標題: Single-chip microcomputer [打印本頁]
作者: 半米陽光 時間: 2014-4-10 22:53
標題: Single-chip microcomputer
1. the introduction of the singlechipmicrocomputer
The singlechip is one kindof integrated circuit chip, which uses the ultra large-scale technology and hasthe data-handling capacity (for example arithmetic operation, logic operation,data transfer, interrupt processing) the microprocessor (CPU), random accessdata-carrier storage (RAM), read-only program memory (ROM), input outputcircuit (I/O), possibly also includes fixed time the counter, serial passesunguardedly (SCI), demonstration actuation electric circuit (LCD or LEDactuation electric circuit), pulse-duration modulation electric circuit (PWM),simulation multichannel switch and A/Electric circuit and so on D switchintegrates to together the monolith chip on, constitutes to be smallest thecomputer system which however consummates. These electric circuits can underthe software control accurate, be rapid, highly effective complete the proceduredesigner preset the duty. From this looked that, singlechip has the functionwhich the microprocessor does not have, it may alone complete theintellectualization control function which the modern industry controlrequests, this is singlechip biggest characteristic. However singlechip also isdifferent with the single trigger, the chip before the development, it only hasthe function greatly strengthened ultra large scale integrated circuit, ifentrusts with it the specific procedure, it then is youngest, the integritymicrocomputer control system, it (PC machine) has the essential difference withthe single trigger or the personal computing, singlechip application belongs tothe chip level application, needs the user to understand singlechip chip thestructure and the command system as well as other integrated circuitapplication technologies and the system design need theory and technology, withsuch specific chip design application procedure, thus causes this chip to havethe specific function.
The different singlechip hasthe different hardware characteristic and the software characteristic, namelytheir technical characteristic is different, the hardware characteristic isdecided by singlechip chip internal structure, the user must use some kind ofsinglechip, must understand whether this product does satisfy thecharacteristic target which the need the function and the application systemrequests. Here technical characteristic including function characteristic,control characteristic and electrical specification and so on, theseinformation needs to obtain from in theproduction merchant technical manual.The software characteristic is refers to the command system characteristic andthe development support environment, the instruction characteristic is singlechipaddressing way which we is familiar with, the data processing and the logicalprocessing way, input-output characteristic and to power source request and soon. The development support environment is compatible and the probabilityincluding the instruction, supports the software (to contain may supportdevelopment application procedure software resources) and the hardwareresources. Must use some model singlechip to develop own application system,master its structure characteristic and the technical characteristic is that weneed.. Singlechip control system could substitute for before uses controlsystem which the complex electronic circuit or the digital circuit constituted,might the software control realizes, and could realize the intellectualization,now singlechip control category omnipresent, for example correspondenceproduct, domestic electric appliances, intelligent instrument measuringappliance, process control and special-purpose control device and so on,singlechip application domain was more and more widespread. Indeed, singlechipapplication significance is far is not restricted in its application categoryor from this the economic efficiency which brings, it fundamentally changed thetraditional control method and the design thought more importantly. Is controlstechnical a revolution, is an important milestone.
2.The MCU’s development outline
In 1946 first electronicaccounting machine birth until now, only then 50 years, depends uponmicroelectronic technology and the semiconductor technology progress, from theelectron tube - transistor- integrated circuit - large scale integratedcircuit, now together on the chip definitely may integrate several million evenmore than ten million transistor, causes the computer volume slightly, the functionis stronger. Specially in the nearly 20 years time, computer technologyobtained the rapid development, the computer in the industry and agriculture,the scientific research, the education, the national defense and the aerospacedomain has obtained the widespread application, computer technology already wasa national modern science and technology level important symbol.
Singlechip is born in the20th century 70's, looks like F8 monolithic microcomputer which FairchidCorporation develops. The so-called singlechip is uses the large scaleintegrated circuit technology the central processing element (Center ProcessingUnit, Also is Chang Cheng CPU) and the data-carrier storage (RAM), theprogrammemory (ROM) and other I/O passes integrates unguardedly on together the chip,constitutes a smallest computer system, but modern singlechip then has added onthe severance unit, fixed time unit and A/D transformation and so on morecomplex, more perfect electric circuit, causes singlechip the function more andmore formidable, the application is more widespread.
The 20th century 70's,microelectronic technology is being at the development phase, the integratedcircuit belongs to the scale development time, each kind of new material newcraft not yet mature, singlechip still occupied the primary development phase,the part integration scale also quite small, the function quite was simple,CPU, RAM had generally has also included some simple I/O integrates to the chipon, looks like Farichild Corporation to belong to this type, it also must bejoined to the periphery other processing electric circuits just now toconstitute the integrity the computing system. The similar singlechip also hasZilog Corporation the Z80 microprocessor. In 1976 INTEL Corporation haspromoted the MCS-48 singlechip, this time singlechip is the genuine 8monolithic microcomputers, and pushes to the market. It is young by the volume,function entire, the price has lowly won the widespread application, has laidthe foundation for singlechip development, becomes in singlechip history theimportant milestone. Under the MCS-48 leadership, after that, each bigsemiconductor company developed and has developed own singlechip one afteranother, looked like Zilog Corporation the Z8 series.
To the beginning of the80's, singlechip has developed to the high performance stage, looks like INTELCorporation the MCS-51 series, Motorola Corporation 6,801 and 6,802 series,Rokwell Corporation 6,501 and 6,502 series and so on, In addition,Japan's famouselectrical company NEC and HITACHI all one after another developed had oneselfcharacteristic the special-purpose singlechip. The 80's, world each big companycompetes to develop the variety multi-purpose strong singlechip, someseveraldozens series, more than 300 varieties, this time singlechip belongsapproximately truely monolithic, mostly integrated CPU, RAM, ROM, number manyI/O connection, many kinds of interruption system, even also has some to bringA/D switch singlechip, function more and more formidable, RAM and ROM capacityalso more and more big, the addressing space even may reach 64kB, may say,singlechip developed to a brand-new stage, the application domain has beenmorewidespread, many domestic electric appliances moved towards the intellectualizeddevelopment path which controlled using singlechip. After 1982, 16 singlechipsare published, represent the product are INTEL Corporation's MCS-96 series, 16singlechips compare 8 machine, the data width increased a time, real-timeprocessing ability stronger, the basic frequency is higher, the integrationrate had achieved 120,000 transistors, RAM increased to 232 bytes, ROM then hasachieved 8kB, and had 8 interrupt sources, at the same time has disposedmultichannel A/D transformation channel, high speed I/The O processing unit, issuitable for the more complex control system.
After 90's, singlechip obtained the rapiddevelopment, the world each big semiconductor company has developed a functionmore formidable singlechip one after another. American Microchip Corporationhad issued one kind of incompatible MCS-51 new generation of PIC seriessinglechip, has aroused the field widespread interest completely, its productonly then 33 simplified the set of instructions to attract many users specially,caused the people to concentrate from the INTEL 111 complex instructions. ThePIC singlechip has obtained the fast development, holds the small space in thefield. The afterwards matter, the familiar singlechip public figures quite havebeen all clear, more monolithic aircraft types pour out, MOTOROLA Corporationhad issued one after another the MC68HC series singlechip, Japan's severalfamous companies all developed a performance stronger product, but Japan'ssinglechip used in generally the special-purpose systems control, but did notlook like company and so on INTEL puts in to the market forms the generalsinglechip. For example NEC Corporation produces the uCOM87 series singlechip,its representative works uPC7811 is one kind of performance quite outstandingsinglechip. MOTOROLA Corporation's characteristic and so on MC68HC05 series itshigh speed low price has won many users. Zilog Corporation's Z8 series productrepresentative works are Z8671, contains BASIC the Debug interpreter, enormousplace then user. But American country half COP800 series singlechip then usesthe advanced Harvard structure. ATMEL Corporation then perfectly unifiessinglechip technology and the advanced Flash memory technology, has issued theperformance quite outstanding AT89 series singlechip. Including company and soon China's Taiwan HOLTEK and WINBOND in abundance has also joined singlechipdevelopment ranks, by reason of their inexpensive superiority, shares cup ofbeautiful thick soup.In 1990 American INTEL Corporation promoted 80,960 super32 singlechips to cause the computer stir, the product has put in the marketone after another, became in singlechip history an important milestone. Thisperiod, in singlechip field, singlechip variety extraordinary splendour, competesto be the most unusual. Some 8, 16 even 32 machine, but 8 singlechips by itsprice inexpensive, the variety complete, the application software rich, thesupport environment were still full, characteristic and so on developmentconvenience but are occupying the dominant position. But INTEL Corporation byreason of their abundant technology, the performance outstanding type and thegood foundation, at present was still singlechip mainstream product. Only isthe 90's intermediate stages, INTEL Corporation is busy is developing theirpersonal computing microprocessor, not the enough energy continued singlechiptechnology which develops oneself creates leads, but by company and so onPHILIPS continues to develop the C51 series singlechip.
3.Singlechip application domain
Singlechip widely applies inthe instrument measuring appliance, the domestic electric appliances, themedical equipment, domain and so on aerospace, special purpose equipmentintellectualized management and process control, may divide the followingseveral categories approximately:
(1). On intelligentinstrument measuring appliance application
Singlechip has the volumesmall, the power loss low, the control function strong, the expansion isnimble, merit and so on microminiaturization and easy to operate, widelyapplies in the instrument measuring appliance, the union different type sensor,may realize such as physical quantity the and so on voltage, power, frequency,humidity, temperature, current capacity, speed, thickness, angle, length, degreeof hardness, element, pressure survey. Uses singlechip control to cause theinstrument measuring appliance digitization, the intellectualization, themicrominiaturization, also the function compares uses the electron or thedigital circuit is more formidable. For example precise measurement equipment(dynamometer, oscilloscope, each kind of analyzer).
(2). In industry controlapplication
May constitute the variousformats control system, the data acquisition system with singlechip. Forexample the factory assembly line intellectualized management, the elevatorintellectualization control, each kind of alarm system, constitutes two cascadecontrol systems with the computer networking and so on.
(3).In domestic electricappliances application
May say like this that, the present domestic electric appliancesbasically have all used singlechip control, praised, the washer, the electricrefrigerator, the air conditioner, the color television, other acoustic videofrequency equipments from the electricity food, again to the electronicweighting equipment, all kinds of, omnipresent.
(4).In computer network and correspondence domain application
Of the modern singlechip hasthe correspondence connection generally, may very conveniently and the computercarries on the data communication,for provided the extremely good physicalconditions application in between the computer network and the communicationfacility, the present communication facility basically has all realizedsinglechip intelligence control, from the handset, the telephone, the smallprogram controlled switch, the building automatic correspondence ringingsystem, the train wireless correspondence, again the mobile phone whicheverywhere to the routine work in, the colony mobile communication, radiointercom and so on.
(5).Singlechip in medicalequipment domain application
Singlechip quite is alsowidespread inmedical equipment use, for example medical life-support machine,each kind of analyzer, , ultrasound diagnosis equipment and hospital bedringing system and so on. In addition, singlechip in the industry and commerce,the finance, the scientific research, the education, domain and so on nationaldefense aerospace all has the extremely widespread use.
4.Singlechip development tendency
Now may say singlechip wasall flowers blooms together, the time which hundred school of thoughtcontended, in the world each big chip manufacture company has all promoted ownsinglechip, from 8, 16 to 32, innumerable, had everything expected to find, hascompatibly with the mainstream C51 series, also had not not compatibly, butthey unique, became mutually supplementarily, provided the broad world forsinglechip application. Looks over singlechip developing process, may indicatesinglechip development tendency, has approximately:
(1). Low power loss CMOS
The MCS-51 series 8,031promotes when the power loss reaches 630mW, but the present singlechip allabout 100mW, along with more and more is generally low to singlechip power lossrequest, the present each singlechip manufacturer basic has all used CMOS(complementary metal oxide semiconductor craft). Looked like
80C51 to use HMOS (namely high density metaloxide compound semiconductor craft) and CHMOS (supplementary high density metaloxide compound semiconductor craft). CMOS although power loss low, but becauseits physical characteristic decides its working speed insufficiently high, butCHMOS then had has been high speed and the low power loss characteristic, thesecharacteristics, suited in are requesting the low power loss likely batterypower supply the application situation. Therefore this kind of craft will bethe main way which the next section of times singlechip will develop.
(2). Miniature monolithic
Now the conventional singlechip all is generally thecentral processor (CPU), the random access data storage (RAM), the read-onlyprogram memory (ROM), parallel and the serial communication connection, theinterruption system, the timing circuit, the clock electric circuit integrationon together the sole chip, the enlargement mode singlechip integrated likeA/The D switch, PMW (pulse-duration modulation electric circuit), WDT(watch-dog), some singlechips (liquid crystal) actuate LCD the electric circuitall to integrate on the sole chip, such singlechip contains unit electriccircuit more, the function is more formidable. Even singlechip merchant alsomay act according to the user requiremnet the body custom make, makes hasoneself characteristic singlechip chip. In addition, present product universaldemand volume small, weight light, this requests singlechip strong and thepower loss is low besides the function, but also requests its volume to have tobe small. Present many singlechips all have the many kinds of seals form, SMD(superficial seal) more and more receives welcome, to enable the system whichconstitutes by singlechip towards the microminiaturized direction to develop.
(3).Mainstream and multi- varieties coexistence
Now although singlechip variety is many, unique, but still as the coresinglechip occupies the mainstream take 80C51, the compatible its structure and the commandsystem have PHILIPS Corporation the product, the ATMEL Corporation's productand the Chinese Taiwan's Winbond series singlechip. Therefore C8051 was thecore singlechip occupied the half of the country. But Microchip Corporation'sPIC simplified the set of instructions (RISC) also to have the strongdevelopment tendency, the Chinese Taiwan's HOLTEK Corporation recent yearssinglechip output grows day by day, if the low price nature superiorsuperiority, occupied a certain market minute volume. In addition also hasMOTOROLA Corporation the product, the Japaneseseveral big companies'special-purpose singlechips. In the certain time, this kind of situation willbe able to continue, will not have the monopoly aspect which some singlechipunified, will walk will be depends on for existence supplementarily, willcomplement one another, the communal development path.
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