get paid for jobs like yours in your geographic area," he says. "Then, be ready to give solid evidence for why your performance merits more money."

    Whatever you do, don't say you need more money for personal reasons (no matter how urgent), says Grenny.

    To make it easier to sell the idea to higher-ups, "you want your boss to see this as an informed business decision, not a charitable contribution," he says.

'My performance review was unfair'

    If your annual review didn't reflect your true wonderfulness, don't stew in silence, says Joseph Grenny, an executive coach at VitalSmarts, a leadership development firm in Provo, Utah.

    Even the best-intentioned leaders are so overworked in these lean times that your achievements may sometimes slip past them. Or they may blame you for a problem when there are other, fixable reasons why it's occurring.

    "Saying nothing may be a bigger risk than speaking up," says Grenny.

    Since a so-so (or worse) appraisal in your HR file could unfairly block you from bigger career opportunities down the road, "you need to calmly set the record straight" about specific comments or complaints you believe are inaccurate, says Grenny.

    Also ask your boss to go into detail about what he or she needs from you. Try to get insights into how this manager defines a job well done, says Grenny, and be prepared to do more listening than talking.

    Grenny also advises: "Ask for more frequent feedback -- maybe even once a week -- so you can make course corrections if needed, long before your next formal evaluation."

'Something shady (or illegal) is going on'

    Let's hope you never work for a Bernie Madoff type. But if you discover bad deeds are happening in your company, what can you do? Say nothing to your boss, and you risk seeming complicit in the wrongdoing. Speak up and you could earn that dreaded label, "not a team player."

    Luckily, you can be a whistleblower without blowing your career, says Grenny. You'll need to be diplomatic, though.

    "Start the conversation by sharing your good intentions and stressing that you have the boss's best interest in mind," Grenny suggests. "Explain the negative consequences you think will follow if the behavior continues." After all, bilking customers, deceiving investors, and other dodgy practices have been known to destroy companies, taking thousands of careers straight down the tubes. Remember Enron?

1770309616 發表于 2013-11-28 08:14:28
















    If your boss pooh-poohs your worries ("This is how we've always done it"), or even retaliates against you (goodbye, raise), take your concerns upstairs.

    "At that point, it's appropriate to approach your boss's boss," Grenny says. "But, so you don't seem to be going behind your boss's back, suggest that the three of you meet together."

    What if the rot seems to go all the way up the organization chart? In that case, start looking for a new job.

'I'm not getting what I need to do the job'

    If you're coping with outdated equipment, vintage software, pointless paperwork, unrealistic deadlines, or a perennial shortage of skilled support staff, it's much harder to work efficiently. And you may blame your boss for being unsupportive or just clueless.

    Don't charge into your boss's office when you're completely fed up with the situation, though, says Grenny. Instead, schedule a meeting, and keep in mind that your boss is almost certainly not trying to make you miserable.

    "Start the conversation with curiosity rather than anger," Grenny suggests. So the boss isn't tempted to tune you out, avoid accusatory, judgmental, or inflammatory language.

    Instead, calmly describe the gap between the support you need and the support you're getting, Grenny advises.

    "Explain why you're concerned, with emphasis on your common goals," he says. "Next, invite dialogue. Your boss may see the problem differently. If you're open to others' points of view, they'll be more open to yours."

'Your strategy is ridiculous'

    Ever think, "If I were in charge around here, we'd go in a whole different direction..."? The safest option, of course, is to keep that opinion entirely to yourself.

    But if your corporate culture encourages debate and consensus, respectfully disagreeing can pay off. Just make sure it's clear you have the best intentions for doing so, Grenny says.

    "You want to establish up front that, far from trying to undermine your boss, you're offering a different viewpoint that might help," he says.

    It's not so much what you say as how you say it, Grenny notes. So tread softly and ask lots of questions. Lay out facts supporting your view that a given plan won't work, then keep reassuring your boss that your goal is to help the whole team succeed.

    Tactfully taking issue with the status quo shows you care, Grenny points out, so "the result of your openness could be a greater openness on your boss's part as well." Here's hoping.

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