簡述:LTC3108是高度集成的升壓型 DC/DC 轉換器,該器件專為在采用極低輸入電壓電源的情況下啟動和運行而設計,例如:熱電發生器(TEG)、熱電堆和小型太陽能電池。其自諧振拓撲從低至 20mV 的輸入電壓升壓。可以獲取并使用小的溫差來產生系統電源,而不必使用傳統的電池電源。 基本特點: LTC3108 采用一個小外形的升壓變換器,可提供一款面向無線檢測和數據采集應用的完整電源管理解決方案。2.2V LDO 負責給一個外部微處理器供電,而主輸出則設置為 4 種固定電壓之一,用于為一個無線發送器或傳感器供電。當主輸出電壓處于調節狀態時,電源良好指示器將發出指示信號。第二個輸出可以由主機來使能。一個存儲電容器在沒有可用的輸入電壓電源時用于提供所需的電源。極低的靜態電流和高效率設計可確保輸出存儲電容器擁有盡可能最快的充電時間。 ![]() 從 20mV 的輸入工作 完整的能量收集電源管理系統 - 可選的 VOUT:2.35V、3.3V、4.1V 或 5V - LDO:2.2V (在 3mA) - 邏輯控制的輸出 - 保存能量輸出 電源良好指示器 采用緊湊的升壓型變壓器 小外形 12 引腳 (3mm x 4mm) DFN 或 16 引腳 SSOP 封裝 方案特點: Demonstration Circuit 1582B featuring the LTC3108 is a highly integrated DC/DC converter optimized for harvesting and managing energy from extremely low input voltage sources such as thermoelectric generators (TEG). The step-up topology operates from input voltages as low as 20mV. The DC 1582B Demonstration Circuit has been optimized for low start-up voltage with a 100:1 turns ratio transformer. For application where it is desirable to trade-off a higher start-up voltage for higher current, a lower turns ratio transformer can be used. Refer to the LTC3108 datasheet for more information. The LTC3108 is designed to accumulate and manage energy over a long period of time to enable short bursts of power to be used to acquire and transmit data. The burst must occur at a low enough duty cycle such that the total output energy during the burst does not exceed the average source power integrated over the accumulation time between bursts. 參考原理圖: ![]() 參考pcb圖: ![]() 詳情請參考: ![]() (網絡) |