標題: 關于CR5000快捷鍵的設置——回seazh2004站內消息 [打印本頁] 作者: riverpeak 時間: 2010-11-19 14:29 標題: 關于CR5000快捷鍵的設置——回seazh2004站內消息 原文如下:
請問高手,在cr5000的原理圖和pcb中怎樣使用快捷鍵調出操作,比如在sd中是否有快捷鍵可以直接從當前狀態退出,直接進入input net ,place component。bd同上。快捷鍵的鍵值操作是否可以修改,比如放大用shitf+ +,可否改成+,若可以應該在何處修改。軟件是否自帶快捷鍵的解說文檔,那里可以找到。謝謝阿,剛從protel轉到cr5000,用的相當不爽阿。
Protel轉成CR5000你還不爽?真服了你啦。等你用熟就知道不是一個數量級的軟件。作者: riverpeak 時間: 2010-11-19 14:32
Contents defined by customizing are stored in the customize resource file.
In customized environment, there are 'user environment' in which a general user performs, 'program environment' in which a system administrator can be performs, and 'project environment' that supports the environment variable CR5_PROJECT_ROOT.
Contents defined for each environment are stored in the following customize resource file.
User environment : $HOME/cr5000/pls/custom/cmacro.rsc
Project environment : $CR5_PROJECT_ROOT/zpls/info/custom/cmacro.rsc
Program environment : $ZPLSROOT/info/custom/cmacro.rsc
User environment : $HOME/cr5000/pms/custom/cmacro.rsc
Project environment : $CR5_PROJECT_ROOT/zpms/info/custom/cmacro.rsc
Program environment : $ZPMSROOT/info/custom/cmacro.rsc
To change among User environment, Project environment, and Program environment, click the [Env.Settings] button and the following dialog box appears to operate it. The environment set on the [Env.Settings] dialog box is the target to edit for customizing.
The customize resource file is loaded in the following priority:
User environment > Project environment > Program environment (Left is prior to right.)
(When there are the same key settings for key mapping, the setting in the prior environment is effective.)
When loading a resource file in changing the environment on the [Env.Settings] dialog box, the environment that has been set on the [Env.Settings] dialog box and the one that has lower priority than it are the target to load. (When setting Project environment on the [Env.Settings] dialog box, Project environment and Program environment are the target to load.)
However, this operation of changing environment is allowed only to the system administrator. (After all, 'Program environment' and 'Project environment' are the environments in which only the system administrator can operate.)
If you are a general user, the [Env.Settings] button is not displayed on the dialog box.作者: riverpeak 時間: 2010-11-19 14:39
幫助文件所在: D:\cr5000\help\eng\bd.chm
關于軟件設置的問題,這個你不要輕易修改,這個軟件的環境設置非常麻煩,但是設置好了,一切都非常方便。你能靜心看一下軟件默認的快捷鍵,然后熟悉一段時間后,就順手了,放大縮小用+ - ,上下左右以移動用分別用小鍵盤的 8 2 4 6