3)下面這段話是我從USB 1.1協議文本的8.3.5節中抄下來的,這里也明確寫明初始化為全'1',和數據高位先參與計算的原則:
For CRC generation and checking, the shift registers in the generator and checker are seeded with an all ones
pattern. For each data bit sent or received, the high order bit of the current remainder is XORed with
the data bit and then the remainder is shifted left one bit and the low-order bit set to zero. If the result of
that XOR is one, then the remainder is XORed with the generator polynomial.
我相信你還可以從網上搜索出很多這樣的說明,我無法評判網上那些程序的正確性,但我可以證明我給出的程序是正確的。 |