What is a “routine”? A routine is an individual method or procedure invocable for a single purpose. Examples include a function in C++, a method in Java,a function or sub procedure in Microsoft Visual Basic. For some uses, macros in C andC++ can also be thought of as routines. You can apply many of the techniques for creatinga high-quality routine to these variants.
in computing, software code that reacts to an event or specializes in a type of data:
* Handler, an asynchronous callback subroutine in computing
* Handler, a particular class of service process in DNIX
* A20 handler, the IBM PC memory manager software controlling access to the High Memory Area
* event handler
* interrupt handler
* signal handler作者: 宇宙飛船 時間: 2009-9-19 16:42
program 泛指一般的程序,包含所有的程序。
routine 通常是指在PDF 文檔中給出的例程。
subroutine 被主程序調用的子程序。
handler 微軟的DOS系統中加載到內存中的程序名,以此來識別內存中的各個程序的首地址。
process 操作系統加載用戶應用程序時,在內存中的名字標記,調用一個進程相當于執行了一個任務。
function 相當于匯編中調用call的子程序,在源碼中的子程序才能叫做函數。不能被OS直接調用。
code 指所有編碼方面的,包括硬件中(例如,RS232 的碼率是多少) 和軟碼中的編寫的程序代碼。
source 特別是指軟件中的源程序編碼。